What's your stance on outfits that invite you out of the blue?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dark Pulse, Jan 14, 2014.

  1. Seuchensaal

    First time: [N] for No
    Second time: /ignore
  2. Gustavo M

    "Start like a random, end like a random". That's all I have to say about this.
    There is, actually. Search for "[AutoRefuse]" in your UserOptions.ini, and change GuildInvitation to 1.
    • Up x 2
  3. Midnightmare

    I totally think they are all part of MLG! with sutch firm recruiting standards!
  4. Gav7x

    I dont have a problem with them, is better to have noobs in a zergfit then running around doing God knows what, thats why in waterson we need PHX/VDRS/380-ODAM-ODMN
  5. BraSS

    I wont take random outfit invites but I dont mind squad invites, if they have direction and are doing fun stuff ill stick around but if they are boring me ill just leave and continue on my way, no harm done. Zergfits are a vital part of the game imo and so are the stricter smaller outfits whos policies are well above the norm. Both can be fun to play in/against and bring different dynamics to the game.
  6. Dark Pulse

    I definitely do join up on random squads if invited, since generally anyone will do better if they're hanging with a squad.

    Of course, if I detect things have fallen apart or the battle is clearly heading to the meatgrinder, that's when I get out of there.
  7. DrunkenDoughnuts

    Lol, this happens to me all the time. I just ignore the annoying blinking "K" button on my screen now because if I decline the invite for squad they just troll me endlessly.
  8. JudgeDeath

    We invite people that enjoyed playing with us in the public platoons. Recruitment ad is done By PL in pl voice chat. That way we only get people who actually listen to stuff ingame.

    No blind invites, would be pointless.
  9. LtSqueak

    Same here. Well sorta. I run with an outfit inside of an outfit (56th/CIK on Connery), and our overall outfit only recruits from the platoons we run. And the only thing you have to do after running in the platoon is go make a 2 minute account on the forum and post one message saying you would like to join. No questions, no interviews. The leaders actively keep up with who has been playing so they know if someone is worth while.
    The inner outfit only recruits from the general outfit and we have a trial period because of how we run our squads. We run a very rapid response group, so if you can't keep up and follow orders to the letter we just keep you in the general outfit section.

    Yeah, it's a weird arrangement that probably isn't seen hardly ever.