Server Downtime - December 17, 2013 - Game Update 32!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. Ragnarok Well-Known Player

    Works fine for me now, please see my 1st reply. There are still some behavioral bugs with Raven, but one is able to complete the quest. I'm not sure if the quest bug is still affecting others, there's a fellow in the "Arkham" section who mentioned it was still happening, but my WW toon is fine now. Gorilla Island Oolong Island however, is still broken. No loot is handed out, to anyone.

    Edit: I meant Oolong Island. Sheesh, its been a long day.
  2. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    1. No plans for this beyond what's already available as you level. It might have been easier to grab the PvP gear and use it in an unintended way, but we don't think it is necessary, especially since the gear itself was relatively new to the game.

    2. Yes, we would like to implement a similar or complementary system for PvE gear in PvP, but that is not in GU 32.
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  3. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    You should be able to grab a good-enough weapon in any safehouse.
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  4. thelostczarnian New Player

    reset ur sk
    ill points brah
  5. Lucaefor New Player

    Balance that against the argument there was no reason to bork them in the first place.
  6. thelostczarnian New Player

    i have a great idea to qwell the tears for folks....add 79 dps weapons...same as the vendors that charge 1 mark of triumph. toss in a mask and necklace and rings too. basic i mark of triumph stats. how hard could it possibly be and wouldnt it quell so many complaints?
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  7. thelostczarnian New Player

    safehouse weapons are terrible mepps. toss a better one in there for one mark of triumph that has over 70 dps please
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  8. JustSome_Chick New Player

    Good Grief reading this gave me flashbacks to my EQ1 days farming Guk and Quenos and the like for HOURS and HOURS and HOURS and.. you guessed it.. HOURS to get the drops I wanted. Then doing it all over again for guildmates and friends. And again for alts.

    If I had back all the time I spent farming quest items and gear over all the games I've played, and could subtract that from my age.. well it would be significant. My choice, but frankly I'm glad there's nothing to mind numbingly boring in DCUO. Sure, doing the same challenges and levelling content gets repetitive (I'm about ready to send in a digital nuke to get rid of all the HIVE once and for all!!!) but still.. we have it really good actually *chuckle*
  9. KN1TE Dedicated Player

    The vault is a great place to get rings! Well for those in between ring needs from the 30 rings to the c.c. 53 rings...the only other place u can get them in the vault. I run the vault every couple days as allowed being premium and the rings drop every 3 months. Thankful u can put them in the shared bank and use them on other toons. This has been helpful in leveling up other toons. I personally feel all items in the vault should be account bound and transferable except marks of triumph. Personally marks should go directly in like cash and marks of reality. We should not have to activate them as it is another pointless step. The styles should certainly be exchangable between toons to help with style feat.s especially styles only available in the vault.
  10. JustSome_Chick New Player

    Mepps, since I see you are somehow slogging through this messy thread, may I ask if the Raven quest fix also includes the Villain Tier 1 solo challenge?

    It functions fine (*Most of the time) but upon completion there's no credit, reward, loot, anything, and it stays available without replay badges in the On Duty tab.

    (by *most of the time I mean I have noticed a couple of times where suddenly, NPCs become untargetable and I can beat them endlessly but do no damage to them- however they sure can do damage to me! I've had to leave that challenge twice because I was completely unable to defend myself against the immortal ghosts lol)
  11. Random Redshirt Well-Known Player

    Wowzers, hate levelers and newly minted 30s much?

    It has been pointed out several times, in this thread alone, that the stats on PvE weapons lag far behind similar level PvP weapons, and you basically throw levelers and newbie 30s a 5-15 DPS and major CR and stat loss, tell them to get bent, and act as if the people using those weapons were hackers or something, even though it was SOE's design that drove players to use those weapons.

    Just wowzers.
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  12. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    It should be. Please let us know if you find otherwise.
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  13. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    That's exactly the point, though. When PvP season 2 comes out, that would be even drastically more true - the easily cash-purchasable PvP gear intended to keep PvP competitive would be obtainable by fresh 30s, and the weapons would be able to trivialize PvE content. This is exactly why the change was made.
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  14. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    just get the treasure chest out of khan it will have a better weapon
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  15. JustSome_Chick New Player

    Thanks a bunch - can't get on until my kids video game time is over but I will check that before I start in on holiday questing.

