What's with the chat censor?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by HiroProtagonist, Dec 7, 2012.

  1. HiroProtagonist

    First, I'd like to apologize in advance if this is the wrong place to post this, but I wasn't sure where exactly this post should fit.

    I was just wondering why the in-game chat censor is so draconian. I was trying to type the word "congratulations" in chat, and it was censored, along with every abbreviation and/or variation of the word that I could think of.

    I understand why you would want to censor offensive language, but this seems ridiculous.
  2. UltimatePowa

    If you type the racist term for African Americans it spells "Cantaloupe."

    I have censorship removed in the options and it still censors thing; I don't understand it either.
  3. Meyer

    or you can hit /profanity to remove the censor if you like
  4. TheBloodEagle

    you can also take the filter off in the settings although that doesn't help others see what you wrote because the filter is nonsensical
  5. Mansen

    No you can't - it doesn't completely remove the censoring. It also only fixes it on your side. Ever tried mentioning Sungrey AMP station ingame?
  6. IceMobsterrr

    Necromancer 101.
    Seriously, what is with so many censored words despite removing the tick on "filter profanity"?
    I can't write certain words in my language simply because anything even remotely resembling the censored word is censored.