Why do Infils only have 400 shields again?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Plorf, Oct 11, 2014.

  1. LibertyRevolution

    No it would not.
    Like I said, the did it so that infils look like they give up something for cloak.
    It is basically a meaningless paper stat.

    I would prefer if all classes has even HP.
    I am on board the nerf the heavy overshield bandwaggon too.
  2. Get2dachoppa

    So being the only class with zero anti-vehicle weaponry wasn't enough?
    But by your logic, if all that is important is that Infiltrators just need to APPEAR to be squishy, we already do. Our character models in game. We look like lightly armored, soft targets. Mission accomplished. 100 less shields not needed.

    And by what standard do classes have to "give up something" for their unique abilities? What did Heavy Assaults give up for their overshield? What did Light Assaults give up for their jetpacks? What did Medics give up for their revive abilities?
  3. LibertyRevolution

    You are invisible snipers that can OHK from 300m out..
    You are invisible guys with SMG that kill with no warning.
    You are hated, so you get the shaft.

    The other classes are not invisible instant death, so they don't need to look weak.

    Anyways, what LA/Eng/Medic give up for their abilities is not having overshield or cloak. ;)
  4. Spoprockl

    It does make a difference at range and for things other than bullets hitting the body.

    Explosive splash damage and heavy rockets in combination with maxed flak armor.

    Wearing nanoweave armor makes a difference in the number of bullets required.

    The already mentioned Commy and Crossbow OHK headshot.

    Did nobody mention those in your other thread? Just because it doesn't make a difference for body shots at max damage range doesn't mean it doesn't make a difference anywhere else in this game.

    Also, your argumentation about giving up HP for our "invisibility" (not mentioning loud fart noises and a maximum of 12s cloaking at a time) is weak, as it is already the only ability in this game with a hardcounter (darklight) and a soft counter (radar).
    How many disadvantages do you think should come with one ability?

    I do not agree, this ability is not powerful enough to justify the loss of 100 HP.

    If it was a tradeoff for more movespeed i'd buy it. A 100 HP tradeoff for a class specific ability? Nonsensical in my opinion.
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  5. LibertyRevolution

    Explosive damage and getting shot with rockets? bro grasping at straws much??
    100HP makes no difference in any situation where dudes are shooting explosives at you..

    The fact that a commie can OHK you is also no real difference in game either...
    If you get OHK with a commie, he could just shot you in the body a few time as he had plenty of opportunity..
    He only OHK because you were standing still being a useless sniper and wanted to let you know your useless.

    Far as headshots vs bodyshots vs ranged damage vs nanoweave it changes nothing.
    They change the hits to kill for all classes, and go ahead and do the math, it will work out the same hit numbers.

    If you happen to be in that sweet spot of 30-40m away from a guy with a saw, your TTK is .1 secs less than another class.
    If you were any class other than heavy, you would still be dead as that heavy has 1600HP to your 1000...

    Far as you thinking that cloakers should be quicker, I disagree completely!
    Movement speed is the realm of light assaults, they should have never even given infils adrenaline pump in my opinion.
    I also think that cloaking should make it so you cant sprint. Want to be stealthy, you should have to walk.
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  6. Get2dachoppa

    1) True, but so what? How does that justify -100 shields? You know what most players call that invisible sniper 300m away from the battle? Useless.

    2) Not a valid argument as Infiltrators had 100 less shields BEFORE they were given access to SMGs. You're also making a gross exaggeration.

    3) Players like or dislike for a class shouldn't determine which ones have more or less effective health.

    Try answering again. What have Medics given up for their healing and revive abilities? Tell me, which one has a more significant impact on the average PS2 battle? That invisible guy 300m making the occasional headshot on some noob that stood still too long, or the medic reviving his comrades, keeping them healed and making sure his squad can hold the point? What did the Medic LOSE for such an important class ability?
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  7. LibertyRevolution

    If you are playing medic, then you are not playing heavy, and you gave up your overshield.

    You have to look at it like Heavy is the base class and you give up being heavy to become squishy with a tool.
    At least that is what forumside has convinced me of, and they seem to be right, as when playing heavy my K/D doubles.

