Real Sick of Not getting Loot that I "Need"......

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by cravex15, Aug 16, 2013.

  1. cravex15 Dedicated Player

    So today I played literally all day, almost 8 hours. I did raid after raid after raid, alert after alert after alert, Duo after duo after duo...... and I got slews of group loot stuff that I REALLY needed like special plans, higher DPS of my own weapon and stronger gear...And I got NONE of it. Instead I kept getting dropped plans I already have, gear thats for a different roles and weapons that I don't use. If I get one more damn Staff or Brawling weapon I swear I will...Burst into flames. My Weapon is HB DAMMIT! Give weapons drops that apply to me! And lets not forget the ever popular "sell for cash" garbage. I mean really......?......can we just do away with that already???.... The crap is like 2 bucks worth and it fills up my inventory faster than I can clean it out.
    Im tired of others getting the loot when I played just as much as anyone else did and put just as much time as they did into the instance, probably even more for those who pugged halfway through.
    Ive heard talk about this "Loot For All" stuff, ...When is THAT going to happen?
    Sorry for ranting but this is beginning to infuriate me.
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  2. ToxicAngelDE Dedicated Player

    You can be happy when Lootboxes hit the game. More loot for you but a smaller amount of "usefull" things if you just dps...
    Edit: They should hit with the next GU, if I got everything right!
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  3. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    Do you discuss loot-rules at the start, when you join a pug?
    If no, then you should expect not to get anything you want, even if it drops.
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  4. H.. Committed Player

    I've been down and still am on that road of equipment I don't need - which does add to my recycle feat however:)
    It's too bad that all equipment was un-attuned / un-categorized or, if there was a way to R&D it to make it what ever
    class of equipment you want/need.

    Hmm...I wonder if down the road, you could actually, forge any weapon by R&D and craft it to make it your own:)
    Just imagine, if you could change a Staff for a Tank into a Hand-Blasters for a Controller:)
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  5. oasenhoheit Loyal Player

    Sure discussing loot-rules is not a guarantee. There will always be ***, who agree to loot-rules and still break them.
    But it is a way to take awaya reason to be called "ninja looter", if you're after a specific piece which is not your role and told the others right at the start, and also to have a reason to leave an instance or kick someone, if people agree to loot rules but don't stick to them.

    I'm also looking forward to the personal loot, but hope they introduce a feature, where people can still trade those items with others, as long as they are in the instance, when it was the wrong item they got and someone else has use for it.
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  6. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    I think the new loot boxes are going to be like the weekly boxes with healers getting tank gear and trollers getting healers gear and tanks getting troller gear .
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  7. Evian Well-Known Player

    This makes no sense.
  8. Radium Devoted Player

    Never gunna happen, if you have 8 people in a raid like Nexus with 6 loot drops each you'll have everything drop from the tables in one or 2 runs, giving no reason to run it again. Its the same thing as getting role specific stuff only, people would be finished too quick.
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  9. the solowing Unwavering Player

    watch the shitstorm that will happen when it does, coming from wow and being there as it changed over to loot boxes. it works on paper it not so much when Live you will see the threads asking to change it back when it hits watch
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  10. ToxicAngelDE Dedicated Player

    I'm sure it will happen. I mentioned it in every "ninja looting"-thread since it was announced.
    It will be good to get simple and complex materials and people playing both roles will gear up a little faster, but I think most people raging on the boxes will be the people who cried "Stop ninja-looting!" all the time.
    It will again be a funny time on these very forums.
  11. BLUE JAYGE New Player

    I know what you mean, about 5 days ago some weapons (dual pistol) dropped and I needed it bad. Damage was like 12.9 more and all the stats were better and of course I didn't get it and of course no one in my group had that weapon style(or wasn't using it) but good karma came to me the next day because I got in a alert and they were on final boss while I was on my way(joined late) and they killed him and even better dual pistols dropped and I got them so I was pretty happy lol. That's the end of my pointless story... haha
  12. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

