Remove 'Vote to Kick' option

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TKMcClone, Sep 4, 2013.

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  1. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    For me, I'd have to say remove vote to kick because it affects my actual in game experience more.
    My main's current ignore list has 11 people on it.
  2. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    What I would want is to remove ignore list
    B/C I get game c. if I add people to it
    I don't vote to kick people only if they ask if they want to be kick, But I still don't like to use the kick opinion.
  3. Angus Krozz New Player

    Players should not get to rate each other it should be an automatic rating.
  4. Corrupted Ertai New Player

    You are missing one important factor that vote to kick plays. This is a proximity based loot system. Any player who felt inclined to do so could follow the group around and get marks and loot drops while doing absolutely nothing. You think that guy is going to leave because you ask him to? You think it would be worth it to forfeit the progress you worked for just because he isn't contributing? No. You kick the ***hole and move on with a player who will put in some effort.

    Take a look at this community and the people you see in various instances and chat channels. You really think there won't be hundreds or thousands of them leaching off groups if you removed this? I have seen other games where this was a problem and trust me you don't wanna open that door.

    And bfore you respond, it will happen. Trust me. It will happen a lot if vote to kick were not in place.
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  5. EniacError New Player

    And then what? We are just stuck with you, having to repeatedly ask you to leave because you don't play very well? Please excuse yourself, Clown, erm I mean Clone.
  6. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    I couldn't think of a way that would work. Ultimately it's players who have feelings about whom they want to play with. Individuals are held to a community standard that is esoteric and formed by consensus.
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  7. myandria Item Storage

    [/old lady voice] Preach on! *Shudders* Whew! [/lightly taps her cane to the floor a couple of times] Eh? "How bad can it get," you say?
    This old lady has seen players dropped from teams simply 'cause the team leader was greedy and jealous back in the day. And, with no vote to kick, many team leaders did it when they wanted, how they wanted, with little worry about getting in trouble.

    [/points her cane at her screen] Is that what you want? 'Cause that's what's gonna happen.

    This crazy old lady's been around the gaming block a few times. She's got the scars to prove it.[/rubs ointment on them]
  8. EXINGTON Well-Known Player

    Lollll good job
  9. kingmasternova Loyal Player

    If you have the right to say you don't play every well
    So do I so you don't play every well.
    How would you feel like if I told you that oh wait you would say a bed comment trying to get the last word, But with me you won't til you
    mute me or put me on ignore but til you do I would still say something & you wouldn't get the last word b/c you muted me or ignore the last thing I said.
  10. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    yes, I do understand how you feel about it and yes, you have narrowed to down to the essence of why 'vote to kick' exists.

    Unfortunately, many people don't use it as a this 'last resort' scenario that you are portraying.
    For some it's an integral part of the way they play. I think that at the very least it should be more difficult to do:
    ? More consensus 3/4 & 7/8 vote (I believe it's simple majority now)
    ? Team progress penalty
    ? Not done on the fly - stops game play so people can focus entirely on the vote until it is voted down or passes.
    Something to offset the players that are abusing the feature and generally make players think twice.

    Right now...It's is more difficult to send a group tell asking "why is there a vote to kick?" than it is to start a vote or confirm one.
    To me that is a problem.

    And then I stop and think, wait, there needs to be a better way to control players because 'vote to kick' already intrudes enough into my game play.

    I don't know if there is a better solution to the leaches and jerks, but I do know that the 'vote to kick' solution is being abused.
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  11. Moxley Mayhem Dedicated Player

    i'll put it like this for you TKM. say the devs do consider your idea and actually remove the vote to kick option. now, the only option we have left is vote to be excused. do you know what the problem with that is? say we have one or two of those people who happen to be stubborn and refuse to listen. sometimes, those exact people will refuse to leave the instance if everyone is complaining towards those individuals. if a situation like that would occur, it would only delay the instance even more. and some of us don't have that kind of time to waste with someone's stupidity. no way would I want to leave out or even excuse myself at the expense of one or two individuals who are uncooperative and have to end up doing a raid like nexus all over again. some nonsense just shouldn't have to be tolerated, so I say keep the kick option to remove the trash we don't need. but, I can see that your argument is more so for those who are trying to learn to run the raid and end up getting kicked because teammates aren't satisfied. that would be disheartening for anybody willing to learn. even so, we need the kick option for the ones who are unwilling.
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  12. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Ha. I see what you did there.
    You made a belittling joke from my name... it's funny because you switched the "n" for "w" and made two different words that sound similar. Slain by wit, once again, I am. :rolleyes:

    I've read thought some of your posts and you're at the top end of the CR food chain... Why not chime in with something constructive?

