can't do the new content in DLC7 without having mods?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Circe, Apr 11, 2013.

  1. Rahiel New Player

    So that you can avoid a repeat of the same problem in t6? I mean, you don't have to mod ALL of your gear with top-tier stuff, but you will apparently need to mod some of it at some point.

    Or simply stockpile your bits, rather than giving them away.
  2. Circe New Player

    Just because I'd have less mods than everyone else doesn't mean I'm being carried.
  3. Old Gravyleg New Player

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  4. Im Charlie New Player

    The devs "claim" that the new raids will kick even full t4 modded player's butts until we obtain better gear. So by being both a casual player and thinking its absurd to mod your gear with 4 mods in them you will more than likely be carried and prolly QQ when DLC 7 hits.

    I didnt waste my time reading any of your nonsense, but is it REALLY that hard to put at least beta mods into your full T4 gear? thats not even asking a lot and it will put you at CR84. If your main isnt full t4 then you dont need to be doing the new raids, you've had what? like a freaking year to get full t4 and now you can go from no t4 to full t4 in 2 months with all the new content out. This is an MMO and there is suppose to be a grind, be gracious that the devs make it easier to gear up as new tiers come out because a lot of other games wont do that for you.

    This game isn't for you if you expect everything to be handed to you(which the devs are already doing thanks to the QQ nubs)

    EDIT: and btw, i dont think you can hit cr 70 without modding something or getting walked yeah >_>
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  5. Sechuran Fox Dedicated Player

    Not disagreeing with the sentiment but just a quick correction:
    Full T3 armour, Central City Weapon, Trinket and jewelry will get you to CR70.

    As for CR84 with beta mods, I think you need mod 1's (which is still doable for premiums):
    Full T4 modded with I's, CR 78 neck and rings, CR71 weapon, CR73 face, Central City Trinket will get you to CR84
  6. Golden_Assassin Committed Player

    Oh my fault. I thought he was talking about league invites. My mistake if I misunderstood. I agree with that. Don't come in a raid undergeared. Raids can be longer then a full length feature film if the group is wack.

    - Gold
  7. Golden_Assassin Committed Player

    This thread is absurd if the majority of it is debating the fact that you have to work and earn the gold at the end of the rainbow. Lazy dcuo toons. Keep whining and simply miss the bus. It's really that simple. I'm not carrying anybody in T5 (unless you're a leaguemate that's been busting your hump and just need a lil' push to get to the golden CR extra point). But if you're trying to walk in butt naked, I'll laugh at you as you get dusted the entire raid. AND FURTHERMORE, who has time to be picking up folks who are under par? That's disrespectful to the group that's trying to get it done and go home. Having to wipe numerous times just so someone can ROLL on loot he or she doesn't deserve. Might make me mad enough to send a duel invite, but only to expect a swift decline when sent lol.

    This game is the most time consuming game I own, but I put the time in because I want myself and my league to be strong and experienced. If you don't think modding is essential, that speaks volumes sir.

    - Gold
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  8. SuperBell Loyal Player

  9. Old Gravyleg New Player

    It's a perfect example. A person is blind to their own ignorance, due to the very fact that they're ignorant. Replace ignorance with unskilled and it's the same exact thing. The Dunning-Kruger effect can occur due to lack of skill, intelligence, or understanding of the subject matter.

    The ignorance of standards of performance is behind a great deal of incompetence. Mod IV's are fundamental to performing in DCUO. It's obvious that an unmodded player is probably in the 20th to 15th percentile or less, yet this player Circe actually believes that she's capable of competing with a fully modded player.
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  10. Delta795 New Player

    How is this thread still going? I mean if it wasn't easy enough to get to 84cr REALLY? I took a fresh 30 ALT to 85CR in less than 60 days
    and still managed to to 70 SP's.
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  11. BomombRook New Player

    Gonna be easier with the whole construction kits(forget it's name) to remove bits from your equipment
  12. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    The CR standards seem to be out of whack. Excluding T1 content for obvious reasons, here are the requirements for T2 to T5 content.
    • T1 iconic gear has a 46 CR while T2 iconic gear/content requires a 43 CR
    • T2 iconic gear has a 56 CR while T3 iconic gear/content requires a 53 CR
    • T3 iconic gear has a 70 CR while T4 iconic gear/content requires a 70 CR
    • T4 iconic gear has a 78 CR while T5 iconic gear/content requires a 84 CR
    It seems that the T3-T4 gear/content requirements was broken. The T3 iconic gear's CR should've had a 66 CR with the next tier's content requiring a 63 CR; with the T4 gear having a 76 CR with T5 content requiring a 73.

    Of course the change came with the DLC exclusive content and surrounded the introduction of R&D. So in the end, while the devs may have said at some time R&D was just an add on and wasn't required... those days are over.
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  13. Circe New Player

    I still think it's unfair.

    I'm sitting at 83 CR with 3 mods in my T4, and I can't afford anymore mods.

    I think they need to reduce the CR requirement to 80.
  14. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Why cant you "afford" more mods ??? This is the lamest thing I've ever heard.

    Step 1: Farm for the exobytes needed and a stack of exobits as payment
    Step 2: Shout will trade stack for Level4 mod
    Step 3: Trade
    Step 4: Install new mod
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  15. UltraElite Dedicated Player

    this is the funniest reasoning for a change that i have almost ever seen
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  16. Abstrakt Loyal Player

    Are you on pc or ps3 if pc send me your toon name ill send you a mod it that will end the i cant do this change the req thread.
  17. MajorNuke New Player

    I know I am lol
  18. Circe New Player

    Sorry but I'm on PS3. :(

    Thanks anyway.
  19. MajorNuke New Player

    This man just wants the madness to end!!!!
  20. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    I just showed you what to do. Mail me the Bytes and a stack of bits and I'll supply the extra stuff I usually just delete.....

    Seriously, it's not that hard it just takes some working around. You signed up for it as a premium.