USPS3 Tanks...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Gr33dyMoney, May 12, 2013.

  1. Gr33dyMoney New Player

    I will like to start by saying this is a RANT (sort of) , if you dont want to read I suggest u click the "Page Back" button now. I will also try to make this as fast as possible.

    1. The tank ratio in the game is about 1:20 ,

    2. Good Tank to Bad Tank ratio is about 1:10

    3. Tanks are now charging fees for them to do their job even thou they are not loot locked...

    4. Their is nothing we can do about it, besides of course. switch powers and go tank

    5. I encourge all Fire, Ice & Earth DPS to switch and go tank

    6. Refering back to number 1. They are now an endangered role, like trolls was when T4 came out

    7. /End Rant
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  2. Radium Devoted Player

    Wait a minute....

    I can charge you people?!?

    I'm gettin rich tonight!
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  3. Gadget*Switch New Player

  4. Breedin Bull New Player

    I saw someone offering tank 1 million dollars to run with them. Honestly, the tanks that seek out money, are the ones that make people not feel bad when the class gets, as they like to say, "shafted."
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  5. Gr33dyMoney New Player

    saddly yes, complex, simples, 500k, iv plans, ive seen it all last night
  6. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    T5 = Cosplaying as Luke Cage
  7. Raijin1999 Loyal Player


    Good tanks are a mandatory requirement for the new alerts, let alone raids, and finding one is such a ****** ******* pain in the ***.
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  8. ShadowStyleB New Player

    One thing that was happening when groups think they can DPS their way all the way through a raid and find out at the last boss they need a tank. You better believe someone was going to start asking for compensation for doing just one part of a Raid or Operation.
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  9. Green Lantern New Player

    I actually started out a fire tank. Leveled all the way up to full T3 as one. But I got so tired of being told Tanks were useless I went DPS, switched to Light and never looked back.
  10. Aqua New Player

    You should see how much I charge. :cool:
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  11. neptunesBeard New Player

    1. What information did you base this math on?
    2. See 1
    3. See Radium's post.
    4. There*
    5. No thanks. I like being a DPS.
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  12. Wilder Midnight New Player

    whats making it worse is seeing just how many poor damage dealers there are out there. there have been a couple i've run with the past few days that have been exceptional but overall it's frustrating. i had the classic scenario happen last night during a reunion rerun in that the MELEE dps kep dying and was at zero power pretty much throughout the whole instance with nothing but really choice dps gear dropping. at the end the dps kept blaming the tank who clearly knew what he was doing. the damager tried booting the tank, i and the healer voted "no" and the dippy dps rage quit with like four pieces of sweet dps gear. its frustratng when you know you, the tank and the healer could be doing a better job specced into dps...

    i wonder how long it would take to get a handle on ice tanking. my ice dps managed to score a bunch of new tank drops from the solos, i have some mots saved up and a few random pieces of higher end tank gear...
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  13. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Not only have I seen tanks doing this. Ive also seen healers and trollers starting to do this as well. Had people in leagues and pugs queue into BIA and Family reunion, offer their services and if wasnt met, they were gone, or wouldnt leave group further making the wait to finish that much more irritating. Which also leads to "i"ll leave group for a stack of exos, or FE5."
  14. Breedin Bull New Player

    I have noticed that some sweet DPS gear be dropping. It's almost like the drops are ratio-ed :) to the dps to non dps ratio.
  15. Zeikial Committed Player

    Ehh they are not a mandatory requirement for the ops, we have been doing these ops with two dps, pretty easy to I might add, the more you do these ops the better you get with them. Furthermore im not paying nor bribing anyone to play their role.
  16. Sechuran Fox Dedicated Player

    If tanks can charge people, then more power to them. I hope they bleed people dry while they can. For so long Tanks have been told they're unnecessary/useless or that people would rather have a DPS, that I'm happy they have their moment in the sun. I personally hope that things continue this way. In fact I hope that they take it a step further and make multiple tanks, controllers and healers essential and make having too many DPS a huge liability.

    With regards to this: "5. I encourge all Fire, Ice & Earth DPS to switch and go tank" I have to ask, do you have a tank? Because it honestly seems like you need a tank and are asking other people to change their playstyle to accommodation that. I apologize if I'm reading into that wrong, but that is how it seems to me.
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  17. Wilder Midnight New Player

    i've been very lucky with dps drops during the solos and re running reunion with the same team a few times. controller gear not so much. having bizarro as the host to one of our new solos is fitting as we are definitely in a bizarro world where everything is the opposite of what we've grown used to. the cornucopia of controller gear that are the t4 operations is no more. seeing as its easier to get things going as a controller i haven't dps'ed the new ops yet and they seem to be perfect for a mental dps. i'm at a point where i can start buying t5 gear but i'm holding off til next week to see which direction to take when dlc7 is available to everyone. every t4 premium tank out there is foaming at the mouth waiting for a chance to get into the new content.
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  18. StrikingShot New Player

    heres a true story for you

    when quantum came out i switched from ice

    First Day- i shouted for the alerts "CR89 127SP DPS for BIA or FAM"
    NOTHING for 30mins played the t5 solo, after shouted again same thing for 20mins before playing the other solo

    Next Day- Shouted for the alerts again 40mins to get into brothers and 30mins for family

    Today- Switched back to ice
    Shout "CR91 Tank For t5 alerts"

    10 seconds or less i get an invite,

    i dont even want to tank, but its a faster way for me to get marks
  19. Breedin Bull New Player

    Haha, 10 seconds? Must have been the lag. I ran with this quantum DPS the other day, claimed he switched to quantum and deleted his T4 tank gear because he 1. Didn't think he would want to tank again and 2. He needed room for his PvP
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  20. preydemon New Player

    the new alerts do not need tanks just for t5 raids ... lol besides my league have great tanks
    play ur role .. dont charge