When will Mossy and Reaver get adjusted to get on the same level as Scythe?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Merlock, May 24, 2014.

  1. Emotitron

    This is incorrect.
  2. Rhumald

    No it is not.
  3. repinSniper

    All I have to say here is:

    Just take a look at relative profile hitbox sizes. Now take a look at bullet velocities.

    Larger hitbox ESFs with slower velocity projectiles vs. smaller hitbox ESFs with faster velocity projectiles

    This does not make sense at all when you put it in perspective. Yes you may argue about vertical thrust or afterburners, yaw rates or top speeds; but these make very little difference when it comes to actual capabilities to land shots effectively. You may also argue that certain weapons hit harder or kill faster or any other topic we can come up with. The fact is though for most part, that comparable noseguns were standardized with TTKs some time ago. So the fact that one is using a Hailstorm compared to a Vortek or a Needler compared to a Mustang makes no true difference in TTK when shots land (feel free to correct me if I am mistaken, but I have some handy, objective reference material to rely on here :p). When what matters is not vehicle performance but total accuracy and ease to hit when it comes to lining up a shot, at this time these two factors are the most critical determinant when it comes to if your shots will hit or not when the shooter has a bead.

    The idea of giving a larger sized ESF slower average velocities is a major handicap and clearly favors the other ESF. The design focus of the aircrafts have severely impacted this balance due to hard hitting weapons having slower velocities while more accurate faster firing weapons have faster velocities. Due to the fact that there is no difference in comparative TTKs, this logic is now, at this point in time, flawed heavily. Don't get me wrong, skilled pilots can overcome this handicap, but on average, most pilots will struggle compared to their counterparts due to this hitbox size to bullet velocity relation (if you can't hit the broad side of a Bio Dome already, sorry this probably doesn't apply to you :p; but if you can, it holds relevance)

    If needed there are many relevant informational outlets that can be shown here to prove a point or put things into a clearer perspective, but proving a point is not the point here at all. The goal here is define the concept of Hitbox size vs. Projectile Velocities in terms of ESFs.

    Until there is a solution that relieves this discrepancy (and not just a swap VS TR and NC projectile velocities or swap the hitbox sizes solution) there will be a clear glaring issue with actual performance that can be obtained with each vehicle. When they dropped the damage per second on the Reaver main guns, there was a goal to normalize TTKs. With this change came an obvious void though, the neglect to this topic has become obvious to many individuals and now is being brought to light. This topic may not be well understood or the reception to this viewpoint may generate controversy, but this is an issue that is very hard to poke holes into and shoot down due to the glaring aspect of its nature (by taking an objective look at this topic).

    Sure this may have little effect to many individuals or to certain circumstances, but that still does not mean it should not be fully investigated and "fixed" or solutions proposed to alleviate the inconsistencies.

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  4. minhalexus

    But with populations balancing out fairly well on American east servers at least.

    I would say that SOE avoids messing around with not so important changes in this game.
    People switch factions for the smallest of things.

    They might over-buff the mossie and reaver and cause a huge population imbalance. To fix the population imbalance they will nerf the overpop faction a bit and we will be back to square one with a different case this time.
  5. IamnotAmazing

    my source:here I do this all the time, you should try binding pitch to a key and that should help, but you shouldn't get out pitched just because they're in a different esf
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  6. Flag

    The Reaver still has an edge at DPS, but it's not as big as it once was.
    It also has a higher AB speed, which allows it to close the distance better than the other two.

    Mosquito has more bullets, and can afford to miss more than the other two ESFs.
    Has the highest cruise speed and smallest frame.

    Scythe is middle of the road on cruise speed, no advantage with AB speed.
    Highest velocity nose gun, also accurate.

    All rotaries do more damage up close than the default guns.

    Oh I don't know, seems fine to me.

    Personally, I do prefer flying the Reaver.
  7. repinSniper

  8. Merlock

    mossy doesn't need a buff, scythe needs an adjustment or mossy AND reaver needs a buff
  9. Rhumald

    This doesnt' change the fact that I notice the difference.