    Anyways, you are fighting with the wrong guy, as I would love to see all classes have even HP.
    This would include removing the HA shield and giving it an ability that wasn't a strait HP buff.
  8. BillHaverchuck

    +1 to movement speed bonus.
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  9. Goingback

    +1 to movement speed bonus. Agreed.

    Anyway try to kill a guy 300m away, I realy recommend you to try :)

    Please don't talk about TTK, the game is more complex than it.
    Infis are not invicible just hard to see.
    They make cool sound as a warning before ambush.
    And they can't break cloak by shooting which is frustrating because they have to wait that half sec (?) to cloak go down.
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  10. task_master

    if you want your movement speed bonus you can try adrenaline pump 8)
  11. Moz

    I would much rather they just made the cloak sound less stupidly loud TBH.
  12. Covah

    Class is OP enough with only 900hp.

    Cloak + sniper is an easy farmfest.
    Cloak + smg lol, don't even start on this.
    Ap mines, perma cloak with pistol, map hack etc...

    I think my RAM-50 was the fastest auraxium i ever made, armistice SMG too.

    Infil is for easy cheesy kills, 900hp is more than enough for a class with such a huge advantage like cloak or super op easy to use sniper rifles.

    I play 70% of the time heavy, guess what class i pull when i'm bored and want some easy kills in a zergfest ?
    lol infil 900hp is fine, stop whinning.
  13. DatVanuMan

    Okay, deal. My suggestion was horribly stupid and infiltrators would have dominated the field:eek:
  14. Moonheart

    Sorry, but he's right on it.
    If it makes no difference, it is even more a reason to bring the hp back to the same amount than other classes.
  15. K4is0r

    stats.dasanfall.com says otherwise...

    On the RAMS you have 59.3 kills per hour. You auraxiumed about 30 infantry weapons and with 18 of it you have a higher kph stat then with the RAMS. Your armistice kph stat is even worse. The NS-15M was your fastest auraxiumed weapon.

    So in my eyes your assumptions seems to be purely based on an "I hate all infiltrators" attitude. Correct me if I`m wrong ;)
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  16. Moz

    Your calcs dont contain any bullet dropoff information, they only cater to the ideal situation wich is not the case in 95% of PS2 engagements.

    Also, if it makes no difference...... just give Infil the shiled the same as the rest..... will be the same as it is now..... because it makes no difference!
  17. Moz

    Thats interesting stand point?

    All classes can use SMG. Lets take an Engineer for an example to your other points (it would just be to easy with HA):

    This class can use SMG
    This class can use carbine
    This class can use battle rifle
    This class can carry c4 or AP mines or AT mines
    This class has a turret to use against infantry
    This class has a turret to use on tanks
    This class can reapir max suits
    This class can repair tanks
    This class can disable mines
    This class can stick nades to people in groups

    Please remove the extra sheild from Engineer.

    now if you look at HA or Medic in the same light......... WOW they need like double the shield nerf of the Infil.....
  18. RobinTheRude

    Short answer; so that they don't benefit as much from damage falloff at longer ranges.

    One good example of this is Battle Rifles; they can kill Infiltrators in 2 headshots at any range, where another class would take a third shot.

    This is important when keeping in mind that a good Infiltrator will 'always' get the first shot, especially at a decent range, and has relative freedom in repositioning between safe vantage points. Couple this with the fact that a Sniper Rifle has the potential to kill a target with just that first shot.

    Most small arms in PS2 stop being effective beyond their minimum damage range, simply because the time it takes to drop a target becomes so long that they can run away before you do any meaningful damage. The shield penalty on Infiltrators is meant to mitigate this, since they not only put themselves in less risk, but also possess the overwhelming majority of 'true' long-range weapons.
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  19. Covah

    And with your 600+ hours in infil you won the POS cheesy camper award.
    Hell 17k kills with longshot must have been a challenge...oh wait.

    Class is more than fine with only 100hp less that's all.
  20. McToast

    Afaik the HA shield is the cheese of the month. But since you mainly play HA I don't expect you to agree with that :).

    I agree that those 100 HP are not really a big deal, but on the other hand there is no real reason why the infiltrator should have 100 less shield.