    I can't seem them making the items that are currently not tradeable suddenly able to be traded for a few reasons.
    • It would not just do the process you're talking about (trading items you received to others in the raid/alert/duo). It would also allow people to flood the Broker with Raid items. Since there is no CR lock on Broker items people could just buy the super high CR gear from there, basically skipping over the content. Additionally even if the T5+ drop gear was not tradeable all the other gear that drops from the T4 content and down was it would still change the current economy of the game drastically.
    • By allowing everyone to just trade reward box items between each other it greatly reduces one of the key reasons people re-run content. If you have everything out of the duo/alert/raid and everyone you run with also has everything out of there then unless you really like running the content there is no reason to do it anymore. This reduces getting higher level players in lower content and it reduces people replaying lower level content which both seem like things SOE wants to increase and not decrease.
    • Currently some items in the game are rare. This is obviously intended by SOE. By allowing people to trade the items the rarity of these would be reduced with some items possibly even becoming common.
    I am not looking forward to the personal reward box loot change myself. I envision getting a lot of loot I don't need or want while the players grouped with me getting the awesome items I've been grinding for. Currently if my leaguemates know I've ran something 50 plus times searching for a rare waist drop when it finally falls they just pass it to me. I know my luck and I am almost positive that I will never get some of these types of drops now. My luck sux.
  13. myandria Item Storage

    I feel your pain, and I am not sure how I feel about the personal reward boxes.

    On the one hand, it will help ease the "ninja looting" cries I see all over this forum (in my opinion, there is no "ninja looting" here, but that's another story). I can only guess that the loot boxes will not reveal to others what you receive, which is the real issue with loot drops in this game. I never understood why players need to know what loot drops other players get; it only causes anger and frustration. Anonymous loot drops is something I can get behind. And, no more "Rolling on Loot!" Whoo Hoo!

    On the other hand, why does the personal loot have to be in a box? Do the devs have a passion for boxes or something? Why couldn't the devs code the game so when you get loot, the game doesn't alert every Trish, Dick and Sally what you got? This new loot system does not guarantee that players will get what they want right away; in fact, it will make players grind harder than ever, in my opinion. I think these personal loot boxes will contain mostly junk with a sparkle or two of goodness. I am also leery of the distribution of those personal loot boxes. At what intervals will players get them?

    My luck is not the greatest either, and I have more exos, simple and complex materials than I have useable items. Now, that is sad!
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  14. Fridged New Player

    I agree and disagree!.....Hahaha
    Took 2 years for me to get the feet style that only dropped from the Vault!
    I ran Seeds and Unpaid 2-3 times a week when they were new content, and still run them every week, and to date I still have only collected 3 pieces of the Norseman style set!
    Your own loot box or not, Unattuned gear or not, you just have to accept that you will never get certain style pieces of gear.

    I am a DCUO veteran and addict and there are still pieces I have never even seen drop, let alone the hateful reality of seeing it finally drop only to loose the roll! I have been playing since launch and 2 weeks ago I saw for the first time the Hive Defender Head drop and wouldn't you know it a "just hit 30" f2p guy who came in half way through the alert won it!
  15. TheMarvel New Player

    Nothing bums me out more in this game than running a week and seeing nothing but healer and tank gear drop …

    And as a 1/11/11 player I still don't have the Psycho head and Alien Tech Legs. Kills me …

    And now that content is so low on the totem there is never time for it.

    Ah well … you pays your money, you takes your chances …
  16. Lumb New Player

    Well that's up to the devs. They can make them good or bad.
  17. ToxicAngelDE Dedicated Player

    We allready know how their boxes work! ;)
  18. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Just to reiterate, the new looting system should eliminate most situations like this, and it will likely begin to enter the game with DLC8.
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  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

    the loot boxes opens its own can of worms, can premade group get a option to turn it off?
  20. Archsprite Well-Known Player

    And is that just for boss loot, or is it for ALL loot dropped?

    Speaking of, can Collections have a "collector preference" where the character that actually picks up the collection can need or pass, then the rest of the group can need/greed/pass? Or make them like exo's (i.e. not group loot)?
  21. cravex15 Dedicated Player

    No I was speaking more in terms of when Im playing the instance from the beginning and others pug in. When I pug I dont expect anything but marks.

    My whole grief is when I hit "Need' for something and I dont get it. And then when I hit "Pass" on something I get anyway. The whole current loot system is a bunch of nonsense. Whats the effin point? Needing stuff I dont get and gettimg stuff I dont need.

    True even with weekly award boxes and even Lockboxes I still get stuff for Troll or healer when Im a tank. Or I'll get stuff for tank when Im a healer. And you cant trade it so....what am I gonna do with it? How is this my reward?? What a waste.

    Yeah that was what happened to me which is why I started this thread. I was doing Vengeance for almost an hour and a half. People were coming and going and leaving the instance but I was there from beginning to end. And at end I tried to roll these 131.dps HB's I really needed and I didnt get them. Someone else did , I dont know who but I know for a fact I was the only with usuing HB's in that instance. Infact I got no loot at all from that final Boss Eclipso, and I started the damn instance. That kinda of randomness is wrong.