[Suggestion] Why 'Friendly Fire' within Planetside 2 is a pointless feature

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by loomynartylenny, Dec 6, 2016.

  1. loomynartylenny

    Okay, let's think about this.

    Friendly fire is possible in planetside 2.

    However, if you do this thing which you are allowed to do, you get penalized.

    What was the point of allowing players to do it if they are only getting penalized for it?

    pls fix
  2. Bloodlock

    so... ppl don't rush a point throwing bombs around to kill anything w/o penalty... :p
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  3. loomynartylenny

    I'm mainly thinking about it along the lines of
    not in the sense of accidentally killing your team by throwing bombs onto the point
  4. YouWannaGetHigh

    He just explained to you why your way of thinking is wrong and you responded him saying that's the way you think.

    Edit: If friendly fire wasn't a thing, then everybody would be spamming Lashers, Grenades and tanks all over the place. If you make friendly fire, then there might be a dude who just kills your entire team repeatedly without any boundaries.
    SO; you allow friendly fire but punish it if it's abused. I think it perfectly makes sense.
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  5. Eternaloptimist

    Friendly fire being possible and attracting a penalty is not pointless. It is there to stop the game being a kiddies fest of just spraying gunfire around by imposing some requirement to take care where you are shooting. You can also get run over and killed by one of your own tanks although strangely, there doesn't seem to be a penalty for that............
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  6. Demigan

    With your reasoning you could also say you are punished for using resources.

    Adding friendly fire was a good decision. It encourages players to be more mindful of eachother and not spray at random when friendlies are nearby.

    Punishing for excessive teamkilling is a logical next step. Having players be able to kill allies indescriminedly without repercussions would increase the teamkilling to 30 to 50% overnight, if only by the angry players Who "punish" random players Who they collectively blame for losing random crap. Not to mention all the clueless players Who are surprised they get run over by vehicles would become trigger-happy murder-bots Who would sneakily shoot allies in the back and finiah them off just to "punish" random vehicle users for driving over people Who dont look when jumping onto the road. Also have you ever had people destroy your sunderers just to place theirs? Or to screw over your faction so they can switch back to their own faction and win alerts. My only answer to those guys is a shield sundy and forcing anyone Who blows it up into weapon lock.
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  7. Pat22

    To sum up what everyone else is saying;
    Friendly Fire is not a feature that they put there for the players to use. It is a balancing factor to prevent the indiscriminate spam of explosives and weapons fire into your own team just to get at enemies, and the punishment for friendly firing is there to prevent abuse of that system to grief your own team.
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  8. Masyaka

    If there was no friendly fire 96+ battles would be times better.
  9. AtckAtck

    I think it is an important feature, if you can just shoot through your teammates it could create situations where killing any defender wouldn't even be possible.
    Just imagine 100 players in a room all able to fire at a doorway without any hindrance.

    Apart from the obvious above I find it very appeasing to gun down the idiots that need to run through your stream of bullets so often.
  10. kr47er

    I dont even know how to answer this without memes.
    Cant choose between " u'r...u'r fkin idiot" and "are you sure about that?"
  11. Ziggurat8

    I'm confused. Are you saying there should not be a penalty for friendly fire?

    Because that would just be crazy. Imagine 5 guys from the NC on VS alts during an alert. Having no penalty for FF they would be able to lock down an entire spawn room by themselves.

    Are you saying there shouldn't be FF because it's penalized? Imagine the other side of the coin there is no FF. those 5 NC/VS turncoats pull 5 Galaxies or 5 Sunderers and park them all over bass vehicle exits or across narrow roads blocking and hindering vehicle reinforcements. With no FF there would be no way to deter them and they could really screw up a good battle.
  12. Cyiko

    No matter how much people try to justify FF existing, when the players thought. "I want to throw a grenade at the enemy in this room, but if my idiot team rushes in i might be ACTUALLY STOPPED FROM PLAYING THE GAME" is going through their head, you need to rethink the design.

    I am scared to use a lasher because friendly fire means that if i suppress an area and team mates run infront of me (Fun fact, direct hits from a lasher really hurt) and i kill them, i can be stopped from playing the game.

