Give us the option to skip Central City in T5 OP's

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Zim, Jun 6, 2013.

  1. Zim New Player

    There is NO reason to do central city unless you are a freshly 84CR and gearing up. The T5 4 man OP's can be long and are starting to get boring. So please let us just bypass this nonsense and go straight to the paradox tunnel.
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  2. Sophittia Well-Known Player

    Yes, give us this option so we can start new threads about the mark we would then miss out on and how we DEMAND it just be given to us.

    You know it would happen :/
  3. willi3bx Committed Player

    no dont its part of the mission you can skip the side bosses if u choose already. stop trying to have EVERYTHING so fk'n easy
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  4. willi3bx Committed Player

    there's no mark given for the CC part
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  5. Sophittia Well-Known Player

    I always just assumed we got a mark from the boss just before we enter the museum.
    Well in that case, I agree with the OP :p
  6. Physique Dedicated Player

    I wholeheartedly disagree with the OP on this. The run was developed the way it was and enforces some degree of teamwork to complete quickly. If people weren't trying to run the alert so quickly, it wouldn't drag on and be so boring as the OP claims. Also, it is what we were given.

    Either live with it or don't play it; your choice.
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  7. willi3bx Committed Player

    well in that case sophittia y not give us marks for breaking furniture or just give us everything and we dnt have to play the game at all
  8. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

  9. Sophittia Well-Known Player

    Because that's just silly.
    I don't run the t5 alerts anyways so it won't effect me directly.
    I gear up and get marks by playing the raids. Double the fun, double the marks.
  10. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    The Op's do give you 1 mark at the Destroyer before you enter the museum other wise you would only have 4 marks.
    Can't please everyone I guess.
  11. Abstrakt Loyal Player

    This...if you can't work together outside you haven't got a prayer inside.
  12. Lumb New Player

    I do only get 4 marks, you get 5 for BIA because of the iconic.
  13. GadgetTechHead New Player

    theres is actually 5 marks in each. In FR there is 1 mark from the iconic battle 1 from the batman and catwoman fight, 1 from the drone thing and 2 from lex and his pet at the end. In BIA there is 1 mark for the optional iconic, 1 for lex and superman, 1 for captian nee, and 1 for jor 'el.
  14. DanXVII Committed Player

    I agree only because I was already sick to the teeth and bored of Central City long before DLC7. The rest of the OPs are mostly fresh new environments that are fun to play, Central City though is teedious.
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  15. Singlemaltkiller New Player

    there is no mark in CC for either instance.
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  16. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    Tech head just said what you get from each Boss fight thats 4 and 1 from the Destroyer which make 5 marks they added 1 mark to Lex and the Oppressor at the last update I believe.
  17. Singlemaltkiller New Player

    Destroyer doesn't give marks, but thanks for trying.
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  18. LIVETASER New Player

    We ran under 38 minutes before reset 2 yesterday morning. 2 dps in BIA. We skipped the two bosses, did the objective, killed boss, went to metro killed iconic, completed mission, went to krypton and did the same and we had 3 minutes left before reset. we only spent 7 minutes in krypton. BTW I was ice dps and the other was a HL DPS.
  19. Zim New Player

    Anyone who thinks you get a mark in central city leave this thread now. Delete every post you made here and go.

    There is nothing to get in the CC portion of these OPs beside 81 gear. If at this point in the game you need the "teamwork" practice that you receive from CC then you got other problems to worry about.

    I am not saying to remove this portion of the OP. Just give me the option to skip it if I choose. These OPs can take 30 minutes to complete, and that's with a decent group. A real good group can get them done in 20 minutes, but that's not always the case. Factor in running the both of them and also running them on multiple toons and it gets annoying.
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  20. Schimaera Devoted Player


    And what is next? Give us a porter directly to the 3 Lex Luthors in the Endroom of Nexus of Reality?
    Play the content the way it wants to be played or let it be. You have a quest-story-line and you will go that line. Otherwise just go into the Nexus and the Wave and get your Tier 5 gear there. Spares you marks and time if you are lucky. If you want stuff like Time Traveler or some Feats from the OPs, play them. If not, leave them alone.
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