Why does DBG allows NC's terrible low win rate?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Humoreske, Oct 14, 2017.

  1. Atorum

    Exactly, basically the dominating part of TR is VS alts that are going back to their mains due to alert rewards and shiat.
    TR on Emerald is sad like NC, its VS that is kicking *** and taking name.
    Like I said, its not that NC needs buffs, its VS that needs nerfs.
  2. Money

    I've abandoned my Emerald BR 113 NC character, and move over to VS for a while. The grass is definitely greener on the VS front. Ridiculously accurate, fast firing, starter weapons have a way of keeping the better players interested and engaged. Got my first alert win last night on Amerish by completely cutting off the NC at the warp gate. NC barely even put up a fight. Got a Wolf Decal!
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  3. RockPlanetSide2

    Since the ISO system started as a reward, everybody good went to the VS and all the leadership is good.. and they are just farming ISO... it is that simple.
  4. LaLaBear

    Honestly for someone who was nay saying this thread for the most part, I think this is a pretty good start assuming it's not sarcastic.

    1) NC Max: Some kind of decently ranged/higher mag sized AI weapon is definitely a start for suppression or fighting anywhere other than point blank.

    2) The Reaver has very good dps guns with according low mag sizes. I'm a terrible dogfighter since I can't aim, similar to the average person. A higher rof + larger mag size going to be better for the average player 99% of the time. For now, equalizing the hit boxes might be a start to maybe getting more NC in the air.
    The other ridiculous thing about the reaver is the low acceleration causes it to take about twice as much time to reach a slower max speed... devs made gravity/weight affect the reaver more or something which even makes it harder to pull up from dives and slower to react when maneuvering in tight spaces regardless of the stronger vertical/afterburners. The bigger target should never be the slower one unless it’s more armored. Not to mention the AH needs to be up close to actually hit with all the pellets which puts an oversized target real close to rockets. Lancers, Strikers, ZOE, lockdown bursters are also discouraging.
    TLDR: Make the reaver more noob friendly or increase NC AA capability (but then nobody will fly)

    Heavy Assault – I don’t think the dps needs to be exactly equalized. The current difference is about 100hp per second, which isn’t that much. But again, rof is always beneficial to newer players until they get the hang of the game.

    3) I don’t think the anchor needs changes, I also wouldn’t like to see a hipfire gun the starting heavy gun.

    4) I wouldn’t change current default gauss saw either, it is still useful in certain situations. Better off changing some junk like the Gauss Saw S or GD-22S which have very bad dps to 167/630rpm.

    5) I don’t think the NC carbines are bad when compared only to TR. They have slightly better hipfire and good accuracy if you’re standing still.. which most light assaults won’t be be doing but the tradeoffs aren’t grossly imbalanced.
    What I don’t understand is why VS have higher dps than NC/same as TR, plus: lower bloom, better moving accuracy, less vertical recoil AND no bullet drop. And for aurax weapons they get unlimited ammo + ability to use sidearm while “reloading” the primary.. That’s like having a 3rd implant...

    6) A semi auto is the most noob friendly starter for infiltrators.

    7) Yes our pistols suck. NS weapons are better

    8) Camo changes needed.

    9) Phoenix: dumb fire/some sort of AA capabilities?

    10) Vanguard: I think this is our biggest problem at the moment. Here are some front armor TTK examples with the AP cannon:

    Stock Vanguard vs. Stock Prowler – 24s
    Stock Prowler vs Vanguard – 19s
    Stock Magrider vs. Vangaurd – 26s
    Max reload Vanguard vs. Stock Prowler – 21.6
    Max reload Prowler vs Vanguard 17.6s
    Max reload Magrider vs Vanguard 23.4
    *Vanguard shield: Adds approximately 6 second to the TTK in most cases
    *Prowler Lockdown: decreases TTK by about 40%

    -Because the shield is a % reduction now, it can no longer be used to duck out of a fight. It must be used right up front with no way out of a bad situation (literally every situation now).
    -With armor gone, and vanguard having a higher health than the other 2 tanks, it heals at a slower % per second.

    New players quickly figure out that the Vanguard is not worth 450 nanites just to die to more maneuverable magriders or stronger prowlers.

  5. Lamat

    Emerald TR performed horribly over members double XP weekend, that's what they came back from.
  6. RockPlanetSide2

    I was not nay saying the thread, I said that if I'm going to get better guns... cool... but, the changes won't change what is wrong with the NC, I still think it's the player base and not the guns. The faction as a whole attracted the wrong crowd: "Freedom is cool, rebel!"... did not work out.

