Traces in Time loot table broken!

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BigBabyGeezuz, Aug 26, 2013.

  1. UltraElite Dedicated Player

    the game isnt designed around replays....

    replays were introduced and we were told (via old forums) that replay badges were designed for ppl who needed to catch up cause missing a few weeks and you would be behind...

    Issue 1
    people would complain about having "real life issues" that prevented them from getting on and running all the raids once a week.

    Issue 2
    People would complain about helping friends out and not getting any rewards

    u might hate replays cause of the ppl that ABUSE THEM to get ahead instead of catching up.....

    but replay badges came out after the community complained about Issue 1 & 2 and this was the DEV responces to issues 1&2

    PPL complaining about replay badges killing the game fail to look at the whole situation
  2. Tharkis The Pretty Kitty Princess

    With all the times that I run, iv'e seen DPS traces belt 5 or 6 times (which no longer drops in nexus as of the last update message) and troller 87 traces in time pants once, i've seen no other traces in time pieces of any sort. The drop rate is SO bad that even the pieces that DO exist are almost non-existant =/
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  3. Whiteroom New Player

    I know, that just makes it so much sadder. I can't blame a single person for glitching para.
  4. UltraElite Dedicated Player

    i think the belt hates me, i still havent SEEN it.....though every dps i run nexus with has it and im always excited that this might be the day i get it since the dps dont need it..... but no
  5. Soulburn32 Loyal Player

    They are there the drop rate is just so bad you will never see them. Time traveler seems to have a semi decent rate. But your right it would be nice to have a green name let us know if they are actually dropping because it feels like they are not.
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  6. Whiteroom New Player

    Maybe I should rephrase, designing new content around it. Everyone realises that replays were introduced later, one would think you would know this and know what I was talking about. The drop rates are what they are in new content so that they make replay money.

    No I don't hate replays, I use them on alerts, but not on raids designed to be highway robbery for them.
  7. PaperGirl New Player

    THat prouves how you do a poor job devs , keep the crap going on .
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  8. IGotYA New Player

    80% of my nexus run dropped the belt,100% of the times it dropped, i lost the roll on it.
  9. UltraElite Dedicated Player

    rare drop rates are nothing special in MMO's

    there was rare drops in this game WAAAAAAAAAAYY before replays were introduced

    ur comment has no actual Facts at all. its an opinion...and a conspiracy one at that......
  10. Whiteroom New Player

    Conspiracy? Lol! Businesses making decissions that make moer money at the expense of the customer is hardly a new concept or conspiracy theory. I know you love these guys, but if months after release, people are still asking if the loot tables are broken, it means its more than rare. I get that there are rare items, one offs like the prime helm, but if even that has a better drop rate than multiple pieces of a feat set... saying that its working great is putting your head in the sand. There is no way a suit shold take a couple years without replays to complete. The fact is, they make money off replays, they make more money from more replays... rare for rare is fun, rediculously rare to the point where people are asking if it even exsists months after rease for profit is crap.
  11. Soulburn32 Loyal Player

    If I was even just seeing Traces gear or purple weapons drop 1 out of 5 or 6 nexus runs I would be encouraged to replay more but having seen how the loot table is I see no reason to even bother at this point

    so they would get more replay badges out of me and many more id wager if they would just increase the drop rates
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  12. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Hmm like?

    IIRC only a select few individual items were the best of the best and rare. Helm of OP for example.

    Since replays we saw the addition of better than top tier gear random dropping in raids. Full sets at that... with feats attached.

    Before Replays = random loot is mainly a bonus filler until you get your tier gear. with a few iconic super rare drops
    After Replays = Tier gear is a filler till you get your gear that takes well over a year to farm. ( i still have 2 pieces left for norseman :( )

    Really think that swap in systems is a coincidence?
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  13. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    They dont want your dirty money.
  14. Soulburn32 Loyal Player

    Oh yes they do :)
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  15. UltraElite Dedicated Player

    Before Replays= a time when the best gear wasnt always the Tier Gear, it was the Super Rare Glass Cannon pieces.....

    But remember what everyone was complaining about during the time they did this change

    They were complaining about how worthless the raid drops were....complaining how useless the AI stats and the rest of the rare loot was

    The dcuo community is the one who pushed this, not replay badges
  16. Soulburn32 Loyal Player

    I think you have your order of events confused. And you sure like to blame the community for things even tho I see very little suggestions from the community actually implemented.
  17. UltraElite Dedicated Player

    well i know the Glass Cannon Era happened way before T3 (cause after they nerfed it i had to re-buy deleted T2 gear) and replays come into effect around T4

    and i think u would be surprised about listening to the community. I got two threads in my sig, one which has been implemented (one of its variations) and another that is about to with Halls of Power (or some variation of it)

    When theres alot of support for a change and it doesnt effect any revenue ive notice they sometimes get implemented, or at least considered

    Sure they might have taken our ideas and formed them to benefit thei revenues, but it was our ideas that seems to be the basis for some of these changes ppl complain about
  18. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Whatever, you're ignoring the important part.

    Those rare complete sets that they started doing. It's scheduled for players to spend over a year on them.

    Go in to a Hand of Fate raid OP, each of them drop 4 peices of the norseman gear. chance at 1 peice each run.

    If it dropped every time you still need in a preset 8 man group, 32 drops from each one. So at an absolutly bare minimum you are the luckiest man in the world you're at 32 weeks. BUT it's not even an 1/2 chance of dropping, it's much worse than that. If it were just 1/2 that's 64 weeks... more than a year still accounting for perfect luck on the slot types and assuming you only do it with the same 8 people.

    So again it's scheduled at well over a year to get these styles. By then the gear is pointless and it's jut for the feats.

    You're trying to tell me they didn't do this to push replay badges? Then what reason? THey really expect me to be doing t4 OPs and having fun doing so? That's a joke.

    These traces in Time and Time Traveler sets are looking to be even worse... some of the peices are completely broken it seems...

    I simply can't imagine someone thinking it's reasonable to spend 1.5-2years gathering a single style. Much more likely that they realize the business sense of replay badges and make things take longer so they sell more.

    I rather think someone at SOE is smart and saw a way to sell more replay badges, than to think Jens and his team is dumb enough to think 1.5-2 years for a style is ok.
  19. UltraElite Dedicated Player

    See the Red. Ur right

    I dont think these sets of gear are supposed to be completed before the next Tier Gear comes out

    When Game Critics Rate Games, they look at lots of things. Replayablility being one of them

    Think about it like this. Whats a bigger population Current DCUO Gamers or New DCUO Gamers.

    Theres more Current then New. New players will have harder times getting into content if the Majority of the population isnt playing the older content (the only content new players has access to when starting and progressing)

    Do u know what Barriers to Entry means?

    If a majority of the players are not doing these raids, then the barriers to entry this game are increased for new players. They have a harder time getting into the game and instances, compared to those who progressed as the game progressed...

    The Super Rare Gears and more importantly the FEATS seems like its designed to keep the replaybility up and the Barriers to Entry for New Players Low.

    Sure they profit from those who NEED IT NOW, and dont like the fact they need to commit to this game (atleast a year) to earn that gear set

    I still run FOS2, not for my monthly box of 500 MoT, but so i can get that last AI style to complete the feat...

    u got a better solution offer it, but most just QQ about it
  20. Clip New Player

    If you could see after 10 runs of a raid 1 piece of traces that would be just fine, but right now u have walk in almost a 100 times to see atleast a piece and this is crap. With dlc8 we got no new equip to say ok forget about that 87/88 things so were still stuck on looking for them.
    Origin crisis was a bad dlc in so many ways lets just hope 8,9,10 will be better.