DC needs a hard expansion

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Fanatic, Jan 5, 2014.

  1. Fanatic New Player

    Hey all. I play a lot of MMOs' and I love this game. What do y'all think of a hard expansion? For example like an expansion where we pay $30 - $40 and we get a whole new area, new tier sets of armor, new quests, and the BIG new thing.....increase level cap to 40!

    Tell me what you think. I am kinda getting tired of these small DLCs.....
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  2. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Given the fact that the folks around here get restless and slightly unruly when those small DLCs get delayed, I can't see the wait over a full-blown, typical MMO expansion going over very well.

    Level cap increase is pretty questionable too, considering the use of CR for advancement after you hit level 30. The advancement is already there, the devs just took a different path for it.
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  3. bull425 Well-Known Player

    Anything is possible I suppose. But isn't the real problem precluding anything like this support for the PS3. I might sound bad for saying this, but I think they should end support for that if it limits the game. I play on PC by the way. I don't have anything against the PS3 players, just saying that the requirements for anything like you are suggesting are probably beyond the PS3.
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  4. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    Ya so the devs can take even longer? No thanks.

    Hey devs you should hurry up a bit :)
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  5. GeoShock New Player

    No, I like the expansions the way they are.
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  6. GeoShock New Player

    They should take longer with the dlc's, maybe we would not get tens of bugs and glitches every time.
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  7. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    Lmao you know that will never happen. Can't wait to see what's the next big glitch is.
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  8. Doc Holliday New Player

    You mean your tired of the same old rehashed content with different skins lol?

    Silly customer, "you pays your money and you takes ya chances."-Joker from the vault talking about DCUO.
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  9. Fanatic New Player

    Why do you think ppl play WoW for ten years now other than a mostly bug free game? Big expansions that greatly change the game. A change of pace would be a big expansion and increased level cap. These new powers and new instances are cool but honesty other than that the DLCs are pretty weak. I want more content.
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  10. METT-TC New Player

    agreed. Expansion and New UI...ASAP
  11. myandria Item Storage

    Hmm...although the online DLC's have their usefulness, I can see a hard game update in the future after the PS3 is no longer supported by Sony and game developers. Of course, that will take a good while, but it will also allow the devs to figure out which way they want to go with the game and how to take advantage of the PS4's graphics power.
  12. Feenicks New Player

    In another MMO I play they have these campaigns......kind of an expansion. They have what they call boons that increase certain stats of your choice as you complete certain tasks. I'd be all for an expansion of some sort for this game.
  13. xTheRevengerx New Player

    I think its fine personally
  14. Fanatic New Player

    With a hard expansion all they need to do is add on to Gotham or metropolis with new areas, scenery, investiagtions, briefings, quests, etc.
  15. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    I'd rather see DCUO2 than a hard expansion, to be honest.

    What they do now is fine. DLC every 3 months is better than nothing for 12 months (or whatever). Can you imagine if we had to wait until whenever DLC9 is launched to see everything we've seen in the past 12 months? It'd be very painful...
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  16. Fanatic New Player

    The DLCs are ok, but not great. I played Guild Wars 2 up until about a month ago and their model is small DLCs every month. It's ok but again pretty weak. Something SOE needs to try once. Look at WoW they got it down.
  17. Fanatic New Player

    DCUO2 would be awesome
  18. Scott Zyur New Player

    i agree that a larger expansion would be nice. Something that combines everything they give from a large group DLC and a small group DLC. But i think a level cap increase would be a bad idea simply because i don't see the point of it. Each tier gives us plenty of stat boosts from gear and there are only 6 slots for powers on your bar. The only issue with power points is being able to dual spec but with armories coming out that won't be a problem anymore.

    From my experience a level cap increase can also completely ruin a game. I played FFXI when the level cap was 75. Naturally all content was balanced around that and all endgame content was being run. FFXIV was on the verge of being released and SE released the 3 Abyssea expansions for FFXI. This included a gradual level cap increase to 99. The problem was that due to a system in game called level correction (basically how much damage you give and take / if you can hit or be hit by enemies, determined by your level compared to what you were fighting) made all previous content soloable. All the best gear also came from abyssea so older end-game content wasn't being run and leveling was made easier than ever resulting in low level gear becoming non existent on the auction house.

    If the devs do it right they might be able to pull off a level cap but i would say its best to just stay away from it and continue with what they have going. Not every MMO needs to be like WoW.
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  19. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    You have the next 9 DLC's accounted for War of the Light. Amazonian Fury, and whatever the working title is for the Darksied theme. At 4 DLC's a year that's the next two and half year development cycle. Not counting if they throw in a PVP DLC or a surprise they have yet to mention DLC (like say a legends PVE DLC, please I love DCUO so I want to play as a Black Adam, Shazam, Doomsday, Flash, green arrow, raven, death stroke).

    So more likely three years. Each of the major DLC's will be released in three parts

    War of the Light - 3 DLC's - 9.99 ea- 29.97
    Amazon Fury - 3 DLC's - 9.99 ea - 29.97
    Darksejd - 3 DLC 's - 9.99 ea - 29.97

    Over three years three major expansions, released in 3 parts each.

    That amounts to your one year 30 - 40 dollar idea only getting it piecemeal instead of whole.
  20. Fanatic New Player

    We'll see got no interest in war of light part 1 and don't care for rage.