Which NC outfit is the best in Waterson?

Discussion in 'Emerald (US East)' started by StarFox64, Feb 25, 2013.

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  1. vaxx

    Who am I? I am mainly a VS player on Waterson (Vaxxer), and a TR player on Helios (Vaxxe). Secondly a NC player on Waterson (Vaxer). Dont play my NC much due to the huge NC population, and dont think the server needs more NC. Cant wait to tranfer my NC off this server.

    How do I know? From me playing in PHX platoons, back on Jaeger and a few times on Waterson. I followed orders, went to the objectives, etc. Everyone in PHX that I played with was good, and decent players. The thing that frustrated me to no end, was the constant back patting after taking a base (with enemies detected) with a full platoon of our own. The "Good job" and "We kicked their butts", was head scratching to me, as it was not even a hard fight. Then, coming up against a larger force, and before the fight could even really begin, being called back to the warpgate because "There are too many, we cant win there", to Gal drop on another base with "enemies detected". This has happened everytime I have ran with a PHX platoon.

    Things change, and maybe your public platoons are different, but I have never seen what you claim....on either side of the battle.
  2. Blackweb

    Ok, you are just making things up. PHX doesn't use galaxies much, maybe once in the past month :rolleyes:

    Just about everything you said about PHX is completely false. This begs the question, why are you saying these things?

    Did you get kicked out of PHX? Were you disciplined by a PHX officer? Were you kicked out of a PHX platoon because you were not where you were supposed to be?

    I don't expect an honest answer but more lies about PHX. Don't listen to this guy. If you want to know how PHX rolls, just join one of our open recruiting platoons and see for yourself ;)
  3. vaxx

    Just saying what *I* experienced, it not what you claim. I did exactally what you said on the last line of your reply, numerous times..."Rolled with an open recruiting platoon to see for myself".

    Not making things up. I was never in PHX. Shouldnt you, as the leader know that? You can take off your tinfoil hat theory.

    You asked questions, I answered them. Because you dont like the answers, you put them off as lies.
  4. LibertyRevolution

    It amuses me to see other calling out PHX for the same things as me..
    You attack where you have overwhelming numbers, and you flee when facing even numbers.

    Blackweb, you want to keep denying it, but its true..
    Maybe it doesn't happen under your watch.. but it is what PHX is known for..
    I would check with your SL/PL because this is what happens when I run into PHX..

    You want a video of PHX sitting in a 250xp cap with 30 tanks for no reason? Oh wait.. I did that twice already..
    Do I need to make one of a PHX platoon retreating from "enemies squads" to regroup at the warpgate to drop on "enemies detected"?

    If I waste my time tonight to record this, and you see it for yourself, will you make an effort to fix it?
    I am tired of seeing NC personal and equipment wasted fighting enemies detected.. If your a platoon, find a platoon(s) to fight..
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  5. Snow Sheltie

    Is it overkill to capture a small empty base utilizing a platoon? What benefits exist for that? Regrouping the platoon before a major objective or battle? Perhaps it is on the way and you need to feed the troops some certs in a dull part of the map? Perhaps (such as on Amerish) that the objective sits on the only route to an objective? Maybe nearby enemy platoons force a platoon to stay together to avoid being overwhelmed? There are other tactical reasons to "ghost cap" smaller, outlying facilities in force. A commander who's led a number of operations with a platoon at his disposal would recognize this.

    LibertyRevolution, I know you are not part of any outfit, so I think it is safe for me to say you never had to lead a platoon or two into battle, nor spend most of a fight with your screen glued to the map. You never had to plan ahead to determine where a platoon should go, and I believe it is safe for me to say you never had to convince a squadron of raw recruits or newbies affiliated only by the color of their uniform to move and act as a single unit. I believe it is safe to say you have a naive perspective about strategy in this game as well as leading troops due to your relative lack of experience leading in this game.
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  6. LibertyRevolution

    I have wasted many hours as PL for a major outfit on jeagers.. I know its herding cats..
    I also know that to sit in a tank for 5mins for 250xp is a waste of time and resources of 30 tanks.
  7. Blackweb

    You keep lying and I will keep telling the truth. How am I as the leader of PHX supposed to keep up with who comes and goes from my 1300+ member outfit?

    Do you think that how we run a recruiting platoon is the same as the way that we would run a trained outfit platoon?

    Would you expect the PuGs who join our recruiting platoons to react as well to orders given them as trained outfit members?