    Thanks for your patience and service in the forums Mepps. While going through this thread my brain started swimming and my mind wandered after reading the same complaints and arguments so many times. I don't know how you do it.

    (That above had nothing to do with my agreeing or disagreeing with any side in this thread, it's simply a fact - we post a poopton of stuff and someone like me simply can not slog through it all, even if I want to lol)
  16. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    It's Qeynos, Sony EQ spelled backwards :D only way I ever remembered how to spell that name.

    But yeah, It took me 24 hours solid playtime (I killed the thing every 15-20 mins for 24 hours strait...) to get my DE illusion mask.

    Took many spurts of hours of camping over the course of 3 years to get my halfling mask...

    Yeah... ugh EQ camping. Which is why even there they've made some moves to go more towards a mark based system. It was a very popular move :)
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  17. Celestial Paragon Dedicated Player

    People who are saying that their combat rating is going to go down in PvE because of the PvP gear not being allowed in PvE let me just remind you guys that there are two separate CR one PvP and one for PvE, saying that it should not effect your PvE combat rating at all.
  18. wulff420 New Player

    I read the first 8 pages and saw only arguing back and forth pvp/pve nerf is a good thing no its a terrible thing back and forth back and forth. i really think those nerfs are bad tho im still pretty new and im a useless member cuz i only pay once in a great while when i can. but im not the worst player in the game not the best either but im decent. i started out having fun in pvp cuz it was skill being an action combat game instead of a stunlock race like aion. i got to 30 and got beat up over and over and over in my steel then ultimately my batman suit my orbital strike and henchmen helped me get the very very very few wins i did get while i realized and ultimatley grinded for the so called "pvp" gear wich i found it was dumb that i needed but my weapon rings and necklace were always pvp gear cuz i dint know they were, they had good stats and i had fun playing the game. i changed gear sets kept my bat suit and now my tier 3 pvp armor in my inventory and switched them out accordingly never my weapon or jewelry or trinkets tho my pvp trinkit made me good in instances my rings nd neck gave me good stats and my weapon has excelent dps cuz i am dps so thats what i used. lastnight i ven got a precision mod from my base and put it on my neclace so i would better dps to help my team in instances now its gonna be worthless so thats why i say its a bad thing my dps build relied on the gears ive chosen and dps is what i like yea prolly cuz im justr adumb useless noob but i have fun dpsing. and i get killed all the time in pvp my orbital strike and hevnchmen help me only slightly but still helped so that sux.

    other then that i love the game, i love the people, i love the staff, i love the genre and i love it all. im glad for a Christmas event on one of my favorite games and glad you all work so hard and love it also.

    personally i don't think you should lock gears out i think you should get rid of gear separation all together make no specific pvp stats so then my bat suit would have been viable in both sides of the game so i dont have to carry and switch out 2 gear sets and upgrade 2 gear sets and all that i can just focus on my one upgrade goal (my current goal is stag armor and i got no clue how to get so many marks lol) then i can grind for what i want que up for whatever im in the mood for and enjoy it. but my oppinion dont matter
  19. JustSome_Chick New Player

    That's right! Qeynos.. wide open spaces of boredom-doom! You could run for-EVERRRR and see nothing but the occasional stinky gnoll hahaha

    EQ3 looks interesting but I think I'd be turning a lot of the effects they are so proud of off. Every video and teaser I see is just PURE VISUAL NOISE CHAOS - soloing it would look awesome everything smashing and exploding - but in a group I think my head would explode... Other than that.. it really makes me want to build a gaming computer again hehe

    Except for the fact that I am USPS3 Dedicated and have no time for MORE gaming hahaha
  20. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    When can we expect the opposite fixed? People coming in with Full PVE gear, that's only going to get better with the next DLC can just utterly destroy most people in PVP, especially if they aren't ready.
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