You MUST Kill One - Which Is it? Why?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Spartan 117, Jul 30, 2013.

  1. Spartan 117

    After having interrogated a member of each of the opposing factions, they await judgement. Bound & blindfolded across the interrogation room you raise your sidearm & must make a choice. Who do you kill? One must die. What was your motivation?

  2. exLupo

    NC because they are self centered materialists. At least the VS believe in unity. They may be zealots but the core values mean they can be brought back into the fold. The NC cannot be saved.

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  3. Van Dax

    I really mostly fight TR but I've got a lot of TR friends now so I'm going to have to say NC because on miller the NC usually just jump into TR/VS fights to screw things up with harassers and its getting really annoying (I remember the days of massive TR over pop and we'd drop in on struggling NC bases to help out, never got any of that in return I assure you)
  4. Strottinglemon

    If I were in a room with a captive from the NC and a captive from the TR and my beamer had enough energy for two discharges, I would shoot the NC prisoner twice.
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  5. Van Dax

    So you let him live?
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  6. Strottinglemon

    And then force the TR one to wear spandex until he likes it.
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  7. Madcat9

    And have to live with that one itch you can't scratch only rub for the rest of my life? I think I might selflessly take that bullet for the NC. As for my interrogation I would simply, in true Light Assault fashion, throw down a pack of C-4 in the middle of us, and not give myself time to reach safety before detonating it.
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  8. CrashB111

    Not one for role playing, but VS every time from now until forever.
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  9. Dingus148

    I'd execute the Vanu. NC are just mercs and corporate bully-boys. A few months in our Friendship and Reeducation Gulags and they'll have come around (or at least mined us some Auraxium). The Vanu are space furries and per verts...death is a blessing for these lost souls.
  10. NeverWas

    TR, because TR.
  11. lilleAllan

    Is the Vanu one a sexy infiltrator?
    If not, I'd kill the dirty vanu freak.
    As a social conservative capitalist I can't condone that sort of perverted, godless behavior.
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  12. Bennybones

    NC, man, always the NC.

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  13. f0d

    because NC are easier to kill and its always best to kill the greatest threat
  14. HadesR

    Both .... Bullets are cheap
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  15. Madcat9

    Well if they were really a threat you would leave them tied to a chair because then they can not re-spawn.
  16. Puppy

    TR. Missguided freedom seeking is better then forceful rules and harsh punishments.
  17. CNR4806

    VS. To us the NC are at most ideologically different, the VS however is a group of lunatics. They deserve to die. Horribly.
  18. Akaan

    I'd just shoot the VS guy and subject the TR guy to a constant, never ending lock-on *BEEP* sound.
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  19. Sebastien

    VS. I can't stand them pushing their technological advancement on everyone. If I want to play in the dirt, I will ******* play in the dirt.

    I chuckled imagining myself screaming in aTR's ear right before beheading the other guy.
  20. uhlan

    Apparently, since you are the 4th person in the room with these people holding no allegience to any present faction, you/we must be a "4th factioner" and so must consider suicide...
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