    Join PHX, I wont even kick you from the outfit and attend our basic training session Saturday at 5 PM CST. It is opposing force (OPFOR) training against our most experienced players playing TR or VS. You must be on TeamSpeak 3 to participate. Until you do that, you will never understand PHX. As I always say in training....

    The veteran members of our OPFOR team will not hold back on you. I have seen six members of our OPFOR training team take out two full squads of raw recruits. Time to put up or shut up. Lets see if you can handle PHX basic training. :mad:
  8. Blackweb

    I guess you didn't get your video. Your ignorance of basic military leadership amuses me. The fact is, as I have said before and I will say again, I have more PlanetSide leadership experience than any other outfit leader on Waterson. That does not mean that there are not some very good outfit leaders on Waterson. In fact there are some very good outfit leaders here. Weatherford and Andrewofdoom to name two I know personally. I will admit that I have learned a lot by watching how other outfit leaders, friend and foe lead their troops. I would be a fool to ignore them. You on the other hand are a different story. I think that it is safe to say that you have nothing to teach me about outfit leadership. PHX does not need to fix what you think, in your ignorance of basic military leadership is a problem.

    Now let me school you on some basic military doctrine. The application of overwhelming force at the point of attack is standard military doctrine. One PHX does try to adhere to when necessary. For example, if we have one platoon attacking a base defended by 3 platoons, we cannot hope to overwhelm the entire base so what we do is establish a foothold at a substation and defend it until help arrives. We know what we will outnumber the enemy at a particular substation so that is where we attack.

    PHX frequently uses

    • Rally points (said rally point might be *gasp* an empty low-exp base or even a warp gate) to gather our troops.
    • Recalls to a warpgate to get armor and other vehicles and rally when none is available because our faction does not have a tech plant on the continent.
    • Flanking tactics when faced with overwhelming odds. If outnumbered, go around or flank the enemy. In other words, go where they are not.
    • We always plan and think ahead. Our motto is
    Apparently you resent our high numbers or you foolishly think that high numbers automatically means low quality. Again, you show your ignorance of good military leadership, training and tactics. I think the only way that you can learn is to start your own outfit, recruit and train your own members and if you are successful, you will begin to understand.
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  9. Blackweb

    Ok so lets say that the TR or VS are trying to camp an NC warpgate and most of their forces are focused on defending one hex. You have a large armor and air force that you want to use to break their attempted continent lock. What should you do?

    1. Attack the hex where multiple enemy platoons are waiting for you.
    2. Attack the hex that has only enemies detected.

    I rest my case. Do not presume to lecture me on PlanetSide tactics :rolleyes:
  10. Grizzly-Konried

    We hate you too Vaxx. :) Always a pleasure making your life difficult.

    All kidding aside we, and our members, like that we bring a little something different to Planetside 2.

    As far as we know nobody does what we do. In fact most people don't even know about us on our empire because we're never around them doing our own thing. That's why we're rarely mentioned. But we're glad our enemies know us. And rest assured we know you. ;) We know which groups require...how shall I put it...a little extra attention, perhaps, and which groups make the dramatic mistake of thinking "there's only a few guys at that base...".

    I cannot take credit though. I owe everything to the guys of HoD who work their butts off against uneven numbers. I thank them for being patient and putting up with all the brutality I've subjected them to. And of course I sincerely need to thank the man behind the scenes of HoD who elevates our tactics and strategies to new levels so we can deal with what we do, Mezinov.

    p.s. Tell Scarr he's a marked man.
  11. LibertyRevolution

    Lets see..
    Do I go where there is 18,000XP worth of people and armor to kill, or where there is 500xp worth of people..
    Would my 40 guys rather split 500xp, or 18,000xp...
    My choice is to attack the enemy platoons, a target rich environment means more certs for everyone.
    Yes.. our scrubs going to get slaughtered walking into it.. But I don't care...
    That is what scrubs are for, making the enemy into high threat and extreme menace kills for me to take down.

    I don't care at all about land, or who has what bonus, or any of that metagame you pretend there is.. I play for certs.
    Your playing wrong, you care about land over score, and that is why your players make 3000< score per hour.
    That is why your going to get rolled over and over.. your guys cannot get the tools they need at that score.. it would take months.
    I would have to fallow your platoon for 4 hours to make the same certs I can make in 1 hour with only my repair gun, never firing a shot..

    Your guys don't have all the cool toys, they are too poor to afford them at the cert gain they get playing with your outfit..
    This is why you have to flee from enemy squads with your platoon..

