Is Ultimate Edition worth it

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by DarkLycan567, Aug 14, 2013.

  1. DarkLycan567 Well-Known Player

    I just got a 50 dollar card, and i was wondering on the ultimate edition,
    So what r the benefits of having the ultimate edition
  2. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The ultimate edition includes the first four DLCs and two Legends characters, at a significant discount. Do the math. :)
  3. DarkLycan567 Well-Known Player

    Ok, thanks but other than that what other dlc should i get, got any suggestions
  4. Lacedog Loyal Player

    Take that $50 card, pay for legendary for a month, save the $35 for something else if you want, and experience the entire game.
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  5. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    You have a legendary sub...Dont waste it on premium shenanigans
  6. Crow God New Player

    Why do people give answers to questions that were not asked? He never asked if he should get a Ultimate Edition OR a subscription, he asked if he should get the Ultimate Edition. That's like someone asking "should I buy a sweater for the winter?" and someone replying "you should get a jacket".

    As for Ultimate You get three of the new power and the shield and two legendary for $30. That seems worth it to me. You can then spend the other $20 on Origin Crisis (which would get you the Quantum power) and Sons of Trigon when it comes out (giving you the Celestial power) which would give you all the powers in the game (till they add a fourth Tank). Of course you could also get Home Turf which adds lairs and/or Hands of Fate which adds the special utility belt Trinkets. You could also buy a month's Subscription and still have $5 left over Soda? Hamsters? I don't know...
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  7. Objeckt Well-Known Player

    You get the first 4 DLC's but none of them are current. The highest content you could participate in is Gates and Prime. Hand of fate has better gear, Home turf has mainframe thats almost mandatory and Origin Crisis is T5 content. You cannot even get the best tier 4 gear with that and the pvp maps from last laugh aren't always in rotation. You can't even use a utility belt. I wouldn't buy it.
  8. Prodigy Progeny Dedicated Player

    Says the guy who who has planned out a way to spend the whole $50. He didnt ask you how you would spend it, he asked if he should get the Ultimate Edition. That's like someone asking "should I buy a sweater for the winter?" and someone replying "you should get a jacket" ...& some gloves & some boots. Practice what you preach. LOL

    My Answer is no its not worth it...& to follow up i agree buy a legendary sub if you like the game.
  9. Fuma New Player

    I wouldn't get the ultimate edition, for one.

    1. You get the first 4 dlc that aren't that relevant anymore compared to T5 (unless the dlc is a power you want) and you get 2 legend characters. Oh and the ultimate edition is at a discount (I'm glad you thought and asked questions before buying anything on sale, most people would just buy because it says "Limited Time Only")

    2. Going legendary for 1 month grants you all access to whole game for maybe half he price.
    ex. Meaning you get ALL DLC | NO wait period when you login from character screen | you get 500 loyalty points for that month to spend | you get more character spots to create toons | NO limit on the amount of money you can spend [your own money of course ingame] | more bank\inventory space |

    So you can get the ultimate edition for few things, or pay for legendary and get everything for month. Who knows you may get bored or loose interest, or hey you might even wish to continue playing the game with ALL the benefits as legendary.