Remove 'Vote to Kick' option

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TKMcClone, Sep 4, 2013.

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  1. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Though I'd throw a bone into the dog pile... :D

    I think the 'vote to kick' option should be removed altogether.
    Now that there is a 'request to be excused' leaving an instance should only be done voluntarily. This would force people to ask someone to leave and explain why. The impersonal nature of 'vote to kick' makes it happen much more often than it should.

    All that said, I know that many will disagree with me. However, I would ask those who do disagree...
    Why do you have a right to impose your will over someone else?
    Everyone has an equal right to play and it's cowardly to not address people directly if you have a problem.

    I'm not whining here, I just think that we need to evolve.
    I've been kicked 2 times... both at the last boss of an instance, with no reason that I could see in my game play. I have, however left too many instances to count (even with a deserter penalty).
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  2. spack2k Steadfast Player

    this would just lead to "NO PUGING AT ALL" everyone would just raid with ppl they know to avoid dumb ppl who dont wana leave voluntary if u get what i mean...
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  3. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    If I quote you this way, you answer your own question. I have a right to play. I do not want to sit around in a group watching everyone die because one person is unable to learn his/her role, tanks as a dps/healer, aggros everything around him/her, etc. I also do not like playing with people who do not listen or are incapable of understanding the strategy needed for an alert/raid.

    I do my best to educate people. I will stay in a raid for up to three hours trying to teach people. I rarely kick anyone. If it becomes painfully obvious that one person is the problem and that person is unresponsive to me talking to him/her, that person is going to get kicked.

    I have a right to play the game. I also have a right to kick someone who is making it impossible for me to enjoy playing the game.
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  4. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    People would still pug. Pugging is required for most players I suspect.
    If a 'no kick' policy forces leagues closer together and keeps people looking for other players who they know are solid... Is that bad?

    How often are you going to run into people that 'should' leave and if you do you have the option to leave.

    A more robust ignore list would be helpful,.
    For example if a player on your ignore list could not be grouped with you or there was a warning if your were grouped together with someone on your list.
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  5. I Need powar New Player

    Yes because allowing 1 guy to ruin the whole raid is good way evolve.
    And im not even talking about someone not knowing how to play their roles.

    At the last boss in a raid:
    Angry Player 1:"Hey dps you are not doing enough damage"
    Angry Player 2:"i could do enough damage if i had power"
    Calm Player 3:"guys calm down, lets just finish this"
    Angry Player 1"No, im not moving untill this troller leave"
    Angry Player 2:"Haha im not leaving"

    Now 6 player have to sit there or leave a raid at the last boss because 2 angry players,
    and because someone thought removing the kick option was a good idea.
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  6. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Thank you. Another good example of why we have the right to kick. We have the right to play the game. Sitting around or leaving an instance because one or two people refuse to play is not allowing the other 6-7 (2-3 in an alert) people to play. Those 6-7 (2-3) people have a right to kick so they can have the right to play.
  7. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    the 6 players should give them a chance to work it out and then start a 'Vote to disband'...
    or just leave and add them both to your ignore list.
    Everyone looses if you can't get along.
    Would you want to be the one that forced a group to disband on the last boss and got added to everyone's ignore list...because you were bickering?
  8. spack2k Steadfast Player

    lol just disband in hoping next time this wont happen again and if wait there is still hope for next raids ? :p
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  9. I Need powar New Player

    Why disband when you can just kick those 2 player?
    why make 8 people go through the whole raid again?
    If im being a jerk in a raid and the group wants me gone, they can just kick me and then replace me.
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  10. Savage Mind Committed Player

    When was the last time you asked someone to leave the instance for being terrible and they actually left
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  11. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    I knew that people would defend 'kicking' this way and you are missing the point. You are removing a person from the instance by kicking them. They are not playing anymore, because you kicked them, for whatever reason. I assume if you are helping them you are communicating. So, why not warn them and ask them to leave? I've had a number of occasions were I have stopped 'votes to kick' just by talking to people. Sure, sometimes it takes 5 minutes.

    I will admit though, I'm more likely to bail on an instance than try to resolve problems with obviously bad or obnoxious players.
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  12. Dynagirl Committed Player

    Why does everyone have to loose at all? Why not just get rid of the people causing the problem and get people in who want to play and have the ability to? Do you seriously think a ignore list is enough of threat to not have someone be a jerk and tank a instance on purpose? Have you played in our community at all? People will rage at you for even the littlest things and do whatever they feel like regardless of the consequences. A kick is good option to have. It allows the group to progress forward instead of restarting it all over again for the sake of a few. Blacklisting people with ignore does nothing. Just look at the "ninja looter" phenomenon. Are they not still getting into groups? Has anyone ever even bothered to add someones name to the list if seen on the various shouts systems we have.
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  13. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    The closest would be this week, I left Alerts on two different occasions because there were 2 players running as controller in the same instance at the same time and not putting out any power. Why would I ask them to leave? They obviously needed the practice...
  14. I Need powar New Player

    Its a horrible idea.
  15. ApolloMystique New Player

    we need it...because sometimes ppl leave the controller while the raid is going on
  16. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Yeah, the ignore list would have to be changed so that if you black list someone you can't be grouped with them or you are warned.
    So rather than a just being kicked, people would need to worry about maintaining a reputation for future groups....
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  17. Savage Mind Committed Player

    I don't see how that has anything to do with what I asked?
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  18. Maxx_Watt Loyal Player

    At least give the person getting voted on a vote as well, when I pug which is all the time I cringe when I see all the other people are in the same league, you just know some underhanded things are going to happen.
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  19. BumblingB I got better.

    Not gonna bother reading the whole thing, as much as it is painful when you get kicked for no good reason, removing this feature will make it even harder to complete content. You will have two options, bang your head against the wall or leave. Especially when it is one person out of a whole group that is bringing you down. Like how there is no kick feature in duos and people want to be carried, (King Felsa's thread is gone it seems. Was going to link it.) you will have people that will just sit idly by while the group does all the work.
  20. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    o'cmon it just needs some tweaking. :)

    Exactly, this is partly why the idea drifts in and out of my head... 'vote to kick' is misused sometimes. At the very least, there should be notification that a vote to kick is in progress... and there should be a penalty for kicking a player (forfeit progress)
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