Update 31 Feedback

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MrMigraine, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. PixelatedDream New Player

    I'm not having any trouble so far, but I have only been on a maybe 20 minutes. The one thing I've noticed is the auras though.
    I Like that they are smaller however there is something that is driving me nuts about them, enough to consider taking mine off now.

    I know it was like this before the UPDATE but now with the smaller auras it just sticks out WAY too much for me.
    The aura on Female characters sticks way out from the hands. Way farther then the Male characters. It's like it just extends WAY out.

    here is a comparison between my husbands dark blue aura and mine.

    Please fix it! I want it to be normal around my hands like his is. When I fly it looks like i'm looking for someone to stab with my aura blade....
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  2. MCAZR New Player

    I love the new loot system. Finished Inner Alert and low and behold I had the Raptor Tech chest that I would normally have to roll against 3 others. Bonus of being top damager coming in late and as a healer.

    Issues - USPS3 - hero:
    - Some NPC's failed to render in the Gotham bottle duos. I was however able to target them. I walked into all 3 duos.
    - Most NPC's and all other players did not rendering in Inner Alert. Players are not listed when selecting NEARBY.
    - There is some sort of lag occurring as people are insta-dying so I have to randomly heal to keep them alive. Before the update, I rarely ever had lag nor rendering issues, even in Paradox and Nexus. I'm afraid to try them now.
    - My portable workstation would not render in the Gotham Bottle duos. Also, the repair bot in Riverside(?) was missing.
    - My portable workstation is lagging bad. From the initial interaction to selecting items to make. It is also showing everything as makeable when this is obviously not the case.
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  3. twist New Player

    Are we reporting bugs here? After beating the last boss in Test Subject #1, as I was collecting the last investigation icon, my console froze. Weeeeee!
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  4. Mick Nugget New Player

    Finally got it downloaded and I spawned in gotham and I don't know if its my imagination or what, but this REALLY looks good so far...
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  5. Redscreen5 New Player

    Can't speak on gameplay Imorovements but graphics on PS3 has improved a lot. Specifically surfaces look abit more less animated and they've sharpened textures. Summary it looks less like a cartoon.

    Hopefully when the PS4 comes toons from BETA can develop wrinkles as a merit of our time invested.
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  6. StopPerving Dedicated Player

    Way to go on the camera guys. Zooming right in to the point my toon becomes invisible, while I'm trying to tank Paradox.. and watch things that are going on.. is infinitely helpful..
  7. THEMYGOD New Player

    Reeeaaallly like the way the adjusted auras look! I may be inspired to actually wear them now.
  8. bigtroublej New Player

    we were all in the same phase. I could see everyone in the group in HoD. I don't think the devs tested it out before releasing it because it seems everyone is experiencing this even in the duos.
  9. Jax Prime New Player

    Some peoples graphics seem to be much better than what Im seeing lol.
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  10. HoneyHoneyps3 New Player

    i can not login 2 my account at all i can make a new one and play it fine also can login 2 my brothers just fine also why will it not let me one and play im a member and have a good amount of money on this game i get a code 1048 and im on every day so i dont get it can u help me please
  11. HoneyHoneyps3 New Player

    i can not login 2 my account at all i can make a new one and play it fine also can login 2 my brothers just fine also why will it not let me one and play im a member and have a good amount of money on this game i get a code 1048 and im on every day so i dont get it can u help me please and for ps3 no pc
  12. MrLightningGale Level 30

    Am I the only one bummed out about swarm shield no longer going to the person with the lowest health? Was pretty useful for dying tanks and people rallying.
  13. Physique Dedicated Player

    In Trigon's Prison, two of the players could not see each other at all. Also, in the boss fight, two of our player spawned under the instance and could not affect the fight at all. After two tries, we gave up for the evening. Not sure if anyone else was having that issue in instances but I'll try to pull the screenshots off my PS3 and get them posted later.
  14. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    As stated above can't see my team or opponents, this is game breaking at the moment.
  15. Random Mind Dedicated Player

    Just did the Vault and I have to say that I like that there was obstacles back in there and how the Joker's voice was broadcast in the Vault. Unfortunately, still didn't get anything good.

    I also found a bug when I went to the Deeds menu to check out my Feats. When I backed out of the Feats menu, I noticed on the Deeds menu that the word "Feats" was replaced with "UI Screen Name". I did it again and the same thing happened and then I clicked on other menu names on the Deeds menu and then backed out and the names that I clicked on remained the same. I should note that this is on the USPS3 Server.
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  16. Multiverse Creator League

    They HAD to release it before the PS4 launch.

    That way it will give them a few days to work out at least some of the bugs issues before the PS4 launch.

    Think of it this way..... essentially for the next few days.... we are going to be the test server for the PS4. ;)
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  17. Ace1 Dedicated Player

    PS3 always wanted a test server... Here you go.
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  18. DoctorP2 Well-Known Player

    A couple of the rooftops in the Wayward mission are messed up at the Cannibal Soul. There was an invisible wall that prevented us from getting close enough to activate the Soul. We had to disband and call it a night.
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  19. The Vigilante Committed Player

    No High texture option for PC= really disappointing. REALLY disappointing.

    It would have been a perfect time to add this option. Once again they dropped the ball.
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  20. E_Nigma New Player

    UI's been acting up since the update.

    Every time I enter a menu or the HUD updates during missions the game freezes for roughly 2 to 3 seconds. Trying to exit the game using traditional methods, via the menus, is now virtually impossible, as each time I hit the escape key the menu doesn't even show up. Instead, all that happens is the game freezes up again and the HUD vanishes. At the moment the game is unplayable for me.
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