    The argument presented (I guess, there is a lot of opinion changing and so forth through the entire thread) is this:
    50 NC HAs with Gauss Saws run into 50 TR HAs with CARVs or 50 VS with Orions... the NC have no chance... ever (give all players have equal skill, equal connections, equal gaming rigs). That is what is being said. I just don't buy it, it is ridiculous. There are claims that the data shows this to be right... the data does not show that at all (people just can't understand the data or want to misrepresent it for their own purposes).

    DGBs argument is always going to be: "Well people can just buy the Anchor and buy the Desperado pistol"... then it's even... it does not matter that the other pistols are bad. And it certainly does not help that you should really only be using the Commissioner anyway.

    The only real issue I have with tanks is that the Prowler has a GOD MODE, anchor is just too powerful to exist properly in the game... period. Prowlers on hills turning bases into "no go zones"... is a terrible design idea... especially now that HA rockets are worthless. That does not mean the Vanguard is bad... it just means the Prowler has a GOD MODE. Anchor needs to work just like zealot overdrive... you want to do more damage... you take more damage... until that is done it is just OP.
  7. Killer Medic

    One weekend a faction doesn't make. They've been top dog for months before CAI.
  8. Hajakizol

    If all the good players go to vanu to win alerts that itself is telling. Look at wow pvp. Its an mmo it counts... When the human trait everyman for himself was considered strongest alot of the "harcore" horde pvp switched to alliance overnight. And this expansion with the focus and stuns and the strength of interrupts most "hardcore" pvpers went back to horde for stun reduction and silences.

    Back to planeside. If one sides equipment is easier to get good results with and is noob freindly would not they attract and retain the most "harcore" of the pvpers? I think so. So the opposite would also be true. You would get and retain less "harcore" and retain more casual pvprs. Casual in that winning alerts is not just not very interesting but also alot more difficult to achieve and is not viewed as an achievable goal. The deck is stacked against them in the players they face and the equipment they use.

    Buff the NC weapons by 100% and watch the "hardcore" vanu disappear overnight.. (just as an expirement)

    My spelling is the bad.. syntax too
  9. Killer Medic

    And it's actions just like that causing people to quit the game. My other half is pro level gamer and quit due to the ******** you just mentioned...and that was within a week of CAI. I've tried to hold off but I left earlier today when looking at the pathetic continent holdings on Emerald. Thank God I didn't renew my sub to this piece of **** when it expired.

    Oh well, one less NC on to be farmed and the VS/TR joke of a game will continue.

    It's been fun-not really...just trying to be polite.
  10. ridicOne

    I'm still going to point as a whole with something factual VS is still the least populated faction ( http://ps2.fisu.pw/population/?world=0 ). I wasn't going to bother with this tread but I'm actually totally in favour of making NC OP all around. Not just a litte OP either specifically better all around nothing exorbitant and do a silent patch so noone knows. When people start picking up on the silent changes one of two things will happen.

    1. teamwork gameplay and skill actually outperform equipment. (hopefully this happen before people notice the changes, to prove a point of course.)
    2. everyone just goes and plays NC.

    And everyone knows number 2 is where everyone will end up. To me I find it when they aren't as a whole actually the most underpop faction kinda a cough out.

    The only reason I'm posting here is for a controlled 1v1 faction qued with equal numbers per side. As per what has been seen in the past with Server Smashes which faction seems to do very well in them. Using Alert totals as a starting point for any discussion is so far from valid due to soo many variables in the open world setting. If you can't seem to agree on having a controlled setting to test balance on the live server your just here complaining about your own guessaumptions. The only reason people would disagree with allowing a controlled setting for testing purposes is because there hiding behind their crutch. I say let it all be known, let's test and see what the outcomes are.
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  11. Lamat

    I know, I was just explaining why he said that.
  12. Lamat

    They are trying to run a business and that would be horrible for an already declining population.

    No crazy stuff, just slow improvements until things level out, if NC overly dominates then slowly revert some of the changes.
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  13. ridicOne

    Hate to say it but at this games point of life there's nothing wrong with having some distinct changes happen. They need to make the monthly sub more attractive imo, boost the xp, daily cert gain more better sales. They are trying to make you purchase NS stuff which I don't agree with at all, in reality the NS weapons have somewhat ruined the game for me personally. I die more often to NS stuff than ES weapons by quite abit now. Personally I'd rather they make a controlled setting and than make changes to gather some data first.
  14. LordKrelas

    I suggest multiple controlled battles if doing tests.
    As distance, terrain, being inside or not, affects the results vastly.
    Server Smashes are select highly skilled teams, not the average joes, with the ability to call refs in on the opponent.

    Since the majority, let alone the newer & average player isn't
    A) Fully geared like the participants in SS.
    B) Aren't able to secure exact even numbers.
    C) Aren't strictly in bases \ strict battle zones.
    D) Aren't wielding the 'best' weapons for the sides.

