Friends list Delete

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Craven Green, Jul 29, 2013.

  1. Craven Green Loyal Player

    I have been paying since Beta give or take a day or two and well before you didn't have to add someone to your friends list to reply to their shout. I have amassed a substantial friends list (huge is more accurate) and I try to go through it and delete people who I don't remember or haven't played with in a while but it is extremely time consuming. Could you please provide a feature to delete your entire friends list so I can rebuild it with people I actually play with or are friends. This sounds like a selfish request but I will bet there are many other people in the game who do not know half of their friends list. Also having so many people on my friends list almost always freezes me in my lair if I have to scroll too far down the list to add someone to let them into my lair (forget x's or z's if I can't spell it they aren't getting in). Thank you for your time and consideration on this matter.
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  2. Superkootje Well-Known Player

    I do support this idea, I used to add everyone who I played with, kind of dumb I know...
    But My friendlist deletes itself every now and then :p
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  3. DaLucky7 New Player

    I have a big list because I add people when they dc so I can tell when they get back on..
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  4. Craven Green Loyal Player

    I wish my friends list would delete it is probably in the thousand range by now and I really want it much more manageable.
  5. Craven Green Loyal Player

    I do that also but I try to delete them after but I forget sometimes. lol
  6. FullMetalTitan Committed Player

    I wish I can send a mass tell to all my friends instead of individually lol
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  7. Zpirit Dedicated Player

    I had 1900 friends before they snuck in the 1000 friends cap, now i can't add anyone else unless i spend a whole day deleting people. I have asked for this option before, no reply from the developers.
  8. DaLucky7 New Player

    This would be groundbreaking!!!
  9. Veziann New Player

    People in the past have requested being able to add friends and create groups by role. This would obviously have to be a dynamic list that would update when people change roles. Also color coding names such as names in green have been logged in in the past 48 hrs and names in red have not. Being able to group message would be amazing. For example, looking for a troll, select your troll list and group message all of them to see if one is available and willing to help.
  10. WorldsDown New Player

    I wish my lawn was emo so it would just cut itself. ;)
  11. Superkootje Well-Known Player

    That's genius, I would prefer just color names instead of individual groups.
    Like green=control, red=dps, etc.
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  12. Craven Green Loyal Player

    I thought a symbol next to their name would work but color coding sounds brilliant too.
  13. Craven Green Loyal Player

    While I am making my wishlist of things the developers could consider changing ( please also see my Base amenities upgrade thread) could you please make my Base item list ALPHABETICAL. When you open your Inventory and tab over to the Base item menu to view a new item you received and it ends up somewhere in the list of 200 or more base items with no logical order, for example the Antique Warrior Carving is right below or above the wheelchair This way I know if I get the wheelchair I will have to scroll to the bottom not slowly read all items in the list so I don't miss it on the way down. Thank you again
  14. Superkootje Well-Known Player

    Symbol, color, all is fine for me, aslong as we get this function!
  15. WorldsDown New Player

    It honestly boggles my mind why it wasn't set up this way before the HT content even went live.

  16. EliteArsum New Player

    Yyyeaah.... need to clean friendlist ><
  17. the solowing Unwavering Player

    i wish it wouldnt refresjh the friends list everytime i removed someone, it takes forever to repeatedly have to scroll to do so
  18. SuperNerdGeekOverkill Dedicated Player

    I support the OP's idea.
    nothing major, but regarding the specific colors for the role, the following would make most sense:

    green=heal (bc healing numbers appear in green)
    blue=controller (bc power healing numbers appear in green)
    red=tank (because damage taken numbers appear in red)
    dps=white/yellow (because damage out numbers appear in these colors)

    easier to remember that way, I think.
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  19. Wade Spalding Loyal Player

    Only if they make friend lists mutual at the same time - so you cannot add my toons anymore without me allowing it. Also, don't forget adding the auto-decline option for friend requests.
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  20. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    new legendary passive perk!:

    5000 friends can be added
    can remove all from ignore by hitting 'remove all'
    can remove all from friends by hitting 'remove all'
    can send tells and messages by hitting the corresponding buttons
    5000 people can now be added to ignored now, get to ignoring people!!!
    250 inventory space, 150 shared bank spots, and 150 personal bank spots.
    1500 base item limits in bases no more under deco'd bases ;)
    • Like x 1