    How often have you initiated a 'vote to kick' because you felt someone (a 'scrub') did not have enough skill to play with you?
  13. Frud Gohb New Player

    I agree with Moxley here, if the only way to get someone to leave an instance is for him to request a vote to be excuse, you will constantly be stuck with stubborn people who dont care and stay anyway. And if i cant stand it and decide to leave, i m stuck retrying the instance from the start. Lets be honest, dont want to have to restart nexus.
    However, the initial post as a certain value. The kick option should be a last resort. Everybody on the post mention that it is how they want to use it. But the reality of it is that people are very quick to just kick a player.
    I'm a controller, maybe not the best, but a decent one. I have not been kicked from an instance in months. However, when i started the role, i will admit that i had no idea how to be efficient and what i needed to do to help my group. Been kicked out a few times and never i saw a conversation in the chat trying to help me improve. He suck, so let just kick him out. I was about to quit the game when i met two players who were actually nice enough to explain to me what i was doing wrong in an instance. realized that my powerset was all wrong and was spamming PoT for absolutely no reasons. After the explainations from them, we finished the instance and it went great. Changed my powerset and they invited me to do another run with them to see the difference. Fell in love with my role. Thats what i needed.
    I know that we have some hardcore players on the game that knows everyting and want to finish a Raid in 15 minutes (well maybe not all of them in 15 minutes, but you get it) but we should at least be ready to take two minutes to explain to the person what we expect before we kick them out.
    But i admit that the kick option should stay, we just have, as a community, to try to use it properly and not just discourage the people from playing. Especially the three specific roles, since the game have plenty of DPS players.
    Remember, you give a fish to a man, he can eat for one day. you show a man how to fish and he may be the guy who save your behind in a raid later :)
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  14. Angus Krozz New Player

    Just have a win loss plus a stat record that inspect without having to be right next to each other. I have played this game for to long to know that this community is the most pathetic when it comes to standards. If you like the idea so, much allowing others to be able to rate each other that's fine but, it will blow up in your face just like every other player in the game. How would you like running with that one random group that decides to downgrade you for no reason even if it's not your fault as to why the mission is not going so, good. Also I'll be the first to admit when some community players do wrong to me I do wrong to other community players just hoping I'm getting an alt of one or, more who did wrong to me and, sometimes I do get back at the right player. Add the rate system I will down rate some players just because of how poor most of the community is just to give me another way of getting back at some players.
  15. UltraElite Dedicated Player

    Keep "Vote to Kick"

    If a majority of the group doesnt want to play with someone, why force it on them and ruin a majority of group players experience by forcing them to play with someone they dont want

    i cant believe this is an actual thought
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  16. Angus Krozz New Player

    I like the idea like I said earlier but, I also don't like it. I would be interested to see how the community would react to this if SOE decided to put this in the game.
  17. REEEPR New Player

    In the time since F2P launched, i've never been kicked. Perhaps the OP should look at theirself and find out if an internal change to himself should take place instead of ruining everyone elses day with nonsense like having the kick function removed.

    I've kicked 4 players throughout the years and each time the person was verbally disrespectful to a close female friend of mine. Do you really want to force a female going through that to leave? I 100% know you do not think your idea can be remotely viable unless disgusting hate speach is an allowable quality you you want people to deal with.

    I wont bet money on it, but i feel you probably get kicked over your interaction with people.

    Your response will answer this question for anyone reading this thread.
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  18. UltraElite Dedicated Player

    for EVERY person KICKED

    there is 2-7 OTHER PPL who Didnt want to play with that person

    IF U KEEP "VOTE TO KICK", only 1 person's experience is effected, and force to find another group who wants to play with them
    IF U REMOVE "VOTE TO KICK", 2-7 people's experince is effected, and forces 2-7 people to play with someone they dont want to

    REMOVE Vote to Kick= Never going to happen
    • Like x 2
  19. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Sorry to hear you friend was subjected to unkind words. Generally, I'll either leave an instance or use my mute if people in the group are bothersome. I would kindly suggest that you read the entire thread before you make assumptions or generalizations about me. I'm sure that if you do so, you will be able to post a more constructive comment as well.
  20. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    First hand example of vote to kick abused...10 minutes ago.
    So, I just finished the watchtower alert in a pug group with a healer and controller who are friends and on mic, I was not.
    The third person in the group was running damage.
    The for the last part of the instance the controller was spamming me trade requests. He stopped after I send a tell asking what he needed.
    I passed on all loot because I was doing the alert for fun and to warm up... I have CR70 and can solo most parts of that alert.
    We get to the final boss and the other damage player and I jump in.
    The other two guys start laughing as asking each other if they should help.
    "Nah let em die"
    .. they actually stayed on the upper balcony and laughed when the other damage guy got killed before the 1st set of Brainiac constructs appeared.
    I proceeded to finish the alert solo... while listening to them try to kick me while in combat....
    'vote...failed" the one guy kept saying.
    "he dies, he's gone'....
    I popped soders and henchbots fortunately had self heal on supercharge...
    I get boss down to a sliver... with me at 3/4 full health - obviously got it, and they jump in.
    they roll on the loot...and leave.

    no reason to kick other than the power to do it...for whatever noble reason it's there, 'vote to kick' is abused.
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