What Heavy NC gun

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by lolitank, Jul 3, 2013.

  1. revin

    What about the Warden ?
    I gave it a trial, and seemed to be lil more "easy" to use, even just thru the iron sight's, i was getting better mid-range shots hit.

    Would it be a "better" weapon for HA and Engineer??
  2. Kodaa

    Nope, it's bad. You can occasionally off people at long range, but most of the time they'll just hide before you can get the 5 hits required to down them.

    Honestly, I don't see the point in weapons designed for long range combat. CQC is what matters. In most medium-long range situations, your opponents aren't even firing back. They're running from point A to point B, and you're trying to kill them before they reach cover. You're probably not the only one shooting at them if you marked them like you should have, so they're most likely dead meat. Having a Gauss SAW or a Warden MIGHT win you the killing blow, but is it really worth having a weapon that MIGHT net you a few extra killing blows at range when you're hardly in any danger, but will completely fail you and get you slaughtered in CQC where you're actually getting shot at? In my opinion, no. I don't really like using a Cyclone as a HA, but I get plenty of kills/assists at range with it, and it saves my life in CQC. I wish NC had better options for a CQC LMG.
  3. Bennybones

    Gauss Saw. All ranges, all situations. Best LMG in the game as far as I'm concerned (though there's plenty of discussions about that). I will say, the SMG with 167 damage (cyclone I think) has been absolutely astonishingly awesome as well, for me. But I'd still take the Gauss Saw. I hear the Jackhammer is pretty good these days to, I see quite a lot of people shooting me in the face with it quite successfully so there must be something to it.

    I would also recommend Adrenaline shield over resist shield. Resist is better in theory in terms of the amount of damage soaked up. However, you're far less likely to be able to get the full effect of it and with adrenaline shield you're capable of quickly getting your shield back up again. Then it's a matter of flak vs nanoweave. I've always run with flak because I find myself being exploded around every corner in this damn game. So with that in mind, I can't say much about nanoweave. But one of those two surely!
    • Up x 3
  4. KnightCole

    Lol my nc6 still works fine. I evev broke out a stock saw on my medic n it didnt disappoint. My ha nc6 still works. I notice nothing.
  5. Psykmoe

    PS2 has weaker vertical recoil than other shooters, unless you literally cannot move your mouse downward, vertical recoil doesn't make a gun bad.

    The SAW is effective at ranges where other empires resort to 652rpm LMGs (or 698rpm for the SVA-88) and the SAW does more damage than all of these, and more damage than all 167dmg LMGs that are not NC. It is on par with the Em6 and Anchor.

    Sure it does less damage than the Carv, Orion and MSW-R, but out ranges them also.

    The SAW and EM6 are unique among long range LMGs in their damage output. Which one of those you like more is personal preference. But other empires have long range guns that do less damage.

    The beauty of our LMG selection is that there's something for all preferences among our 167 damage guns.

    SAW too clunky for you? Try the EM6, loses a bit range but the same sustained damage and loses a bit less accuracy during ADS movement. Also can take exmags for 200 bullet short/mid range hilarity.

    EM6 just slightly too wobbly or bullets too slow? SAW S has a better recoil pattern, higher velocity out of the box, reloads a bit faster and can use SPA to prop you up in short/mid range to make up for the lower rpm to some extend. Bonus: Only costs 250 certs, still does better damage than 652rpm/143dmg long range guns.

    Or are you a compulsive reloader and move a lot during ADS? Try the GD-22S, which has solid hipfire out of the box, very controllable horizontal pull and reloads fairly quick due to having a smaller 50 round mag. Great mid range weapon. Also, least accuracy loss during ADS movement of our LMGs. Bonus: only costs 100 certs.

    Or maybe you want something with tighter hipfire? Anchor has your back. Same reduced accuracy loss during ADS movement as GD-22S, but pulls sideways a lot harsher, so more annoying at mid range despite higher velocity, but tied with SAW/EM6 for damage output, takes SPA to do more damage in the 10-25 meter bracket, takes Adv. Laser. Very slightly slower reload than GD-22S, but still fairly fast. Our best CQC and short range ADS LMG. Negative: Our only LMG that still costs 1000 certs.

