
Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ApolloMystique, Dec 29, 2013.

  1. ApolloMystique New Player

    wasn't it supposed to come out this month? we have 2 more days... :'(
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  2. Thewoe Well-Known Player

    GU32 was this month, pretty sure its not due out yet
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  3. SkullGang Devoted Player

    Was it ? o_O I thought they said out before DLC9.
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  4. Couzintony New Player


    My guess is that it'll be out around mid January er so... Hopefully sooner.. like once the seasonal gets taken down... But that's wishful thinkin on my part...
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  5. RSL New Player

    you must be new. let me tell you a secret. DCUO devs almost NEVER put a firm date on ANYTHING unless it's planned to release the current week. they could suspect something is ready next week and they'll still tell you 'soon'. it's part of the oath of customer non-transparency that Sony makes them take. they do a good job despite this oath but it's an oath the whole company lives by.
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  6. ApolloMystique New Player

    ok cool...i'll just expect dlc 9 to come out in if it comes out in Jan it would be a pleasant surprise...
  7. RSL New Player

    no no. don't expect things to ever come out on a schedule. seriously. you can avoid so much disappointment if you just face the fact that you can't know when they will release something and they're never going to tell you until it's 'tomorrow'. but yeah, then you're pleasantly surprised. all the time. ;)
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  8. SonOfKalel New Player

  9. Zuse Loyal Player

    i expect this week
  10. ApolloMystique New Player

    dont do that to me's coming out in march...
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  11. RSL New Player

    that's the spirit!!! ;)
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  12. Clutch Committed Player

    I would guess early Jan 2014. I remember in an announcement it said updates to test server and responses to the feedback thread over the holidays would be very unlikely or something like that. WOL is supposed to be on test in Jan too iirc.
  13. kawe Loyal Player

    Isn't GU33 on the test servers? I'd add a 'very' before the soon™ this time.
  14. MARK2099 New Player

    No one is answering in test servers which make me believe very few devs are still working on GU33 at the moment, i expect that update around 2/3 weeks after xmas event end, middle/end january at most early.
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  15. RSL New Player

    there's a forum post that the devs are on vacation over the holidays like many americans who work desk jobs.
  16. Fools Fire Loyal Player

    There are four realities in life, and SOE not giving you more than 7 days notice is one of them. The other three are...

    New Apple products being $200 more than you want to spend.
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  17. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Most likely GU33 will be middle of January. With DLC 9 early access at the very end of january for legendary members and for everyone else early february.
  18. Multiverse Creator League

    They had first announced the Armories sometime in December.

    Then it became before DLC 09.

    And now it pretty much is obvious it will be mid January at the earliest.

    Which means that DLC 09 will be end of January early February at the earliest. :(
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  19. ApolloMystique New Player

  20. BigAl Devoted Player

    I'm guessing early January for U33. Reason being, there aren't alot of hiccups on test with it right now. At least none I've seen. And I say on test, because we all know something always gets messed up on the transfer from test to live ;)
    Guessing DLC 9 on test mid to late January.
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