What on earth happened to the dpsing community on usps3?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by SkillorElitism, Aug 8, 2013.

  1. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    I hate T4 damages lying and saying they're 97-98 damages just to end up getting kicked after we inspect them. :rolleyes:
  2. darkmoon caverns New Player

    I don't even lie. I just ignore people when they ask for my CR and I don't shout it. If they want to inspect and kick me then fine. Have fun wasting time trying to find someone better.(they won't)
  3. Wilder Midnight New Player

    the scorecard can be manipulated.

    at the end of a reunion run i pretty much ended up taking out luthor and the nexus robot on my own while the other damage dealers was firing his orbital strike and aoes into the ads Batman was tanking. before we went into the instance i was ahead by a little, not even much. by the end he was up about a hundred grand.

    i will always be the top dps in a gates run. those squishy little ads just quickly melt away under my mental aoe.
  4. Wilder Midnight New Player

    the thing with being a controller is you have to always be active. you have to always be hitting something to be getting your power back. its not so much about putting out damage although it does help in certain situations to know how to be the back up dps.
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  5. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    This has been the most common way that I've seen DPS's try to inflate their numbers. It's sad because it takes away from the overal progress of the group. They kill what gives them higher numbers instead of what actually needs to die. I see it all the time and a prime example is the first room of Nex when General is a selected Target. There's uaually that one guy that's still burning the other target just because it's still with the group and he gets more numbers Vs still Targeting Gen even when he jumps away. The scorecard makes people do crazy things man. o_O
  6. Wilder Midnight New Player

    where nexus is concerned i fear that problem may be the current fix to our targeting system...which has gotten even worse...

    i actually have to stop moving when the drone comes out and just dump power because no matter how hard i try not to hit it i end up hitting it with a defense or precision debuff intended for luthor or i end up suspending him in air recasting power over time which ends up throwing the tank off.

    trying to target a specific luthor in the first room or the giant spiders in the fourth fight while dps'ing is beyond insane when you keep hitting ads way off to your left or right. you still cant hit the target you need to hit and i'm finding i'm missing targets during moments i would never miss (my 60 percenter goes off into the air , my cone attack will hit the solitary ad while missing the cluster of four i intended it to be)

    wasn't like this before the last update.

    but a rant like this i think belongs more in the asylum...
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  7. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    Yea, I experienced similar issues using Tachyon Blast. The only thing that I realized would help that problem is to always manually lock on to a target that's in the heart of everything I want to kill but as you said, selecting that target is often difficult. I don't think I need to mention trying to lock on to the Ravager again in Paradox. -_-
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  8. Vismund Cygnus New Player

    They all trapped in the Phantom Zone breh.
  9. Furious Wind Well-Known Player

    Thery are all on EUPS3. :)
  10. Sytenia Committed Player

    You are awesome, best giggle I've had in a few weeks.

    We should run raids with 4 tanks!
  11. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Did something like that just the other day, in a four man walk in group...it was hysterical TankPSing... :D
  12. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Your real world example does not correlate with how this game (and pretty much all MMOs) is designed. The tank's job is not damage out...but instead to keep the enemy focused on him/her to make it easier for the Damage Dealers/DPSes to get rid of them...the tanks fighting strength is there basically for support in the damage endeavor (NOT the primary purpose). The only time a Tank should be dealing more damage than a DPS is if they are 3 or more tiers above the DPSes in LOWER LEVEL CONTENT (A T5 tank should be out damaging Tier1 DPSes in Tier1 or lower gear say in Kahndaq...but Never at the cost of the other players). If Tanks had the full strength of DPSes, there wouldn't be a need for DPS...and that would alter the game dramatically.
  13. ORBIT New Player

    its the same on EU PS3 aswel
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  14. Statman New Player

    I believe you mean Chan, coz this is Jackie Chun.

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  15. XODUIS Committed Player

    The tank doesnt have enough Prec or Might to actually do 1000000+ dmg in Nexus/Wave. They're called tanks to do exactly that. Stand there and take dmg. A dps is "Damage Per Second" for a reason. Now stop being dumb
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  16. XODUIS Committed Player

    I just ran Fam with you today, HI
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  17. Kristyana New Player

    I always top the DPS charts in every raid when I round up the adds. Time spent blocking is time I could be killing things, and that's what the healer is for.

    In fact, if I lose out in DPS it's because fire is such a weak powerset compared to the others.
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  18. dr strangeonline Loyal Player

    It should be the troll or the dps, whoever is closest. Tank needs to continue to draw aggro so the downed teammate can be picked up and the healer should be healing. Ten seconds of picking someone up isn't going to waste too much time, it makes more sense for those two roles to pick people up.
  19. One Shot New Player

    looool omg looool usps3 must suck so bad to play on..
  20. Sytenia Committed Player

    Oh come on fire is great!
    This one time I was tanking with fire I did so much damage with it that the number didnt even fit in the damage out box!
    With ice I only get it so it just touches the sides of the box mostly.
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