    That's what I mean. They all have something solid going for them, and there's a huge amount of room for personal preference, especially on a class that can run nanoweave 5 and resist shield so having 577rpm instead of 600 is pretty small potatoes when you can last so long

    I have no experience with the EM1, but some people like it, so that's cool. I was just talking 167 damage LMGs anyway.

    We admittedly do have a 750rpm/143dmg shaped hole in our selection, but I guess you can't have everything. On the other hand, the Jackhammer is awesome these days, and the Cyclone is also good if you must have a dedicated CQC weapon.

    For a really mobile mid range option, the NS-15M brings 0.75x ADS speed, the low accuracy loss during ADS movement of the Anchor/GD-22S and a really fast reload. Damage is slightly anemic but putting bullets on target is hilariously easy.

    I generally reject claims that any one gun is objectively the best since subjective preference always plays a big role in actual field performance.

    I love the NC HA selection.
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  6. Epic High Five

    I like how the SMGs gave us high speed, low damage options but the TR/VS still lack our variety in beastly high damage guns.

    NC supremacy!

    Also exmags+HVA is the ONLY way to run the EM6 now by the way. It's too bad at anything but being a limitless Rambo fun time gun, but it excels at that. What's better than 167 damage rounds at 600rpm? How about never having to stop firing them?
  7. KnightCole

    I run x2 comp hg on my em6. I **** with it.

    Em6 is very versatile ad the desc says
  8. KnightCole

    Yes psykmoe. I agree with u. Nc ha has a good selection of guns
    Other factions have like 6 guns but thdy all suck cuz theu are 652rpm143dmg.

    Only750rpm is good for 143dmg guns

    And the 577-600rpm. That xtra23 rpm is the differnece betwwen life n deth. It does make a huge difference.
  9. Epic High Five

    Sorry, I didn't include the silencer. I tend to play my EM6 as an up close Rambo infinite ammo gun, so staying invisible on the minimap is wonderful for extending kill streaks. The HVA is generally a bad choice, but in this case with the ****** base velocity+drop in velocity from the suppressor, it's good for extending it's range and not suffering from the SMG's windsock-trajectory problems.

    How to EM6 (one way): xmags/2x/suppressor/HVA. Point cursor at enemy, hold down LMB. While holding LMB, tap spacebar if they seem to be onto you. Collect certs.

    It's too jerky for me at mid-long ranges to justify the lower damage output. SAW S is good for that though, considering it's less a SAW and more a "SAW and EM6 had a baby"

    Unless that 23rpm loss means you get better accuracy and a noob tube ala the Gauss Rifle and Gauss Rifle S :)

    But yeah unless the slower gun is considerably more accurate in this case, it'll be a pretty poor choice.
  10. Messaiga

    Considering he made this about 20 days ago I think he already picked a weapon. Still, the weapons that fit your description are the Gauss SAW, or the EM6, or the Cyclone. If you're looking for a shotgun the Jackhammer will work.
  11. UNSCSpartan051

    I said it alot and will say it again . EM6 is king of NC LMGs. With a Forward Grip, Comp, 2x and HV ammo, all your foes will be going down at any range. The TTK is more consistent due to the higher ROF that doesn't penalize you as much as the SAW, and 100 rounds of 167 dmg is good enough for everyone. The initial low velocity is remedied with 100 certs and a small recoil increase that will be negated by the Compensator. With proper burst firing, facists and fetishists alike will go down >80 m because of the high damage.
    The SAW performs even better at the >60m role due to 200 dmg, but the moving CoF is crazy. If you are moving and Shooting with the Gauss, you can't hit the USS Enterprise parked 20 meters in front of you. The EM6 has a more reasonable CoF moving, and its CoF standing is only slightly worse. The ability to do >15 round bursts is an added plus over the SAW. Limit yourself to 10 rounds with the SAW. The SAW is good for countersniping, long range engagements AKA situations that allow you to stand stock still and not make it suicide. Never stand still. I love the SAW in its niche, but it is a niche weapon, not the Godly weapon that forumsiders make it to be. The EM6 is a jack of all trades, master of none. Suffice to say it will not let you down in any situation. You might wish to have a better gun, but the EM6 will perform that task resonably well. The TTK is actually the same as the Gauss, with only a very very small diffrence that changes every 10 meters.
  12. TheTreeness

  13. drill_sarge

    I don't get it why everyone is always suggesting the EM6 as "the best" NC LMG. It's just mediocre at everything. If you want medium to long range stick with the saw. If you want short to mid range go with the EM1.

