Which is the best faction?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ViruZX8X, Mar 15, 2014.

  1. ViruZX8X


    I wonder which is the best faction?

    I mean which got the best weapons?, best vehicles?

    I personally started as NC i am currently Lvl 18. i did not made any other soldier?

    Shoud i change to some other? or is NC best/good standing compared to others?
  2. Scr1nRusher

    its all personal preference really.
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  3. IamDH

    Try them out. I suggest you reach BR20 for each one until coming to a conclusion

    Not only will you know which one to stick with, you'll also know their weaknesses
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  4. phreec

    They're all good in competent hands. NC is a bit worse off "early game" but has some of the strongest "late game" gear IMO.
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  5. ViruZX8X

    I spam with what?, i am new here i have no idea what i did
  6. doombro

    It changes every month or two. At the moment, you're fine.
  7. ViruZX8X

    aha, my friends are NC to and they keep crying about that NC have the worst weapons and that TR and VS have just so better weapons

    But they dont wanna switch to another faction because of they high rank and they 2000+ cerks
  8. Runegrace

    All factions have plus and minuses, not to mention the community for factions on different servers can be different as well. Otherwise the game is going to largely play the same regardless of faction.

    Pay special attention to the Empire Specific items, such as Main Battle Tanks and MAX units. Whichever seems the most interesting to you to use might determine which faction would suit you best.
  9. IamDH

    Not you sorry. I was referring to others

    I'll edit it out. I apologise
  10. AltF4Fun

    You didnt do anything wrong.Its a forumside thing;)
  11. Paperlamp

    NC has the best infantry weapons so if you want to play infantry you're set.

    Vehicles it's more of a toss up and dependent on play style. Main Battle Tank wise Magrider is the most mobile/evasive and can get into absurd spots to farm infantry, Prowler has the most sheer firepower and can farm infantry the best without the positioning advantage of the Magrider in play at least, and Vanguard is the most durable and strongest against other vehicles while not being as good at dealing with infantry.

    ESFs(the fighter plane things), NC's reaver has the air hammer which is a great/fun weapon, VS' Scythe is the best at killing other air planes in dogfights, TR's is the fastest for getting around in. I'm sure there are some more nuanced differences, not a pilot myself though.
  12. ViruZX8X

    thx. I mostly only Play infiltrator and Light assault.

    I like to fly, and go behind enemies and i like sniping.

    I think NC have the best sniper if we talk about Railjack right?

    I am thinking about to buy 1000 station cash to get it, 1000 cerks is not easy, i am only at 300
  13. Aesir

    Long term speaking ... the balance always shifts. One balance update VS have something OP, the other NC/TR.

    The issue behind the current NC is that some weapons/vehicles need a lot of certs and/or experience to make them work.

    As an example, the NC HA starter LMG NC6 SAW or better known as the God SAW isn't ideal to start out, it pretty much requires the adv. forward grip, a controlled trigger finger and positioning to really work. Making it a highly situational weapon, but in those situations it's just so damn good in the right hands.

    NC currently have the best diversion in their Infantry Arsenal, they got long range and CQC weapons, aswell as very good allround weapons. Problem is that a new Player doesn't really have access to that wide arsenal unless you spent SC, which I wouldn't recommend if you are still unsure about your faction.

    You probably should chose your faction by style/theme/conviction and stick to it ... the "best" weapon/vehicle can change within the brink of a balance patch ...
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  14. Runegrace

    NC have some very distinct weapons that reward positioning, though in the proper hands each faction's gear is very capable. Don't be afraid to try some alts, as if nothing else you can just hop on for a minute each day to collect daily certs with them. Do that for a month and you can play with some of the empire-specific items.
  15. IamDH

    Lol i dont think you will be very pleased with flying just this early. I'm not trying to down-talk you or something, it has a very high skill ceiling and will take a large amount of certs to get on the same level as others. I suggest you spend some time on the ground then move up to the sky
  16. VengeanceD

    The red people will never be mentioned on this topic.
  17. ViruZX8X

    What do u mean?
    Well I get really annoyed when i am a heavy assault and i know if i fly up on that roof top i can get 5 kills with out the enemy sees me.

    Thats why i changed to play as Light assault instead of heavy because the fly utility..
    I personally think that TR looks the sexiest...
  18. phreec

    Your friends aren't very well informed then. If they want more TR/VS like weapons they should look into purchasing some of the high RoF weapons for each class.

    Medic: Carnage AR or GR-22 (both are 250 certs I think)
    LA/Engineer: GD-7F (1000 certs)
    HA: GD-22S (100 certs) or Anchor (1000 certs)
    Or just get the Blitz SMG (it unlocks for all classes)
  19. Chipay

    TR has an average KPU that's roughly 100% higher than NC's since PU02's balance pass, Yet they're the lease played faction.
    While NC has the lowest average KPU, but is the most played faction.

    People play what they perceive as best, what fits their style, not what is actually the most "rewarding".
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  20. SpcFarlen

    4th faction. They are the 1% that win every alert.