Premium Players Getting DLC7 - Repair Costs

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Nekron 99, May 13, 2013.

  1. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

    I thought I would throw this out for any premium players that will purchase the Origin Crisis DLC tomorrow, repair costs are expensive right now and may be very expensive from a premium players perspective. The Iconic Anomolies solo challenges break your armor even though you play as an iconic character. A few wipes here and you will accrue a pretty high repair bill for a premium player. The Ops and Raids can really push your repair bills up if you wipe 4-6 times. I'm sure as time goes on and people getting the highest gear in the game then the content will become very easy and we'll blow right through it without any deaths, but for the time being the content is challenging.

    This may prompt a few of you to purchase the ability to use escrow money. I was wondering from a premium players perspective how will you overcome this if you plan to purchase the DLC?
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  2. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Take off your gear before doing the solos.

    As for the rest, yeah the repairs are pricey but the content is SOOOO fun.
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  3. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

    Wow I am so dumb for not thinking of this. Thanks Fester! Also I totally agree the content is very fun and a geek fest for comic nerds like myself. I was just putting the info out there for premiums.
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  4. Octantis New Player

    When I'm premium, I carry a stack of Interface 1s to sell off one at a time when I need repair money. Every time I get $2k I buy an interface. Works great, carrying my escrow around in the form of capital :)
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  5. Madholm New Player

    The raids are going to be useless for premium players for quite a while. I know, know I wouldn't invite a premium (without unlimited escrow) to a raid because you will have to replace them in half an hour when they run out of escrow. Even when doing well in the raid you can expect to die an average of twice on a successful kill. For learning the raids, expect to repair 10-20 times over a few hours.

    The alerts on the other hand are quit doable without generating much repair cost, as are the solo missions.
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  6. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    No worries.... I know your intent and I completely agree. I don't have a clue what my repair costs have been over the past few days but I'm sure I'm way over 2k per day.... LOL
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  7. Madholm New Player

    Hopefully more premiums will start doing this because otherwise they will not be doing the raids parties much good.
  8. Corrupted Ertai New Player

    Yeah... Uhhh..... If you plan to attempt a raid as a premium.... I think you better bring about 5 stacks of those interfaces. Seriously. You have to feel out the boss fights through many many failures. If you are successful at any one part, you are still likely to have gone down 2 or 3 times doing it. Just plan for spending 10-15k per hour in there.
  9. Octantis New Player

    Yeah, I started with Extreme Soders, but interfaces save inventory space :)
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  10. KemistiOMG Committed Player

    even if you would wipe in every second boss you've already made three times the money the repair costs
  11. Little Sister New Player

    I think it would be nice if us Legendary players were somehow able to repair Premium players' gear (not free players). It would make Premium a little better and encourage people to help one another. Maybe even add in a feat for "Players Repaired". Have it as a Research plan or something.

    Sorry if I took your topic in a weird direction.
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  12. Octantis New Player

    Or better yet, if premiums could access their escrow freely for repairs only.
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  13. Sardik New Player

    Just give some soders to the premium player and he will sell it and repair his gear.
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  14. Luthia1281 New Player

    You can, kinda. Just start carrying Int3 stacks and hand them out as they need repairs. Most chances are that as legendary, you already have maximum inventory space from your sub + inv slots bought with loyalty points-- I know I do.
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  15. Little Sister New Player

    I had never even thought about giving them things to sell. Good idea ^.^
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  16. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    try interface 4's they stack in 24's and you just need to split off one to sell to reach the 2000 cap
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  17. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    not in a weird direction unless of course being sweet and wanting to help others is bad.... as Im sure it is to some people on here :)
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  18. Octantis New Player

    That would work if I was a Lengendary giving them to a premium, but if I was the premium player then interface 1s is the best I can afford.
  19. crownclownking New Player

    Either buy interface 1 like someone said or farm plans to sell cause we premiums are gonna have it rough when the dlc 7 drops tomorrow. Expect to be kick left from right and ppl asking if you're premium or legendary. lol
  20. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    lol i get ya :D I normaly pay for a month every so often to stock up on interfaces and sodas then go back to premium. its a little harder with the mail being changed but just use a mule character to hold everything
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