    So the SS isn't good for the average player, let alone the baseline effectiveness of Class vs Class between empires.
    As it's experienced player with the best gear they are experienced with, in an environment that doesn't change or have any additional variables.
    Proper battle has the adapting field from exterior hills, to straights, to numerous interiors & back.

    I do like the straight testing environment, but isn't not going to be simple.
    Glory of Built-to-purpose weaponry, is that is usually only preforms good in said intended-field \ use \ purpose.
  15. ridicOne

    Those players are the best way to test equipment. They use what they have to the full potential and that's exactly what your trying to see in a controlled setting.

    Edit. How about giving all character access to everything like in VR, that doesn't help with experience but they will be on the same playing field equipment wise.
  16. LordKrelas

    When the majority isn't the top tier, with their selection of equipment not the equipment made available to the average & new players..
    As when NC needs to spend 1000 certs, to be at the same capability as TR \ VS whom spent nothing, it matters a grand deal.

    The Thing is, that means only the best equipment for the chosen fight's situation will be used.
    If you want practical data, you must also include situations where only the default gear is available.
    Then recall, for NC, the starter weapon is a skilled-user-required weapon while the Carv & Orion are not.
    This means, that anyone using it if skilled, already isn't near the average let alone new players.

    So, it's also ensuring the situation isn't only the perfect place for the weapon, or the perfect user for it.
    As such situations & people are not the normal, nor where \ whom is going to be wielding it, that matters.
    After all, one person can score head-shots with a Gauss Saw from the hip with luck.
    But that doesn't make that practical data at all, even if they are consistent.
  17. Money

    Nothing would make me happier than to stay NC though my entire Planetside career. I was NC for all of Planetside 1, and as of November, 5 years of Planeside 2. But at what point do you stop banging your head against a wall? I was starting to feel like a complainer, which I hate. I've always been a go with the flow guy, but I feel like the game developers JUST DON"T CARE!!!!! So I'm going to entertain me. If I'm not having fun, then why am I playing in the first place. Not apologizing to anyone! I want to have fun in this game. No, I don't need to win all the time, but it's nice to taste victory occasionally. Not dumping my NC that I have 1000's of hours playtime in, just waiting until it's fun to play again
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  18. iPervy

    *pats back* I get ya buddy. Started as a TR but jumped shipped to NC when a friend joined and I rejoined with then loved it so much I never looked back (main character wise). Love playing NC, but man every time I jump into VS/TR its always notable how much easier they are to play in comparison.

    Having not been playing my NC as much since I'm always locked out due to the que, I just gotta face the music and easy-side being something not NC. All around though other factions seem better (excluding the Vanguard and hm.. I guess thats it haha (also love the Gauss saw)). Public platoons even seem to have higher IQ's and more read to follow orders and make less dumb decisions.

    Still love NC and will gladly play more of them if que wasn't a issue, but man theres things the TR have that really gets me jealous going back to NC. TR's default sidearm is the best sidearm in the game imo - rather use that instead of a smg as a infiltrator - NC has the worse sidearm. TR guns having 40 rounds usually is incredibly useful especially outside of 1v1 situations or just suppressing/lead firing. Far enjoy TR max also as they are more viable all around compared to NC's (Never liked shotguns myself though). I could go on forever haha and I haven't mentioned VS or vehicles yet.

    That said I do feel NC have some awesome weapons to combat the other factions, but it requires actually unlocking them which for new players is a confusing endever especially with how poorly the weapon screen is sorted that requires watching many guides to not mess up your investment.
  19. adamts01

    Do you actually play Prowlers? I don't often tank, but I've always found i to be the weakest of the 3 in most situations. People in front of a locked Prowler just move. It only seems to benefit pointless firing lines, attacking Hives, and destroying deployed Sunderers a little faster. It's a much easier target to hit without straffing like the magrider, and you can't rely on the 2ns set of hornets or the tankbuster to not take it out because of a shield. And speaking of spawnroom camping, nothing does that better than the mag, with it's float up any mountain boost. When you look at most meaningful engagements, lockdown doesn't apply. The 2nd shot is nice for newer players who don't have range or leads down.
  20. LaLaBear

    Have you fought or played as a Vanguard recently? The shield now does nothing against hornets or tankbusters unless they fly right down in your face and shoot you while it's on. While lockdown isn't exactly godmode it compliments an already more powerful tank.
    Read back a page and I posted a few TTKs for MBTs. A prowler will beat a Vanguard in a head on 1v1 any day. Vanguard is the slowest, least maneuverable, fattest, with less relative heal rate due to higher starting health AND has the lowest DPS.
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