Did you guys actually know there were serious benefits of PvP gear in PvE?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Peacemakaz, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. Mirai Well-Known Player

    Again, the problem is that many players are going to suddenly find themselves without a weapon that works in PvE. Those players will have to scramble to find a weapon they can use. I suspect there will be many bug reports from people who don't realize what's going on.

    Wow, looking around at the responses in various threads, it's amazing how caustic this community is. I certainly hope there are some helpful players in the game who are willing to help people after the servers go back up.
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  2. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    Did I know? Yes. Did I actually know? No.
  3. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Every exploit is something you can do, or it wouldn't be a concern. That you can do it doesn't demonstrate that it was intended, and it clearly was never intended that PvP weapons or gear be superior in PvE to PvE weapons or gear or for one set of gear to be used in the other environment. As witness this change and the upcoming one to keep PvE gear out of PvP.

    I'm not saying you've done something "wrong" by having taken advantage of a temporary condition of the game, but it's reasonable to call it an "exploit" when it's unintended to the point of the devs making it go away.
  4. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    I know, but this is still valid point :)
  5. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    I help players quite a bit in game, and am always happy to as long as requests are reasonable. I volunteer answers and help all the time.

    But, yes, I'm not very sympathetic to people complaining about the terrible hardships they endure in playing an MMO the way it's intended. Talk about a First World problem.
  6. RSL New Player

    because it seemed like you are defending the idea that it's acceptable to sacrifice your own defense for other stats because someone else will take care of you. i'm still not sure you're not. i'm not going to pretend you don't understand the difference between having defense [mitigation] vs health [which someone else must constantly fill] but i will restate it.
  7. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    actually I don't go through mobs like crazy with pvp gear in pve, but no healer had such hard time with me during instances.

    i'm sorry if you not in that case.
  8. oOChiddyOo New Player

    If you've never ran pve content with pvp armor on then you shouldn't try to justify your assumptions with made up numbers. The way the game is right now raw health is much better than defense. I was doing the t5 ops easily with full vengeance pvp gear on. your survivability instantly doubles. And that's the reason it's being taken out because you could skip to T4 content and easily beat it without any pve gear on. The mindset that it doesn't help just shows that person doesn't know what they are talking about and are just repeating words from the dc book of myths that most of players refer to when they just want to feel important. Facts don't lie.
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  9. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    You're missing the point. It's not that it's hard for the healer. It's that it's unfair you're stealing the heals, as either the player with the most damage or one of the four players with most damage who gets the heal instead of the player who would get it if you weren't stealing heals by using PvP while the other players are using PvE. It's not fair to the rest of the people in your raid. It's selfish behavior at the expense of the group as a whole and other players in the group.
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  10. DrewCheech New Player

    Ok I see what your getting at.
    Like I said I can only speak for myself.
    The only PVP gear I've ever used in PVE was what I discussed earlier, and simply because it was better than what I had.
    It's not something I can't live with.
    Enough people complained that it was an issue, and like you said the devs addressed it. I ain't mad :)
  11. Feenicks New Player

    It might be a valid point why they do now. But it does not explain why they started it.
  12. Entity Committed Player

    Im a Tank try and tell the benefits of putting on PvP gear rather than PvE gear, ill even give you a situation


    Entity out
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  13. BumblingB I got better.

    I know the difference and you know what, because of this attitude I will defend it. You can run T3 content with the current green PvP gear just fine. Even with a bad healer. There I said it. I find it hilarious that you would take offense to me explaining why people did it in the first place. I didn't need to do that. I haven't purchased PvP gear for PvE since they removed defense off it before DLC4's launch. But who am I to know, I love being lazy and put my hands in other players and complain that they aren't keeping me alive and powered. (Because you know, the power consumption scaling is in the PvP gear too, not just 81+ PvE gear.)

    Oh mighty RSL who knows what he is talking about. I bow down and bail out.
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  14. Mirai Well-Known Player

    The way it's intended? Look at what happened for the average player. You reached level 30. You looked around at the vendors. One will sell you a nifty blue weapon (along with a neck piece and ring) that's much better than what you're using. Nothing in the game tells you that you shouldn't buy that weapon and use it in PvE. You buy it and of course get rid of the old weapon, because why would you keep it?

    It was easy for me to adapt, but it's not going to be so easy for many others.
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  15. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    Well... this answer nobody knows....
  16. Jason Martin Dedicated Player

    1- i'm ranged

    2- i know this key called "block"

    3- i'm still sorry for you.
  17. Fireman Level 30

    For a DPS, nothing PVE below 78 is worth wearing in this game (except for weapons). The stats are ridiculous. The 78 gear is barely useful, as it gives you a marginal gain in precision and might over the 84 PVP gear, which has a much higher resistance with 8100 health. Its quite simple. Use H/(100-D/71). H=health, D=defense. If you get a result below 81 in your PVE gear, its not worth it.
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  18. Radium Devoted Player

    Tell you the truth I could see a Fire Tank doing it, maybe even Earth. Not Ice though.
  19. Poetic Play Committed Player

    Lol... In T4 and T5 yes... Wearing PvE gear is dumb. What people are complaining about is in T1-T3 it actually made life easier and made leveling up more alt-friendly. Not to mention it made it easier to get into the game as a new player. I really don't see the issue that it was causing in this lower-end content.

    You think walk-ins are going to stop now that PvP gear can't be worn in PvE? Don't fool yourselves.
  20. TheRealDeathern New Player

    Primarily money (replay badges used to aquire gear)... and length of time to aquire both sets of items (pvp and pve) is increased, thus longer player retention.

    I'd love to see a single set of armor for both pve and pvp. Then perhaps all the crying over what is allowed in PVP and what isn't would die.
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