    Again i repeat, if the consequence of a feature is to have some players scared to use a certain playstyle for fear of what is basically a miniban from the game, that is not a feature that should exist.

    EDIT: Not having friendly fire means that the infamous NC problem of tkers disappears
  13. AtckAtck

    It is a two sided blade. Either way you always have to account for players that don't care about rules, don't care about fair play, break rules on purpose or even try to destroy gameplay of others for feeling superior. Or simply because they feel salty about something you did to them as enemy.

    Some days ago I had a guy inside my base that tried to blow up modules, sunderer and teamkill for about half an hour before finally giving up and left. Reason is still unknown to me. Trying to defend my precious base I just had to kill him first, but after some retaliation from my side I was close to a weapon lock, while he kept going on, obviously without even being near a lock.
    So after he blow up my sunderer, destroyed like 4 modules and teamkilled me like 10 times, he finally left.
    Oh boy was I pissed.
    If he couldn't even have damaged my stuff, that would have been great.

    But, as stated above not being able to do anything against friendlies would be bad too. The amount of griefing that can be achieved by pure blocking, ramming, pushing and standing in the way is countless.
  14. Masyaka

    I mean you can finally pull a kill instead of tking your MAXes and HAs infront of you when you fire.
  15. kr47er

    yeah, I know what friendly fire means.
  16. Eternaloptimist

    The "certain playstyle" being just to spray shots and explosives around with complete impunity and regardless of what anyone else is doing because you haven't got the skill or gumption to work with other players? No, this argument doesn't work and it never has (it's come up before).
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  17. Pelojian

    Friendly Fire is needed to stop mindless spam of explosives of all types and people going rambo with bullet hoses, the problem is there is no real punishment for deliberate sustained TKs that are spaced out or are manipulated in such a way that the victim gets locked for multiple slight collision damage while the TKer can blow them away (in a vehicle situation) with impunity.

    if TKers actually risked their accounts, charaters and their attached daybreakcash there wouldn't be as many TKers.

    i say they should make a drunder server for planetside 2 like EQ2 has then find the people that are deliberate sustained TKers over long periods and dump them there where they can enrage each other and leave people who actually know how to play and understand what the game is about.

    you know instead of being like a little kiddie that jumps in a gunner seat, fails to bail when the vehicle is clearly on fire with no real hope of repair and then blames the driver for dying in a wargame and tries to TK said driver.
  18. Demigan

    To sum up Magazine size: It's not a feature that they put in there for players to use. It's a balancing factor to prevent players from being able to fire constantly but punishes you for actually using your entire magazine with a reload speed.

    That's how smart your comment sounded to me.
  19. Diilicious

    This is one of those things where people think the sky would fall if it were changed and then nothing would actually happen.
  20. Demigan

    What do you mean. You think that if the punishment is removed nothing happens? In that case you would have people blow up friendly vehicles for grabs or sit in front of spawntubes with a MAX and just murder anyone who pops out.

    If you remove friendly fire itself then Zergs would instantly become 50 times more viable. Also chokepoints would be far easier to handle as anyone with even the tiniest view can fire at it regardless of allies marching in front of them all the time, meaning easily double the amount of bullets flying at the people pushing through. Vehicles wouldn't be punished for shooting through large groups of allies, vehicles would also be capable of driving through bases without repercussions for crushing allies. Vehicles would also be used to launch allies off of cliffs or to push infantry around to grief them. Vehicles would also be abused to block entrances, and you'll find people placing locked Sunderers at the exits of spawnbunkers or key facilities. Grenade spam would be off the charts since a missed grenade that lands in between your allies isn't as punishing, nor is throwing a grenade while your allies push in. A player that griefs allies by blocking friendly vehicles from retreat wouldn't be punishable with a few shots.

    How many problems were that already? And a lot of them would be pretty common place, completely changing how the game is played and what kind of strategies are rewarded (note: None of the strategies that become more rewarding are the ones you want to promote, like Zerging).
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