everyone stop QQ

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by IdontDps, Feb 5, 2014.

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  1. IdontDps Committed Player

    every power gets nerfed ok...we cant spam out rage who cares stop making threads trying to get other powers nerfed unless we want every power dps wise to go down the electricity route so can we please stop,and ban together to get powers buffed up/revamped instead of nerfed? ;)
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  2. The Johnny army New Player

    I'm keeping an eye on you... :cool:
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  3. IdontDps Committed Player

    lol i take back what i said its exactly better now
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  4. razor Red New Player

    See my signature for a response.
  5. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    Don't QQ about people making QQ threads :cool:
  6. IdontDps Committed Player

    how am i QQ?
  7. IdontDps Committed Player

    celestial is good but easily beatable and photon is only op in pvp with a ht mod
  8. deltablues New Player

  9. IdontDps Committed Player

    eh? QQ means cry
  10. Feenicks New Player

    Banned for QQing.

    Dammit! Wrong thread again!!!!!
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  11. IdontDps Committed Player

    everyone i know this sounds strange but if we do that thing we rarely do called Work Together we can bring weak low tier powers up instead of bring high tier powers down because when you nerf something the next power to come will seem a bit OP....
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  12. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    *sarcasm* :)
  13. Kharhaz Committed Player

    I miss the oldies... QQ

    I miss Emlyn Hughes..

    I miss the Bee Gees...

    and cheers...

    dammit I cant stop !

    I miss paramount comedy channel...

    and MTV when it had music...

    and football when tackles where valid....

    and the mega drive..

    and UNIRALLY actually this one is true ! HOW AWESOME WAS THIS GAME??
  14. IdontDps Committed Player

  15. Feenicks New Player

    I miss Firefly, Original Star Trek, and fire being an awesome DPS.
  16. razor Red New Player

    Celestial being beatable isn't the problem the problem is it can do tons of damage in very little time with very little power and no hard work. powers like Ice,fire,electric,earth,sorcery, and quantum can not. People are tired of being kicked from groups for being the "lesser power".

    As for photon blast not only is it cheesy in PvP but now in pve there are gadget dps that don't really know how to play so they spam intimidate>photon blast and manage to get through while us "lower class dps" get kicked for just being the power we are.
  17. JonnyD New Player

    When you're sick of QQ threads, you don't post another one...this isn't QQception...
  18. Derio 15000 Post Club

    This is not a time for nerfs, This looks like a job for Buff man.

    Buffman is the great computer superhero that goes around buffing powers during hotfixes. He buffed celestial healing, He buffed sorcery, and he can buff electricity,earth, and fire.

    However sadly his artifact was destroyed because some noob heroes couldnt save the artifact in the Nexus of Reality, leading to us living lives with Nerfman ruling the universe.
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  19. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Photon Blast is useless without empowered channeling (and maybe escalating might)... nerfing it would be a mistake.
    It's not viable until you have Boost 2 unlocked for your HomeTurf Mods.
    It's single target, has a very long cast time, is not clip-able and without empowered channeling leaves you very vulnerable to interrupt / counter
    Soders, Trinkets, the Home Turf mod 'escalating might' mod or a 'supply drop' can make it seem OP, but those things effect any power.

    You can't spam it or you blow though more power than a troller can provide... it costs a lot of power to use.

    Do you actually use Gadgets or are you drawing conclusions based on what you see with other players?

    Rather than asking for a nerf to a power because some naive people try to spam it - you might consider the effect on people who use the power properly as part of a rotation.

    I'm sorry people kick you, but nerfing power sets will not help that.
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  20. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    I think power is the issue, might based power sets need to have better ways to regen power....sort similar to tanks and healing.
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