can't do the new content in DLC7 without having mods?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Circe, Apr 11, 2013.

  1. Circe New Player

    They say the requirement is CR 84. Don't you need mods to make it to that CR?

    I'm sorry, but that isn't right. The requirement should be 78-80 because that's how much you get with full T4 without mods.

    This is bad for those of us who have decided not to mod gear.
  2. Ivy Bird Committed Player

    Full T4 gives you CR 84, so no you don't need mods.
    • Like x 22
  3. PhilTheWind Well-Known Player

    Well if in 14 months you didn't plan or tought of modding your T4 gear... then I hope the cr will be 84 (or higher) so you can't enter.

    Don't be lazy and farm (even if you are new in the game)
    • Like x 11
  4. Frostbight New Player

    the only reason people would decide to not mod gear is the cost. I cant see why someone would say oh no i dont want extra stat boosts. I think there should be things only a few people can get into let alone complete. I want to have some things that make me stand out in a crowd, not this every must be the same or its not fair mentality.
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  5. Circe New Player

    It does?

    But this is still bad for those of us who have Demonic Runes gear and decided not to mod.
  6. recespieces31 New Player

    why would you keep Demonic Runes gear when T4 is better and gives you 84 with a full set, if you plan on continuing to not mod?
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  7. Sumeric New Player

    Then I suggest that those who only have demonic runes and no mods get some T4 gear. Problem solved.
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  8. Jordan153 New Player

    I have full T4, lockbox rings, runes of the norseman shoulders. But my CR is 81-82 right now. One of the rings is modded too.
  9. Laff Riot New Player

    Why would you not mod your gear? That is just down right dumb. I understand not modding to T4 but put something in it to get your the innates. Those are a huge help even with weaker mods.
    • Like x 5
  10. Circe New Player

    I'm not lazy.

    I gave all my bits to a friend.
  11. Zizzi New Player

    Really not that big a deal. I don't really know if full T4 gives you 84CR but I'm sure it at least gets you pretty close. Is it that much of a hassle to stick in a couple of Beta or Type 1 mods to boost yourself a couple points?
  12. Breedin Bull New Player

    Uh yes, you can't expect to keep advancing on the easy drop gear.
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  13. Doc Holliday New Player

    What cost? Farming is free and tbh the price in the broker to purchase exos have gone way down. I remember when a stack of reds were $20 mil +
    • Like x 4
  14. Breedin Bull New Player

    Then slap some t4 mods in that bad boy armour of yours or don't run the new content. ;)
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  15. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    I'd tell that friend it's time too return the favor!

    • Like x 6
  16. Laff Riot New Player

    I agree. Stacks are under a mil now and I farm like crazy. Well right now because I want to have enough bytes to mod gear day one. I wont have full T5 then but just to be ready is all I am saying.
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  17. PhilTheWind Well-Known Player

    I you to think for yourself and for the futur. You can't just give you stuff away like this lol! but you still have time to get some mods done to get to 84cr anyway.
  18. Radium Devoted Player

    Theres no reason for anyone not to have even basic alphas or betas in gear.

    The affinities themselves make that cost or 8-16 bits completely worth it.
    • Like x 4
  19. Bishop New Player

    This popped a light bulb.

    What if CR reflected gear and ignored mods?

    I know this will disgruntle a lot of players, especially the horrid CR60-70 gap, but it would help somewhat with the gear inflation that some players - not myself - complain of.

    • Like x 1
  20. Breedin Bull New Player

    Of course once everyone is fully modded t5 with t5 mods and t5 soder box rings and necklaces, you will need 100 cr to get into any of the new raids.