    Combine that with our much larger airframe, compared to the smaller and much harder to hit airframes of both the other craft (from all directions), and our regular flight speed, and you can understand why I, and the NC in particular, feel shafted.
  10. Flag

    No I can't. Adjusted over time while factoring in the stronger AB you do not fall behind the other two. So while your cruise speed is slower, your on demand burst is stronger.

    Give some, lose some.
  11. Rhumald

    that only adds up if you're running the fuel storage in your secondary slot though, you're not telling me you expect every NC pilot to do without a secondary just to break par are you?
  12. Flag

    No, but even without it the difference isn't that big. And the Reaver still maintains the on demand advantage.
    + the aforementioned stronger vert thrust. Are you going to say that one doesn't matter either?
  13. WycliffSlim

    To OP. You're wrong.

    In a 1v1 controlled hover fight. Yes, the Scythe is the best.

    However, on live server that happens extremely rarely.

    Reavers are actually the best ESF's for group fights because of their ability to hit extremely hard in an ambush.

    Mossies fall somewhere inbetween and have the advantage of having a tiny profile from every angle.

    Maybe you THINK you're getting out turned, etc by pilots using an OP ESF but the truth is, they're just better than you. Deal with it.

    You've got pilots from all factions with thousands of ESF kills each telling you that the ESF's are pretty well balanced under 99% of live circumstances. They each have their advantages and disadvantages and if you don't play to your strengths you won't do as well as people who do. Learn what your ESF is good at. Reavers are absurdly good at ganking. Practice positioning and staying close to your target. A reaver will win a straight up hit trade against any ESF.

    >inb4 you're VS and biased.
    I have more kills with the Vortek alone on my alt NC character than you have with your Reaver.
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  14. IamnotAmazing

    I really can't, the maneuverability test have a margin of error, they may be different but you won't notice or have an advantage, also not all of them disadvantage the reaver

    your hitbox sucks

    your dps is great

    i'm sorry if you don't like your advantages use a scythe
  15. Rhumald

    The point of an ambush craft is to hit and run, without the ability to outrun it's opponents, it fails at the final crucial step.

    Vertical thrust wasn't mentioned until you just mentioned it, but no, in all honesty it doesn't play to the reaver's strengths. It's usefull in a 1V1 dogfight, but the maneuver it facilitates is not by any means a huge plus, nor is it really used in 98% of skirmishes, because they don't call for it.

    Any of the other ESFs can perform the maneuver, they just need to perform a tighter turn to use it, which would explain why they have a higher pitch rate IMO, but that fact actually plays out as a disadvantage to the NC pilot, because the entire point of the maneuver is to bring your arms to bear, and keep them on the target, without falling out of the sky, and anyone skilled enough to perform the maneuver will have an easier time keeping their weapons on target with the other two factions, simply due to the higher pitch rate.
  16. Flag

    Then make sure you're good enough and kill them.

    You don't even know your own vehicle's strong points?
    Really? It looks to me that you're dismissing every advantage the reaver has as "insignificant" here. How about you try the scythe (and mosquito) for a while, and see how "OP" the scythe really is.
    Which is to say not in the slightest in a live environment.
    At the end of the day, the skill of the pilot matters more than the 'minor' differences between the ESFs.

    Besides the shape of the craft, the points they differ on are acceleration(which includes air brakes and gravity) and top speeds.
    Not pitch, not yaw and not roll.

    So yeah, if you think the Scythe is so good, reroll for a while and use it.
  17. TheBand1t

  18. Flag

    ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

    On a serious note, so far not a single one of the usual suspects local sky knights have come out supporting this thread.
    But whatever.
  19. Hoki

    My mossie feels fatter when face to face with scythe.

    I just mean the shape, it's like trying to shoot a flat line.

    Whatever. EAT COYOTES
  20. Flag

    Yeah shape doesn't matter for lock-ons and flak.

    Funny how that works, ey?