PC players - We beg for a cross platform gameplay

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AllanPage, Oct 12, 2013.

  1. AllanPage Committed Player

    I've been playing USPC for almost 2 years now. The decline in population is quite noticeable if you are on the PC servers. I think the only way this game could revive the population for us low populated servers like USPC and EUPC is let us play with the PS3 folks or atleast let USPC and EUPC together. I've played on both the servers and I must say the PS3 playerbase is HUGE more league oriented stuff more people to socialize with.

    Business Decisions
    Are your business policies against the PS3 - PC merge so strict that you will do it even though some servers are almost a ghost town? If this is the case in coming year or two when pc servers are even more dead what are we supposed to do? Its already kind of hard to make raid groups. Even making simple groups such as Gates takes upto 20-30 minutes or sometimes we just go do walkins because there aren't enough people to do it. That's just sad i think. I assume its even worse for the EUPC guys.

    - The macros and hacks that people think are not as much in number on the PC anymore. Yes there are some folks who use it but its really not as much as you guys think.

    - Lag issues, this i think might get solved if the servers were upgraded.

    - More population, more leagues, a true DC Universe World. Would help us low populated servers a hell ******* lot more and fun. When I was on the PS3 servers last week, it felt like I went back in time, back in 2011 where the PC servers were crowded as ***.

    - Honestly I think if the game goes cross platform I think a lot of PC DCUO fans would return, also renew their subs.
    I just want your opinions on this and would appreciate constructive responses. :)
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  2. tukuan Devoted Player

    Less a con and more the primary barrier PSN.
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  3. BigAl Devoted Player

    I can see a possible cross (maybe, maybe not) between PS4 and PC, but not gonna happen on PS3.
    The pop decline may be due to players in instances or lairs. I've actually seen more names on my friends list than I've seen in a while. And with recent additions to our league, more names on than normal.
    When they implement the feat purchase option, I'll finally be able to do more with my villain. This might draw more people to roll them, thus increasing villain pop. :D

    Edit-for the record, its you begging, not me. I deal with enough immaturity on the PC, add in the PS3.....:confused:
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  4. Ala Rebelde New Player

  5. BadJade New Player

    Eu/us PC yes.

    Ps3 wouldn't work to well with PC, Ps4 maybe since that machine is a quadrillion times better than ps3.

    Love to fight psn folks just too how good/bad they are. Would beinteresting.
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  6. SuperiorMouse New Player

    i think i'd like to see other efforts like a focus on casual player content (customization, new weapons, new powersets, more styles in the marketplace) before we start combining these 2 playerbases.
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  7. Angus Krozz New Player

    I have a ps3 I'll soon have a ps4 and, I also would like to have a cross platform. I mainly play on the villains side so, getting there population to boost would be great. Adding pc players and, allowing PS players would make things interesting. DEVs please make this happen.
  8. ToxicAngelDE Dedicated Player

    i think they could work around it - some sort of tokens you buy and they are the ingame currency for al market place items...
    Just my 2 cents.
  9. Coup_dEtat Level 30

    I wish it could happen but boy oh boy the name conflicts that would arise. I would be a sad panda if I got stuck with a "_PC"
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  10. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    It should be entirely possible for PS3 and PS4 players to use an SOE portal to make payments and subscription choices in order for the business model to more easily support cross platform play. FF does this, and aside from the rise (and current fall) of gold spammers/bots, one of the few rock-and-hard-place problems that game has is no unified voice chat server, which is one of DCUO's last strengths.

    At this point, it's the health of the game itself that's at stake, and that's more important than deciding which route profit is being made from, as making a profit is becoming that issue - the kind any studio does not want to have.

    Get it done, work out the 'stupid' and unify what's left of the player base just before throwing wild new content at them.
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  11. Minx New Player

    Eww ...yes I agree. Wasn't it awhile back when I saw "_VNV" by some names? Yucky!
  12. Zuse Loyal Player

    YES YES and YES

    i would like to meet all u PS3 guys from the forums that i troll .... have fun with
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  13. Sore Steadfast Player

    It's not a technical limitation. Remember when there was a launcher bug and some PC players were able to create characters on PS3 servers? I do. They shared with us once that as soon as you try to merge PSN (PS3) and Station (PC) that a bunch of suits start getting involved. They all start trying to get a piece of the pie. It's tricky because on PSN, you're not an SOE customer. SOE doesn't have access to customer databases. Nothing. On PSN, you're a PSN customer. SOE is merely a service provider. PSN collects your cash and lets SOE get their cut. The amount of finagling all these suits bring to the table makes it such a nightmare that a (major? minor?) profit-center like DCUO says it's just not worth the effort.
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  14. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Aside from bringing the problems of each platform together so that everyone can share in the joy of each other's woes, there are problems working this out with all the logos you see at the bottom of the forums here (note three Playstation interests). Even with the strange things I've heard the PS4 will be able to do, PS3 is likely to be in the mix for a long time yet. Additionally, there have been studies as to the advantages controllers and responsiveness for PC gameplay over controllers for console gameplay.

    I'm happy they brought the community together as one on the forums, but think it's a long way off before there can be unified gameplay.
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  15. Zuse Loyal Player

    Ahh sore nice way to bring me back to reality
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  16. Twisted Titan Committed Player

    I wonder if they went to private servers if it would be possible.
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  17. Sore Steadfast Player

    The servers always have been private. There was a launcher glitch at one point that let PC players get into PS3 servers. The only reason PS3 players go through PSN is that Sony requires it. The servers themselves aren't PSN. The PS3 simply gets to those servers through the PSN.

  18. Twisted Titan Committed Player

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  19. Thedumme103 Well-Known Player

    A merge in economies could be a con if they were to merge servers.
  20. AllanPage Committed Player

    Yes its not a technical issue at all. We have been on ps3 servers during that bug from PC and played with the PS3 folks for a bit. The only technical issue I can see is lot of people and some increase in lag but thats the later part of it.

    I'm asking what SOE/DCUO devs are planning to do for us low populated servers in the future. If i want to make an alt it doesnt feel worth the effort because I have no idea whats coming in a year or two.
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