    The EM6 doesn't do very good in all of this scenarios. You can try to slap on laser to get better hip fire indoors but EM1 is better at this even without attachments.You can slap grip on it for longer ranges. Just use the SAW + grip and it is much better than the EM6.

    Not sure about the fire mode switch - I haven't used it once, not holding down the trigger all the time does the same.
    I think you can't have a weapon which handles all situations, you need different ones for each. In my opinion there is no reason to get the EM6. Just get a LMG for shot-mid ranges like the EM1 and for the rest use default SAW.
  14. Psykmoe

    Heh. And telling someone that our least damaging LMG is a short range option doesn't make you stop and go "Hm, maybe the EM1 isn't that great when every other faction has a 143dmg LMG with an extra 100rpm, better hipfire, less accuracy loss when ADSing, less vertical recoil, and less first shot recoil modifier?"

    The EM1 has sufficiently bad base hipfire that it does not beat an Orion with standard laser. The MSW-R and Anchor both have more damage, better starting hipfire, and lose less accuracy when moving in ADS. EM1 has the same base hipfire as EM6, only a better laser.

    The only thing the EM1 has going for it over Anchor is magazine size and costing a quarter of the certs.

    Meanwhile, the MSW-R only costs 100 certs to buy and kicks both their *****. Oh well.

    It is of course fine if the gun works well for you, but in the interest of full disclosure, it is only fair to tell prospective buyer that the EM1 is A) One of the least damaging guns you can put an Adv. Laser and SPA on and B) The worst 652rpm/143dmg LMG for ADSing due to accuracy loss when moving, high recoil, and high first shot recoil modifier.

    I'd also like the point out that the GD-22S has sufficiently good hipfire stats to only need a standard laser to equal the EM1, and does more damage than it even without SPA, AND it has a better recoil pattern for short-mid range, AND, relative to its bullet damage, better recoil and better first shot recoil. AND it loses less accuracy when moving in ADS. Again, equal or better than the EM1 at everything but magazine size, only costs 100 certs. 577rpm/167dmg still not that great up close but at least better than 652/143.

    The EM1 doesn't just do bad damages, it handles, in my opinion unnecessarily, worse than other CQC guns, AND worse than other 652/143 LMGs. Compare it to the Polaris, which is the same idiotic design of putting Adv. Laser and SPA on a gun with bottom tier damage, but at least the Polaris has base hipfire as good as you'd expect and better recoil stats for ADSing. Loses less accuracy during ADS movement as well. Straight upgrade at everything but reload speed. No exmag option though.

    I want to like the EM1 for its nice model and I think it sounds good but it's just poorly designed.
  15. IronTyrant

    The GD-22s is a good at medium range and can handle short and long ranges to some extent, has very good hip fire and controllable recoil making it easy to land bullets, though looking at it at the la1 anchor it is basically just a cheaper version of the anchor, so it depends how much you want to spend, you can get the GD-22s for practically nothing or buy the slightly better LA1 for a steep price, If you want more information here my review for the GD-22s:
  16. KnightCole

    Gd22 is a good one. But once u go em6 u dont go back. I used my gd last time i played but went bak to em after i lost a few fights my em woulda won with its xtra rof. And it came through again. I ♥EM6
  17. Goretzu

    For an engi it has some niche use.

    For a HA I can't see why you wouldn't just use an NC6 SAW or EM6 at the ranges a Warden is useful (or in Infiltrator).
  18. revin

    Thank you all for the information !! I'm gonna go bck thru it bit more tourogh asap.
    So I got the EM6, it see's pretty good, but went ahead and ****** out the Big SAW.
    OMG it's a BEAST. HV ammo, Adv grip, compensater, and 4 scopes.
    Like the 3.4 red dot pretty much, the 6x is nice finding that hidden sniper after 4-5 times getting taken out lol
    I also love takeing out the small aircraft's!!!!, but i' getting more used to HA now, but really miss Max'ing!!!!
    I wish they would fix them!! :(
  19. Unclematos7

    EM1. Don't think about it just do it.
  20. lilleAllan

    TR spy detected