Should i play EU or US pc version?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Orangejuse, Feb 20, 2013.

  1. Orangejuse New Player

    Well im from the UK and i was just wondering should i play on the US version of DCUO. The eu forums are as dead as hell but ive not gone ingame yet. The US forums seem ALOT more active and i can tell there is a better community. How will it effect me being 5 hours infront of the US east coast? Would it affect me getting into raids and PvP?
  2. Bioinc Skull Committed Player

    US would probably have more players but EU might have more on at your play time.
  3. Orangejuse New Player

    Yea ive heard that gamers have strange playing times anyway... Ill wait for a little more input.
  4. Elusian Crowd Control

    Take the server that fits into your general playtime. If you like to play over the day or afternoon, you're better set with EU. At evening or night you can go to the US side imo. :)
  5. Orangejuse New Player

    Well, on weekends i normally play till very late. But on normal days i play like 5pm till 10pm
  6. Orangejuse New Player

    Also dont forget some of the population on the EU Servers dont speak a word of english...
  7. Mitchell New Player

    i wouldnt go off the forums, as most of us use this one
  8. Mitchell New Player

    same on the US side
  9. BigBadRon Well-Known Player

    EUPC is well populated, but the forums aren't used much, mostly because it's extremely rare for anybody from Pro7 to respond to bug reports, account queries, or... pretty much anything really. o_O

    Many of us still use the US boards, because they're more active, and we know that people from SOE look in from time to time.
  10. Orangejuse New Player

    When i get my new pc build up and running on friday ill have a look at both servers. Would i have to download the game twice though?
  11. BumblingB I got better.

    No, it's a tiny client patch to switch between servers. The patch just gives you a different chat support for special characters of a lot of languages.

    EU server is dead between certain times as it's just the nature of less people. But it does have a booming time too.

    US server there is always someone on, but it can appear dead between your circle of friends.

    Both have really nice people, but because of the nature of having a large population, there are also more jerks per capita on US side. :)
  12. BumblingB I got better.

    lol y so cereal?

    Bwahaha, it can appear that way, but it really comes down to a few languages and not that often. European side it's more evenly distrobuted. :)
  13. Orangejuse New Player

    I think im going to play on the US servers then. They seem better and i think SOE is a better comapny than pro7 or what ever its called.
  14. Noxx New Player

    We don't use the EU forums.

    That being said, it's better to play close to home and there is an abundance of people from UK around. From my personal experience, the EU players tend to be more polite in interactions, but I may have been just unlucky :D. Also, surprisingly so, English is far better spoken/written on the EUPC.

    SOE is indeed a much better company than Pro7, based on support quality.
  15. Elusian Crowd Control

    That won't decide if u r under soe or p7 flag. If your acc will be flagged as eu acc. you cant escape the P7 nightmare even with evading on us servers ;D
  16. BigBadRon Well-Known Player

    Yep, if you're in the UK, you'll still be under Pro7, even if you use the US server. Sorry. :(
  17. Wildfire New Player

    I can certainly answer this for you, as im from the UK and have played on US servers whenever im given the option to. Im on the PS3, but as this is a measure quality of nations, not consoles, it makes little difference.

    Personally, im always up super late, ive been on "American" since i was about 16 (23 now). Im in university so i can get away with it to some extent, so a lot of this depends on whether you work 9 -5, or whether you`re a student.

    The EU servers, regardless of what game you play, are always more challenging. The average quality of player in the EU isnt necessarily better, its just that they cheat a lot more, use the dirtiest tactics you can ever think of, and pretty much dont understand the concept of sportsmanship. This goes for all games, ive been on my PS3 since 2008 now and played many games, when im on my UK account and on a game like Call of Nooby, or Any type of simulation racing game, or anything where people can gain an advantage by foul play, you can guarantee it will happen. I used to record gameplay for this purpose of highlighting the difference on a Formula 1 game (Purely because im a big F1 fan and could explain it better), and Europeans would always crash me off the track, or wait for me to lap them and try crash into me, whereas if the guys from NA were beaten, they accepted it and asked me for advice.

    Ive played DC on the EU servers, and eventually transferred across to the US for similar reasons, the guys from the EU glitch more, use all the latest exploits on a greater scale, and on top of that most of them dont speak english, its mainly the guys from the UK and a few from each nation which are bilingual.

    Latency issues are another thing to consider, you`re internet might be strong in the Eurozone, but when pinged across the atlantic, it will be a lot worse unless its 5+ U/L (Bandwidth), 10 or 12 is the max you can get in the UK because they work on a ratio of 10:1 D/L: U/L because our internet infrastructure is years behind the RoW.
    I suggest going to & and trying on a server on the east coast to get an idea.
    For me the only issues i suffer with lag are once or twice a day i will get the 25 second freezeout, where everyone is stood still on my screen, but on theres im the only one stood still. And of course, the latency in PvP can be a real b***h to workaround. If you plan on playing PvP on US servers, youll probably be a second, or half a second behind everyone else (sounds minimal, but it makes a difference), because of this youll throw a BB at a guy that is blocking, and you will end up floored, because hes lunged on his screen, but on your screen still blocking. Or youll lunge of a guy throwing BB and get bounced out of the arena because actually on his screen hed already switched to block with explosive block.

    So all in all, theres a trade off. Do you want friendlier people on average, that mostly speak english & make you feel like a genius when you talk to them, with occasional connection issues, or do you want a good connection all the time but people that dont understand what morals are, use every exploit known to man and barely speak your native language, and when they do its along the lines of this " hey f**k you english!"

    Hope this helps, lol.
  18. Kroye Loyal Player

    And those do, you might wish didn't.
  19. Orangejuse New Player

    Thank you @Wildfire for that brilliant answer. Ive tested my ping and it says i would be at a disadvantage on online games. All i can do is try it out and see what happens.
  20. OMAAR New Player

    I live in Turkey, and I never have a problem finding groups at any time I log on the US server.

    It's quite populated at any time of the day.