You don't give a give a gift and then decide to take it back, SOE.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Leo Di Caprio, Mar 30, 2013.

  1. Leo Di Caprio

    It tends to piss people off.

    Measure your buffs, measure your release weapons, once you take it back... many will tell you to **** off and leave.

    Has this been realized yet?
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  2. LonelyTerran

    Test server brochacho!
  3. FnkyTwn

    Higby said that they tested the ESRLs more than anything they've ever tested before
    they were released. Which means about 30 minutes of solo play on private servers vs
    bots and stationary vehicles. The only good thing to come out of this is that they plan
    on having test servers for regular players sometime in 2015*.

    *Assuming of course that the game is still around in 2015

    *fingers crossed*
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  4. ih8Darian

    SOE has every right to buff and nerf weapons that people buy with SC, maybe you should have read the ToS before complaining.
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  5. Leo Di Caprio

    Hah, you misunderstand the purpose of this post, as I could care less about anything they buff or nerf in this game, I do not purchase anything anymore and if you were smart neither should you.

    What I meant to imply was that people leave because of **** like this, to put it simple, numbers do not lie, isn't that uncle Higby's motto?
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  6. jjruh

    This is what happens when you give a eight year old a computer.
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  7. Zaik

    this again?
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  8. Radioactive Pirate

    It's not a gift if you paid for it (with time or money). Your folly. Move along.
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  9. Teegeeack

    Don't want to defend SOE but they've been pulling this kind of stuff for ages. I can't believe anyone buys a new weapon without at least suspecting that at some point in the future it will either be nerfed or outclassed by a better weapon. Knowing SOE's record, if you buy a new weapon, you take the risk that comes with it.
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  10. Purg

    Weapons will always remain in a state of perpetual balance, that's just the nature of the beast. I'm NC - I have the Phoenix and I play NC MAX. If decent statistics show that they're performing beyond the expectation of the devs then I don't care if they're nerfed. Perhaps I'm naive but I like to think that the incessant cry babies on this forum contribute a minute fraction of the impetus for balancing - the statistics gained from weapon usage within the game should always be the #1 factor.

    I don't want my primary NC character to roll over the enemy because the weapons I wield are far superior, I want to be able to roll over the enemy due to superior tactics, skill and cunning - otherwise, where's the challenge? Where's the sense of achievement? The Phoenix is a classic example of a weapon that needed balancing - and IMO, it was a fair balance.
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  11. Cl1mh4224rd

    Gift. That's quite possibly the stupidest characterization of items in a video game that I've ever heard...
  12. XRIST0

    People leave because they cant one shot with the phoenix anymore ? good riddance .
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  13. MarlboroMan-E

    Literally every thread created by OP is this entitled, whiny and frankly caustic tripe. Dude. Just find another game. Caveat emptor.
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  14. Zazen

    I'm diehard NC as is my Outfit, DVS. The day we got the Pheonix, we were all like, "There's NO way this doesn't get nerfed." It was so un-sporting I actually stopped using it and went back to my dumbfire launcher until they nerfed it. No true gamer wants a no risk, high reward, insta-gib machine, it just removes all the fun from competitive online PvP combat.

    The only people who complain about the Phoenix nerf are those, 'win at all costs' types, that would/do hack if they think they can get away with it.
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  15. Eclipson

    2015?! If we don't get a test server before then, this game will be dead before we even get the test server, as much as SOE has been screwing up on EVERY SINGLE UPDATE.
  16. Vapid

  17. CrashB111

    Anyone that quits over that is a man-child that wants the world to cater to them. SOE has every right to buff or nerf whatever they want regardless of if you paid SC for something. As long as they don't remove it from the game entirely without giving a refund for taking the product away, they can pretty much do what they desire.
  18. Astealoth

    if you want to play a game where items never change, play a game that's been out for 5 or 10 years. newsflash morons, EVERY NEW GAME GOES THROUGH THIS. weapon changes aren't a new concept. weapon changes aren't a strange concept. weapon changes aren't an unfair concept.
  19. SgtBreastroker

    They do. However they listen to the wrong audience for these balance issues.
  20. Leo Di Caprio

    Of course if you had the slightest clue to what I meant about "gift", you would post something relevant to my thread, there is still hope though.