Update 31 Feedback

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MrMigraine, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. quantampowerz New Player

    you guys are lucky to be on and in the game, whereas, some of us is still trying to download the patch and install it. we are still having the problem ...
  2. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    Did one of the BFE Duos and when we beat the main boss, the Group Loot window came up.
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  3. Cloud_9 New Player

    I purchased the new "Marketplace Cash" and bought the Red energy weapon pack... except I didn't get it. And the game took my MC anyway. Which I paid money for.

    Not very happy about that.
  4. Sore Steadfast Player

    Ran all three Trigon duos. Never saw my duo partner. Never saw an NPC. Some times saw an NPC shadow. Sometimes only saw the target reticule. I could see the counter indicator (helped a lot). Restarted DCUO after first run, no improvement.
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  5. emperorf New Player

    i cant go on the market place it just keeps loading
  6. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    They'll resolve it for you. It isn't the end of the World. Records are kept of these sort of transactions so you're in no danger of losing your money. This update is clearly suffering from teething problems. Just be patient and let them fix it.
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  7. LV~ New Player

    Man those textures look great!

    Also love the detail of the character models!

  8. Cloud_9 New Player

    I'd like to think my post displayed a large amount of patience and restraint considering real money was involved.
  9. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    I took a side quest, while visiting Magic mentor's Oblivion Bar instance that I could not get into and when I completed the "Assist 2 lanterns" quest, it says look at journal.... i did... nothing related to the quest is in it. Now I have check journal on my screen at all times.
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  10. Ekart Committed Player

    First impressions are great. Graphics load faster on EUPC as before. But:
    • the constant J(ournal) button is anoying
    • you still can't get into other mentor instances (tried it out with my Luthor Mentored villain going into the Joker mentored SCU Police station)
    • auto getting quests in your journal like HT or SOT solos (this things happened before) - i like my journal clean and with all quests made
  11. Dolfo Dedicated Player

    very spooky reminds me so much of sub avatars or after they made origin crisis open to everyone, so glad i'm not on atm
  12. absolutezero24 New Player

    can u also fix the tier 4 stag chest it looks like foam
  13. LastSonOfEarth Committed Player

    Prime looks like they forgot to pay the electric bill. I hope it stays!
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  14. Monroe585 New Player

    Duo bosses are still on Need/Greed/Pass
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  15. Mei Ritsuko Well-Known Player

    Oh God lul xD
  16. chadcti New Player

    frickin sweeeeeeeeet start button iz fixed omg I love u guy's
  17. Jax Prime New Player

    The textures look absolutely gorgeous, looking at my toon will probably distract me from the Render issues for the time being. Hopefully SOE fixes this before the majority of people wake up and flood the forum :p
  18. Alien New Player

    anyone having trouble logging in? I press play on the launch pad and nothing happens =(
  19. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    This was in LOA...

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  20. Neph Dedicated Player