    Blackweb, I'll shoot that video when your not expecting it, when I wont be wasting an hour of my double XP weekend.
  12. Galaxycommand

    There is lots of good small organized outfits on Waterson I recommend finding a small-medium sized outfit, but stay away from Zergfits such as Drev or DVS they are unorganized and just swarm in masses with the zerg
  13. drNovikov

    Have you ever participate in a DVS operation?
  14. LibertyRevolution

    I have ran with DVS, they seem like ok guys, but at primetime they kick people that are not in their outfit..
    I do not understand why outfits do this.. You know that just makes people not like you right?

    I know that pisses me off.. now it is what stuck in my head as who DVS is... them guys that boot people at primetime.

    Proper etiquette is to clear squad name, promote a new squad leader, then leave and reform your outfit only squad.
    Not just kick the guys that been rolling with you for the last hour because its primetime..

    This was my first experience with a waterson outfit...
    "Thanks for playing with us, it is now primetime and we will be starting our outfit only ops, join DVS or you will be kicked".
    Were I come from, on jaegers, people would C4 your gal/sunderer if you locked it.. so this stuff just didn't happen.
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  15. Badname3073

    DVS and DREV are great outfits. They are very numerous, they always come in huge numbers, their players are bad, so everyone can farm them with not much of an effort. I like DVS and DREV.
  16. Dagonlives

    Then you were on a particularly ****** part of Jaeger, because that never happened on the TR. The reason why outfits like DVS kick players during their primetime hours is because that is when they are actually playing seriously for an objective. I can tell you as an outfit that plays for objectives that we do not want random players in our squads during that time.

    I run an outfit because I want like-minded players to enjoy Planetside 2 with. This is why most outfits do not have public squads during main operations, or they at least segregate them into another platoon just for public players (because we all need recruits). This isn't elitism, they did offer you an invitation to join after all.

    You are acting very pretentious for someone who is clearly expressed a different value (kill based play vs objective based play) from most outfits that you happen to be bashing. Truth is, they don't really care what you think. Outfits want like minded players, that is why most operations are outfit only.

    Is there a price for this role of leadership I've taken? Yes. I would be at least 10 battleranks higher than my current 55 with a significantly higher KDR if I was not often in the position of platoon or squad lead, which involves staring at the map often, and personally leading my squad to objectives rather then the nearest farm spot. I get killed looking at the map more often then I do in combat.

    If you cannot find an outfit for the values you seek, go make one. That or just run around tagless.
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  17. LibertyRevolution

    Today I joined a DigiREV squad on esamir, seemed like your typical zergfit.
    After we had capped esamir, orders were given to redeploy to the warpgate and all pull galaxies.
    So I redeploy and then they say the order is to race DVS to smash 40+ gals into the TR warpgate...

    Others were complaining that we should go defend amerish bonus, but they were silenced..
    The order was given to waste 15,000+ air resources in a meaningless show of stupidity to the nonexistent TR that had already fled to amerish...

    I voiced my disgust at how they were wasting all this air when it would be better spent anywhere else..
    I then left the squad and teamed up with a few friends while I watched and recorded this stupidity...


    Meanwhile... we lost the bonus on amerish..
    So after this stupidity, the order was given redeploy to indar.
    After an hour and a half of the typical indar stalemate.. we also lost esamir..

    Way to go NC.. and these are the big outfits that care about land and bonuses???
    DVS at least made an effort to defend esamir, but they couldn't get half their platoon to leave indar..
    I am becoming convinced the NC is hopeless if this is the best that waterson has to offer.
    Playing with waterson NC is going to make me play my VS alt more and more...

    To me, everyone one of them gals they wasted is a lib they didn't pull and 30+kills they lost out on...
    I watched in horror as they just basically threw away 500certs...(oh wait its 1000certs.. its double XP weekend)
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  18. Badname3073

    Oh, that is very strategic. However, I will let my lowly self go back to my lowly infantry deathmatch, which is frowned upon by great strategic minds of Forumside 2.
  19. ({x})Kyoji

    To be fair if you wanted competence you should be in an outfit and probably not spent a lot of time on an alt. I have 2 alts I use purely as spies and recon during operation nights. (oops did I say that aloud?)
  20. Snow Sheltie

    This thread is getting derailed by all this nonsense.

    This is why you are in a personal war against all of the NC outfits. The majority of outfits in this game are not here for cert farming like you. Instead, most outfits are playing to capture and defend territory, defeat the enemy and win, not farm certs at the crown for hours on end.

    By all means, if you want to sit in one area and just farm kills all day long, then that's fine by me. This game doesn't say you cannot farm certs. But do not go bashing outfits because they do not follow your certification farming philosophy.
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