So, I'm about done...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MrFunktaztyk, Jul 21, 2013.

  1. MrFunktaztyk Well-Known Player

    and don't mistake this for another in a long string of QQ threads, but I think I've hit my limits for the BS I go through in this game...

    I queue for FOS 2 (why I dunno, I REALLY hate it) and after being the last guy standing in five straight party wipes, I leave, cause it's just not worth the trouble I go through for the RNG (no you don't get anything you need on) loot drops, and so I decide to queue for something else and there's the DAMNED deserter penalty staring at me...

    And it just kinda dawns on me, much like the moment of clarity you'd expect in the final thoughts of a suicide bomber, why am I doing this?

    The game has been on a downhill slide for a while, the Devs keep adding things that infuriate the absolute hell out of most of the player base, to the point now when the game is just not fun at all...

    Between the undeserved and truly unneeded Deserter Penalty, the lack of any type of progress in fixing combat mechanics that supposedly have been in the game since day one, but until that update we never saw. To now, I grind alerts because thanks to the damned replay badges, anyone who can afford it can take a brand new hero/villain to max CR without any skill and then wonder why they cause people to rage quit out of every raid I queue into...

    I have for a very long time, since F2P, have played this game, and for almost the entire time loved it, even after my entire league quit the game... but I think of it in terms of my Gamefly membership... when I get a game, and it's good I play it til the end... and when it's bad, it goes back into the envelope and it goes back...

    Well, DCUO, you get to go back into the envelope!
    • Like x 14
  2. Cloud_9 New Player

    QQ thread.
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  3. LisaLoeb New Player

    Agree with the op.
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  4. TheLoneLantern New Player

    This is a QQ thread, whether or not you want to believe it.
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  5. ShadowStyleB New Player

    You say that and then you say all the "BS" you go through in the game. You talk about downhill slide and being infuriated but no one is forcing you or those you play with to stay. The penalty is there and there is already a way around it.

    Sounds like you've had some bad PUG raids and want everyone else to know about it.
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  6. TheLoneLantern New Player

    Btw, you know what happens when you que into a raid by yourself? It was originally a premade group that failed hard, all the good players left out of frustration and all the noobs remain trying to salvage the failure even though they don't have the skills to do it. That's why your raids fail...
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  7. Statman New Player

    Thanks for letting me know OP, I was truly concerned.
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  8. Delta795 New Player

    So you queue into a raid you admittedly do not like, then leave after a wipe? Now after all of this you are SURPRISED when you have a deserter penalty?

    While I don't like how sometimes this penalty comes about (DC, freezing etc..) what you showed was lack of good judgment to pug into a raid that you disliked, idiocy for not understanding what what happen (you stated you've been here since F2P). Lastly you come to this forum and pronounce "I'm done & here's why" showing even further lack of judgment with a this isn't a QQ thread but QQ?

    • Like x 7
  9. Nitefelina New Player

    You can send mail co NITEFELINA of all of your contents. Don't worry if you think it's junk, I will sort it out. Thanks!
    • Like x 6
  10. Trees New Player

    Why did you que fos 2 and then get surprised it didn't succeed lol did you at least have a group made before going in? Or did you let dcs amazing system make the group for you? If you solo qued fos 2 it serves you right lol it's not the games fault you made a stupid decision and then got penalized because of it. Try running things you enjoy or maybe try making a group before queuing with people who have no idea what to do and being upset when they fail.
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  11. Spidey Well-Known Player

    And on top of it, the game has gotten boring. The T5 raids are stupid and they don't even drop anything worthwhile.
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  12. MrFunktaztyk Well-Known Player

    *sigh* so now that the point was obviously missed I will try to clarify....

    This is a QQ thread, whether or not you want to believe it.

    Nope, a QQ thread is one where someone is crying to get sympathy... I don't want sympathy, don't care if you don't agree, cause I know there are alot of folks who, for some reason, are still enjoying the game, and I truly envy them!

    You say that and then you say all the "BS" you go through in the game. You talk about downhill slide and being infuriated but no one is forcing you or those you play with to stay. The penalty is there and there is already a way around it.

    1) Troll much? 2) yeah the way around is is the "kick me" or request to be dismissed, and when the group all declines it, you are stuck...

    So you queue into a raid you admittedly do not like, then leave after a wipe? Now after all of this you are SURPRISED when you have a deserter penalty?

    While I don't like how sometimes this penalty comes about (DC, freezing etc..) what you showed was lack of good judgment to pug into a raid that you disliked, idiocy for not understanding what what happen (you stated you've been here since F2P). Lastly you come to this forum and pronounce "I'm done & here's why" showing even further lack of judgment with a this isn't a QQ thread but QQ?


    1) thanks for being as much of a Troll as the previously quoted... 2) The Deserter Penalty before going 10 minutes, was not applied after a wipe/KO... why was that so awful of an idea that when they extended the penalty they got rid of that...

    You can send mail co NITEFELINA of all of your contents. Don't worry if you think it's junk, I will sort it out. Thanks!

    no... beggar!

    Why did you que fos 2 and then get surprised it didn't succeed lol did you at least have a group made before going in?

    I LFG'd for the FOS raids... got FOS2 as a result...

    Furthermore, the statement that noone was forcing me to stay, is true, and also besides the point, I was not forced to stay, I did stay by choice, and I did defend this game multiple times to other threads when people QQ'd... Now I did make the statement on the forums, so yes it was a public statement, not to gain sympathy...

    and for the trolls... man am I glad I'm outta here, for the most part you ruined the use of the forums to be used as a tool to improve this game, as stupid as that sounds I actually wanted to maybe improve this game in some way... but as I am now clearly seeing I've been fooling my self in thinking that this game would improve or that the serious players of this game could be found on this tool for aggravation...

    Thank you and bye
    Trolls... Suck it!
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  13. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    Then just turn off the game, this is a cry for attention, whether you want to admit it or not.
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  14. Vixen Well-Known Player

    Dacryphilia - The fetish to witness a person tearing up and crying.

    Dont stare at him while he crys that makes you wierd ok
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  15. Hallows Eve New Player

    +1 The latest DLC should have been the saving grace of this game but it was the final nail in the coffin.
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  16. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    Toodle oooo
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  17. Hallows Eve New Player

    Fanboys are so cute.
  18. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    We are adorable aren't we?

    I don't get the fanboy insult. I play the game, and I come to the forums, so yeah, I'm a fan. Alas, too many gray hairs preclude me from being a boy, but if you want to backdate me, I'm cool with that.
  19. Radium Devoted Player

    Don't mind him, hes been saying how horrible the game is forever. Still plays and lurks around though lol
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  20. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    And he thinks I'm the weird one?