Devs: PvE and PvP Must Be Separated

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Solarstar, May 5, 2013.

  1. Solarstar New Player

    Devs, it's time to separate PvE and PvP because this will literally break PvE progression when gearing up.

    PvE Gear obtained in your mission-lines, Challenges, Duos, Alerts, Raids are meant as a natural way to progress through the game and the bad advice most of the newer players are receiving and are also being told that they can just buy the T0 Archangel for PvE progression is literally breaking PvE.

    The PvP Gear is strictly set for PvP since it has Toughness as its primary stat, whereas in PvE... it's Defense.

    The Combat Ratings for both PvE and PvP were separated for a reason and now you may want to consider a way to prevent players in PvP gear to enter PvE instances/content with PvP gear. The same should also be said for players in PvE gear doing PvP content.

    The veteran players, like myself who have played since Beta or even Day 1, had to progress and gear up the old fashioned way and it should remain true to this rather than watch new players receive bad advice.

    This is why PvE and PvP must be separate entities.
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  2. Potent New Player

    All I read was:

    "I am bad at math and I think it is unfair for players to be able to wear PvP gear until they get enough PvE gear when I had to earn it all tier by tier."

    FYI, I've been here since June 2011, so I spent my time getting T1, T2, T3, I don't care one bit.

    I'd rather them wear the PvP gear as well, so I don't have to work as hard to keep them alive.
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  3. Solarstar New Player

    I've been here since Beta and you had better care since something like this can literally wreck one side of the game.

    BTW, I expected to be flamed by people who would give this type of response such as yours.
  4. Potent New Player

    Please explain how it is going to wreck PvE any more than it already is due to the ability to skip tiers with mods?

    At least this doesn't allow you to skip tiers.
  5. Solarstar New Player

    Because is puts the wrong idea into the heads of newly fresh Level 30's that PvP gear can be used in PvE.

    If you can't understand this point, then I have no sympathy for you at all.
  6. Potent New Player

    its only a wrong idea because you think its wrong.

    the pvp gear has clearly better stats and survivability(even without the defense) than full tier 3 gear, so while the practice may be wrong, the idea is not.

    full punchline/vengeance is better than full t4(almost triple health will keep you alive better than 30%damage reduction.)

    so once again, while the PRACTICE(keyword) is wrong, the IDEA is not.

    in the end, id rather have them using the pvp gear, and never make it into the higher tiers(because honestly, without outside guidance, most will just be stuck with a never rising cr)

    than speed boost cr with mods, and be in gates on day 3 because their friend showed them what to do.
  7. Mountie New Player

    Actually the idea is wrong. This is broken by design.
  8. Black House New Player

    You know, you don't HAVE to play with them, when you pay their subscriptions or buy their DLC you can tell them what to do until then if you PUG you get what your given if you want to choose use LFG or join a league.
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  9. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    So you are saying I can put on my full t2 pvp gear and go in gates with my 38 sps and be effective as someone with 90+sps?
  10. Delta795 New Player

    I am so tired of hearing I'm a Veteran or been here since Beta...blah blah blah.
    It's a game folks, nobody cares how long you have or have not been here.
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  11. Bioinc Skull Committed Player

    Long as they stay up and do their job properly I have no problems with people doing this.
  12. Breedin Bull New Player

    People that jump in a raid with me in Archangel PvP gear get kicked. No, not by me, someone in the group is always an inspecter. Then again I do vote yes. Am I a bad person? :oops:
  13. Mountie New Player

    Design has nothing to do with how a player plays. It has to do with how the developer makes the game. Get your head out of your ***.
  14. Octantis New Player

    PvP gear in PvE and vice versa is wrong, but actually dividing PvP and PvE is just as wrong.

    I'm sure they're working on a fix as we speak.
  15. Black House New Player

    What others wear when they are playing THEIR game has nothing to do with YOU, get YOUR head out of OTHER peoples arses.
  16. Splinter Cell Dedicated Player

    So much heads going up arses. While it is true that you get far more health in PvP gear, your defense becomes virtually nonexistent and PvE alerts/raid mob enemies will tear through that health like a hot knife through butter. Bosses will too, obviously. So.... If you would like to die more often and be less helpful on PvE missions, go for it, but you will likely not be praised for it.
  17. MARK2099 New Player

    Op this never gonna stop, there were players from the very beginning using pve gear in pvp and viceverse, is the choice of players, if you think this affect so much you should inspect players before invite them to avoid those players, but i can assure you good players can run any content regardless of type of gear, i run so many times T4 content using my checkmate because i just forgot switch all gear or simply for lazyness and never was an issue.
  18. Savage Mind Committed Player

    You are actually able to take more damage with PvP gear so it would be more like a butter knife trying to cut through a coconut.
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  19. Mountie New Player

    Again you missed the point, this has to do with developers, not players.
  20. DrewCheech New Player

    Anytime I get a toon to level 30 for the first time, I purchase the full set of archangel gear, just to buff up for the solo's and duo's. 100% of the time, the archangel is better then whatever I'm wearing, so it simply increases my survivorability while earning marks to get my t1 suit. Once I'm in full tier1 I never bother with the pvp stuff. I think it's good for all of us to have the options. I mean, with any video game, the less I die, the more fun I have IMO.
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