Rushing to end game and skipping content

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by neidler, Jan 5, 2014.

  1. neidler New Player

    I was just skimming through the forums and it got me thinking about all the people rushing to get to the end game content. On one hand it makes me think about how me and alot of other people who got the game at launch have had a slow progression and have been though every bit of content in the game and its only natural for us to be at the bleeding edge of the game as it stands.
    Then I think of people who have been playing for a short period of time and are upset that they cant complete nexus wave ect..
    I think its only right that some who has just hit 30 isnt able to beat the highest end content a week or even a month later be they legendary or not.
    It had me thinking to over the years all the other games ive played from the elder scroll series to fallout to diablo 2 to ff 7 the list goes on and on where you have to steadily climb and build and scratch and claw.
    So with the length of this game and the fact its getting longer with each new dlc it only makes sense in my mind that that it should take a while to get to end game.
    Its the whole journey not destination thing.
    This thread came about cause this guy I have been helpin gear up and get feats was ready to quit because he went into nexuse and was ridiculed and belittled while I dont condon that kind of behavior I didnt feel much pity for him as two or three days ago he wasnt even full t4 and had a cr of around 79 and I out dpsed him prime in healer role and out dps him all the time.
    Thats really my point people rush ahead and try to do stuff way before they are ready and get upset and possibly quit because they cant do it.
    Its that kind of impatience and unwilling ness to but in time to grind that hurts the population of the game and is a big reason I think you dont see tons of people running all t1-4 Alerts as much as t5.
    Also calling people names and being an over a hole just because someone doesnt play a video game as much as you or had the game as long is weak.
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  2. Monty New Player

    LOL NOOB!!!
    JK of course I completely agree with you.
  3. aganusn New Player

    "This thread came about cause this guy I have been helpin gear up and get feats was ready to quit because he went into nexuse and was ridiculed and belittled while I dont condon that kind of behavior I didnt feel much pity for him as two or three days ago he wasnt even full t4 and had a cr of around 79 and I out dpsed him prime in healer role and out dps him all the time."

    Then this is where actually teach him to play instead of gearing him up. If people will listen, show them stuff so they see.

    I've stopped everyone in a Pug to physically show a guy how to clip attacks with my character. I asked him what power he was and I suggested what to clip what with etc. That's what you have to do sometimes, because gear doesn't make people better obviously. It just increases their stats, like popping a Nitro cola....
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  4. neidler New Player

    You know your absolutely right and thats what I was tryin to do bring him along slowly takin him in duos and that tellin him the strategies to some things where to farm for rare loot the whole nine.

    I just feel like alot of the strategies I learned going through the alerts raids and what not are lost now because they are not needed when we as vets just go into low level stuff and pillage and burn it lol.
    hmm justs make one think.
  5. Minx New Player

    Some people like the scenic route, others just want to get there. If they find the game worth the trip, they'll be patient thru the lay-overs and realize getting there takes more than a direct flight.
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  6. Star Ember New Player

    So where's the TSA fit into this analogy?

    Seriously though, every lower tier raid / alert / whatever I do, I try to teach the people at that level the proper method of doing the instance.
    Failing that, I'll try to pull them aside afterwards and instruct them. Not everyone takes my advice, but it's all I can do to improve everyone's enjoyment in the long run
  7. myandria Item Storage

    Hmm..well... in my opinon, the game design of DCUO is geared specifically for players who want the best game experience in the shortest amount of time. And, since it seems to fit the mindset of many players (fast in, fast out) this game formula is not going anywhere anytime soon.
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  8. Mini Lini Loyal Player

    As long as the game as Walk-Ins, you'll always see this. If anything, it's just going to get worst now with synthetic mods allowing people to boost their CR even faster without actually doing anything besides getting run through Gates.

    Though unless Replays somehow sell less, SOE won't give a second look to its game's life-span over their stack of fast money.
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  9. Celph Level 30

    I agree, however i'm glad that people have the option to get into the newer content faster if they are willing to pay for it. The way I see it at the end of the day a bad player is going to be bad regardless of what they're running or what gear they're in. Some people are just better at games than others. Perhaps i'm biased because I am a replay junkie but i'm also very good at what I do. Although, I have a feeling most players don't do their research by looking up guides and watching how an instance is run before they decide to jump into it (which is the real problem).

