why ppl are leaving dc

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by LADYofVALHALLA, Dec 19, 2013.

  1. LADYofVALHALLA New Player

    i hv been playin dc almost since launch on dc & i hv known alotta ppl quit because of reasons im about 2 express & i m greatly considering the same
    1. every time we get new content it glitches alotta stuff which takes a long time 2 fix but if the community learns how 2 glitch & cheat a raid it gets fixed quickly this seams like devs r more concerned with the glitches that help us rather than the 1s that work against us & sometimes make things unpassable.
    2. when u get scammed outta something u can no longer get your stuff back & theres no consequences 4 the scammer & now all day u see in chat ppl gettn ripped off but wit no involvement in the issue no more its almost like devs feel like its ur fault & u just burnt
    3. a friend finally got his wife 2 make a toon who couldnt level up past raven mission because of glitch i gave him soe phone # and i guess they told him maybe it will fix itself wit update which it hasnt he quit playin 2 because he says y pay ppl who r jus gnna blow u off the 1 time i got a problem & i agree 100%
    4.i dnt understand y we jus dnt add a tier when PvP season starts y does all our hard work get stepped on again we wrk hard 4 our gear & ive always been maxed on PvP gear 4 both roles and 4 the 2nd time our maxed PvP gear gnna b about same as ppl who bought their 1st suit 4 no marx this upsets a TON of ppl
    5. i jus saw the 92 u-belt on a healer & we asked how she got it she said she made 25 accounts & spent $10 on each1 4 recruiting we immediately got upset most of us how can u buy something thas the best in the game without earnin it thru running content i understand expand the community but if every1 making fake accounts 4 belt thats not wats happening & if its about $$$$ what about those of us who have spent more thn 2 or 3 times that $250 do we not deserve 1 4 our years of payment this seems ridiculous
    6. i love hard light & so do alotta ppl in spite of all the nerfs but this last nerf ruined HL dps u gtta hv 3 trolls 2 b a beast dps now or b in melee range which will get u killed quik in T5 raid bosses its no longer fun 4 alo of us 2 dps as HL
    7.and finally whenever some1 has athread criticising devs they shut dwn the thread as im sure this 1 will which comes off as they aren't open 2 feedback that criticizes thm no matter how many ppl feel that way
    these r jus my opinion & some opinions expressed 2 me dnt get me wrong i love dc when everything is workin right & my pwr & PvP gear isnt gettn nerfed but jus seams like the game is always glitched in 1 way or another now & alotta ppl get upset & quit playin
    as u see i haven't been rude or insulting so plz dnt b in ur replies im mostly hopin devs will c how many of us feel and address it 1 way or another but we will c ty 2 all who take time 2 read this whether u agree or not
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  2. Black House New Player

    Wow, is this all in text speak, because I think I only understood 20% of it.
    People are leaving for many reasons.
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  3. LADYofVALHALLA New Player

    yea i used a few abbreviations & these r jus a few reasons that hv been expressed 2 me & my own concerns but they are reasons that the devs can fix not personal reasons but i agree there are infinite reasons
  4. Buckley Loyal Player

    I think it has to do with the lack of character progression and development. You are a superhero, but strip your gear of and youre just another scrub. The only thing that DCUO has is its combat system that sets it apart from other MMO's and also happens to be the one reason I play it. The sense of achievement is just not there and when you do find it, it turns out something is/was broken and gets fixed and you are back to square one. I want my superhero to be super not just a scrub with excellent gear. I want to be able to excel at one thing and not have it tweaked/fixed to a point where I am just adequate at it. I am hoping that the next DLC is of such a quality or design that it keeps me interested. If not, I will have to throw in the towel. Plus ESO is starting to look pretty good
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  5. LADYofVALHALLA New Player

    i agree & wats ESO is it mmo?
  6. Buckley Loyal Player

  7. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    Our community isn't the best. If you have full 88 gear your considered a hack or an elitist. The community can't grasp the idea of teamwork so they always ask for a nerf. Most people think skill points= skills but it really means you have a lot of free time to grind. The amount of exos it takes to craft T5 mods is ridiculous and the devs keep pushing out higher T5 gear. Getting certain styles from the vault shouldn't take 1+ years to obtain even if you buy vault tickets.

