Quantum Vs. Electricity

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by SecretSandwich, May 22, 2013.

  1. SecretSandwich New Player

    Ok, what do you guys think? I am going to buy one, and i want to know which power is more fun ( pve, pvp, dps, troller and healer). All opinions are appreciated, and will be taken into consideration.

    Thank You!!!!!
  2. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Quantum has a teleport /shrug, otherwise it's just going to be personal preference. Like healing, then go electric, if you like spamming one power over and over then go quantum for trolling. If you like dps it's purely preference both are solid options.
  3. Cryotkj New Player

    In my opinion if you plan on playing both roles then lightning. Quantum is a terrible dps
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  4. SecretSandwich New Player

    I almost definitly will go dps for both, so, im not quite sure if that will effect it much.
  5. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    Quantum is meh in the DPS Department but I love it for Controlling. Shields and Teleport make it easy to get to people to pick them up when they drop. However, Electricity is rather nice in the new Raids. DoT city.
  6. Cryotkj New Player

    If dps is the plan lightning all day. Not even close. Quantum dps is terrible.
  7. SecretSandwich New Player

    OK, i will get electricity then, however, do you guys know if there will be a memorial day sale that i should wait for?
  8. SecretSandwich New Player

    Or even a double day? If not memorial day, any idea when the next one might be?
  9. Diastima Theos New Player

    I switched from Quantum to Electricity yesterday. The DPS is so much better than Quantum. However, there's aspects of Controlling that I love for Quantum but after a while, that gets boring, I went DPS and it was slow.. Possible but slow.
  10. Skyris Allen Well-Known Player

    Brice Allen, I think were related lol....srry for randomness had to squeeze that in
  11. Skyris Allen Well-Known Player

    As for this topic discussion...Are u crazy? Quatuam meh dps, Iies I call witchcraft. Only thing its missing is another viable DOT due to its only one can be overwritten by another using it like Electrocute can overwritten by anothet . I feel Quantum and Electric is perfect combo in raids Great single target and Aoe and bothe of them det each other up on polarize interactions and don't have to worry about stilling dots.Throw a Gadget or Hl dps or another Quantum dps in ther in there no way adds shouldn't burn fast unless dps sucks
  12. mgkaenzo Committed Player

    I switch from elec to quantum and the two power are so much different. Elec is more DoT and quantum is more burst. Quantum has a big problem that it use so much power but the damage are very good with a good rotation. For me Elec is better than quantum for mobs and quantum is better than elec for bosses. You should try the two power, I love elec but after long time it's was boring for me so I switch to quantum and I love how I play it. i think in this power I really optimize my weapon and my rotation is amazing especially for new raids.
  13. Cryotkj New Player

    Quantum has everything needed to be a good dmg dealing power. It has good dots, it has burst, it has a 60% cast move, and it has a 35% finisher. The problem with quantum is the dmg on the 60 % cast move does the same amount as 1 guass grenade. The 35% finisher doesn't do half of what some of the others do, and the burst dmg is very low compared to other burst powers. It doesn't have what it takes as of now.
  14. segundoblz New Player

  15. ARI ATARI New Player

    quantum is a way better dps because it has a finisher.

    as far as trolling... with new power costs its not what it was when i had 500 less vit. its a very broken role right now.
  16. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    quantum eats up power opposed to electricity?...what game are you playing? electricty eats so much power its ridiculous.... of course it depends on the powers you are using..but still electricity is KNOWN for its power hog persona

    im using quantum and loving it..i dont really know what all the hate is about ... im able to keep up or out damage anyone im running with maybe some of you just dont know how to use it? (of course you will all probably just chalk it up to im running with scrubs)
  17. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    and a 60% modifier.....quantum also uses one of my favorite powers electricity has (a bomb move) if it had a frost snipe type move i would be set
  18. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Hmm my testing shows it at around 100 base damage, roughly 3X gauss grenade Basically almost identicle to TK Blast for mental.

    I haven't done a ton of testing on the finisher but from numbers other people have said it's right there with photon.

    I will say I'm not only having a blast with quantum but doing some very nice damage. So to me the idea that it isn't good damage just doesn't seem right as I'm doing very well every night :D
  19. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    I really hope they make lift into a single target dps power instead of using a PI to turn it into a sub par AE.
  20. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    That's and interesting watch. I haven't tried quantum yet but based on that video, I think I'll stay mental.
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