    Just keep in mind not all new players are bad at the game =)
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  10. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    The only time i don't mind people skipping tiers is if they are doing it on a alt . but i hate it when new people just skip content rushing to get to the end game. Weather you like it or not you need skill points to help you out in the end game content. But when your rushing content on a alt you can just buy feats from your main (soon)
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  11. LORD_SHOCKA New Player

    1. I like having more people available to run the newest content with.
    2. I do wish they all had more skill and experience, but a body is a body.
    3. Once your t5 you can solo most t4 and lower content, so then can go back and get easy sp.
    4. Theres never going to be enough people on to have a nice spread of players for each tier of content.
    5. If lower tier people cant q with anyone they give up and quit the game.
    6. People skip, join the crowd, then do as they please, which helps in ways, but also hurts in ways.
    Its tough to please everyone without making people quit.
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  12. Minx New Player

    Lol...that was a page ripped out of the Breakforce Philosophy of ..."What makes no sense, makes perfect sense."
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  13. RSL New Player

    it would be nice if they DID go back and get SP but you never see them shouting for old content. they only want to get to the top then ***** about how boring it is now or how hard nexus/paradox are.
  14. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    A portion of our community is at fault here. That portion pushes people to gear faster by asking for 80+ in FOS raids, and some have even reported people asking for 90+ to run Khandaq... If people were not kicking others because their "CR is too low for this content" when their CR exceeds the content requirements sometimes substantially, people would not feel pressured to reach end-game so quickly.

    Just to give an example with my Controller alt: I was nearly kicked out of With A Vengeance due to having a vitalization of 1100 a couple months ago. I know my role well with the double ticking, instant power spamming, and debuffing/crowd controlling where appropriate, but I still went out and farmed Raven with Replay Badges to gear up my controller faster and provide security to staying in Tier 3 and Tier 4 instances with 1600+ vitalization.
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  15. Minnion Devoted Player

    So then... You're saying the problem is that some would rather learn by doing and from the advice of their fellow players in game, than go and check the walkthrough online before they get stuck...?(Or is the problem that there are those who feel that this is a nessisary step to learning the instance at all?)

    So yeah, and it might even be self sustaining now... (Where the newbies that skipped content are now in a position to help others skip content, and since that is how they got through the content telling them that doing so just results in bad players being worse won't really fix it since they won't listen.)
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  16. LORD_SHOCKA New Player

    Luckily my leaguemates and a few guys i know have taken the time to go baxk and do that. If they were to complain and had <70 sp then id ignore them or just never be friends with them in the first place. I loved grinding on my first toon though it was only a year ago, i like the variety and the challenge o all the different alerts and duos.
  17. neidler New Player

    Man thats a scary thought but what if anything can be done to encourage people to learn the fundamentals
  18. Celph Level 30

    No no I'm sorry if that's how it came across, I completely understand and agree some people learn better by doing rather than by watching a video or reading a how to guide. The problem I was referring to was that this causes threads about how new players are garbage, shouldn't skip tiers, etc. etc. when it's really just a lack of understanding the raid mechanics. I still believe people should be prepared and know what they're coming up against or at the very least let their group know they've never ran it before.

    I skipped tiers myself and the one thing I've found to be true is how much of a double standard this issue actually is. Players will talk down on the forums to those who skip tiers but no one says a damn thing when you top the charts.
  19. Drakeos New Player

    I just did that but will be playing slowly when RAGE power comes out
  20. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    Outside of tanking end game content.

    Damage stance is the most nuisanced aspect of play in DCUO (excluding celestial which is easy mode)

    The problem with your story is you friend thinking because he watched a video, read a forum, reached tier 5 he actually knows how to be good a DPS'ing.

    If he wants to rage quit because he went into nexus two weeks into his game experience, let him go.

    End game content is a try and fail game until stratagies are developed and every so often the devs get a wild hair and pull a FOS2 or pre nerf nexus and paradox out just to show off a bit.