    I could keep going but it's always gonna be the same.
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  8. LADYofVALHALLA New Player

    yea the luck on drops is crazy it takes 4 ever 2 finish sum of these styles especially hive defender which nvr drops. & the exo thing kinda sux 2 always gtta b farmin cos now higher suits r comin left & right with more on the way lol u just cant get caught up even 4 a lil while these days & PvP veng gear gnna b worthless soon so gtta farm 4 that 2 smh
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  9. LADYofVALHALLA New Player

  10. Buckley Loyal Player

    still in beta and i was not lucky, so no access yet. If you want to try something different look at Neverwinter. Its F2P has 60 lvl and epic dungeons after the leveling.
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  11. Kirney Slane New Player

    Just wanted to point out that vengeance gear will still be the second best pvp gear. It'll be upgraded to lvl 89 so ur vengeance set isn't gonna be worthless at all.

    They did give us the recovery kits and they are gonna give us mods that u can buy with marks. I think they are doing a good job to make it possible for new players to catch up with the vets.

    And yes, this game is about making money. Every game is. If they didn't make any money they'd be shut down and we wouldn't have anything to be frustrated about :D
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  12. MrBlazEakaJB New Player

    Just my 2 cents. I'm not gonna respond to all of criticisms but just a few.

    #2. People should already know by now that SOE is not going to do anything to these scammers. No one, and I mean no one should trust anyone except people that you have played with on your friends list or league mates. Even so, there is still a slight chance that you can still get scammed, but the chances are much more slimmer. So if you happen to get scammed, it's your own fault for putting trust in someone you don't know.

    #4. I heard somewhere that this next season that Punchline will be the 2nd best gear still. Not like when they made Checkmate obsolete and you had to go through 4 armor sets to get to the best one. Things could have changed though, so I don't know. If it is the case again where Punchline is the worst of the worst, then I won't be modding the highest tier of PvP armor again.

    #5. It's just a PC thing. Who cares too, you can't control how people want to spend their money. That 92 belt is gonna be worthless eventually once War of Light comes out anyway. I'm sure there will be an item level 90 belt to buy in the vendor. It's not like people are using that 87 DPS waste of a belt anyway. Mostly everyone still uses the 86 one and I've even seen some using the 78 (4 wildcard spots) one and still holding their own.

    #6. You don't need 3 trolls to be beast @ HL in these raids. Sure it is awesome to have that steady supply of power, but it's really not necessary. I ran Wave earlier this week with 2 trolls and I swear I felt like I had 3 trolls. The way they worked so well together, you would've sworn there was 3 trolls. Constant full bars and I think they were both in the 1900's Vit wise. One was Roman something and the other was IRaww Power. They were quickly added to my friends list mid way through the raid.
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  13. LADYofVALHALLA New Player

    sweet thnx..
  14. LADYofVALHALLA New Player

    agrreed, it is easier 4 newer PvP players 2 catch up... & i do like that 4 the 1st time in 2 years my leaguemates & i r actually able 2 b around the same PvP tier, i jus feel bad on my end cos i replayed & re run soo much 2 get the veng suit lol...

    does any1 kno how many more suits there will be?
  15. MrBlazEakaJB New Player

    I believe it's just one new one for heroes and villains. I think there are gonna be new variant styles as well. As far as which styles are gonna have variants, that I don't know.
  16. LADYofVALHALLA New Player

    ty 4 reply and # 2 they used 2 give u your stuff bak
    #4 that makes me feel bttr
    #5 its not jus pc me and whole grp inspected healer & saw it on ps server thas how i knew it existed & unless new PVP trinket belts hv almost 200 toughness (not sure exact # but more thn 150) its gnna b best in pvp so not obsolete
    #6 thn my dmg must b glitched got almost 1600 prec & comboin not puttin up high #'s and im not only 1 ppl sent me 2 look up some k007 combo 4 good burn & that consumes tons of pwr
  17. LADYofVALHALLA New Player

    ok just 1 suit is not that bad actually...:D TY 4 info
  18. MrBlazEakaJB New Player

    Yeah, the key word is USED 2. They just don't have time to invest in catching scammers even with proof I guess. I honestly never seen that belt on anyone besides a PC player. Maybe it is possible for a PS3/PS4 to have one I guess. Lastly I use that combo mixed in with a few other things, so I know how power hungry it can be. If you need more power you can always pop a soda, or an orbital strike, or use your sidekick to give some power back. I usually just spam the noob tubes till I get enough power back to start up my rotations again.
  19. El El Committed Player

    Nobody is leaving DC,instead population is increasing.
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  20. LADYofVALHALLA New Player

    population may b growin but that dont mean ppl aren't leaving got a few friends & leaguemates who left because of these things ty 4 reply but lost ppl in game cos they r mad @ it