What happened NC on Waterson? lol...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ReconTeemo, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. AtheistPeace

    I believe that in the next update or so they'll make it to where if you have less than 15% territory then you'll lose the continent, I'm not 100% sure on this, I think I saw this somewhere

    Good luck holding Indar then TR :)
  2. Yerk

    Are you talking about alerts? Check the TR-Vanu borders during alerts, you'll see practically no activities. This has been happening since the beginning, there's nothing new! Next!

    As for the Ceres. If you think Ceres is hard to attack (LOL), then attacking Indar Bay from the north is 5x harder. There's a bridge connection where the TR are waiting with broken Strikers, OP Fractures and Prowler HE spam. Not to mention the constantly strafing superfast mosquitoes LOL.
  3. zib1911

    HaHa its because are weapons are OP ok kid. If anything its because of lattice, after GU11 we can talk again, maybe by then common sense might punch you in the face.
  4. Phrygen

    its not impressive when you have clear pop advantages
  5. Yerk


    TR Philosophy: We rather have VS win than NC win. Don't let NC win alerts.
    VS Philosophy: We rather have TR win than NC win. Don't let NC win alerts.
    NC Philosophy: Screw you both! LOL

    TR refuse to attack unless they have a swarm of armor and aircrafts. The Vanu rather cap empty bases than fight. Last week the TR had 45% on a Esamir alert. NC has 31%. We are getting pushed to the warpgate by TR. While the Vanu are winning by a landslide. LOL. We are used to this.

    The newbies sees this stuff and they switch to the NC which they as the players fighting harder. Hence you'll see NC population bump here and there. Do you see this happening in the majority of other servers where the NC can't keep up being bottom-rung underpowered?

    As for the "alliance". The NC leadership are afraid to call it in Orders channel because they will get shouted at and embarassed. The NC and Vanu just happen to have the same objective attacking from different directions. When NC and Vanu do meet, they obliterate each other.

    Yesterday, NC was warpgating the Vanu. The Vanu stacked all the troops to push us back. The rest of the NC is at Hvar pushing further shout. We had to abandon the east because Orders channel were asking for help. We pushed and captured the 2 adjacent TR warpgate territories. The south one was the last. What do I see? Vanu is attacking NC from Peris, while the rest of the Vanu are backcapping all the way to Mao Tech Plant and J08 crater. LOL Their plan as usual is to cap the continent as soon the TR cap is gone. That's what they did before.

    If NC and Vanu are in an alliance, your cap would be gone in first try because 66%>>>33%. And the day before that happens, TR was literally less than 2 minutes away from losing the cap when NC finally got hold of Indar Bay. What did the Vanu do? They abandoned Ceres for the Tech Plant alert. While Indar bay was about to fall in 80 seconds, Ceres was going to the Tr in 36s. And the Vanu? They were all the way up to our Mao Tech plant. Again, LMAO.
  6. Yerk

    Huh? It's the TR who refuse to fight outside of their tanks and mossies? It's always retreat when they face something like the Biolab. On top of that, the Striker shoots through obstacles and even the Waterson TR has long acknowledged the Fracture will get a nerf eventually.

    And Ha, you're threatening NC with GU11? Who's benefitting the most from tanks and ESFs? :eek:
  7. Flobldyfloo

    NC Waterson lost the cap Indar alert today by going after 2 Biolabs at the same time instead of outposts in the late stages of the alert (with 30 min to go NC was winning). TR and VS both were taking outposts and both went right past NC in Indar hold %

    Not a single word was said on the orders channel about the large numbers of NC pushing extremely slow to capture Biolabs with under 30 minutes to go in the alert. Well played....
  8. chrisbeebops

    Pretty much. After we pushed the NC away from Rashnu there was maybe 1 squad defending Howling Pass and 1 squad defending The Crown. All the rest of the NC were at Saurva biofarm fighting the TR.

    Waterson NC love their biofarms more than anything else on the map and will completely disregard all other objectives as long as they can stack up a biofarm with as many MAXs as possible.
  9. AssaultPig

    Vanu and NC have 'cooperated' a couple times to try and break the TR indar cap. It usually ends in hilarious fashion as the NC shell the vanu who are attempting to take ceres.

    also is the new thing to talk ish about the overpopulated faction because they lost one alert out of the last ten?
  10. IamDH

    You saw it on the "GU11 landing soon" post by higby
    It is true
    • Up x 1
  11. Flobldyfloo

    The earlier alert loss today will be nothing compared to the thrashing the NC is taking now, we held all but 2 Biolabs at the start of the alert, we will be lucky to have 2 when it ends. I'm new to the game and have a 20ish NC char but I think I'm going to delete it and reroll, I just kind of picked my faction at random, what luck to have picked the spectacularly dumb one :D
  12. Shanther

    It has nothing to do with losing one alert of out some random number. It is the way in which you lost the alert.
  13. LevonVeldspar

    I played for about a month after launch, and didn't start again until last month and I gotta say the difference in the NC Waterson vibe is unbelievable. We were a bad joke at launch but now we're scrappy and sloppy and winning our share of the fights we start.:D Obviously its mostly due to rebalancing, updates and additions, but its cool to see how the populations have gelled and taken on mass personalities.
  14. LGhost1904

    We just DOMINATED a bio lab alert... I didn't even think that was possible for any faction on any server at any time with any population advantage since they are so defend-able... Shocked me
  15. cwcriner

    Mostly, it's cause 3/4s of any given make up of command chat is at each others thoughts right now.
  16. ReconTeemo

    No just no, exact opposite. How can we TR not focus you if you focus us first? NC just ignored the VS, and went for us right off the bat. Don't worry, this coming update will make NC happy. :p
  17. ReconTeemo

    lewl, most of the time the reason NC win, is because TR is pinned down on Indar(both constantly double teaming for hours). Saving our bonus > alert.
  18. Yoda

    and on my server NC have indar, despite a vast TR overpop... goes to show
  19. LGhost1904

    Good luck keeping it after tomorrow :p
  20. Accuser

    We held out against (much of) the VS and NC working together to break our lock for weeks. It was great seeing the entire empire return to Indar for an epic last stand at our final territory.

    Going to be pretty silly when we control 3 territories and still lose the lock. Kind of ruins the excitement of it, since it'll be so easy for locks to be broken in non-peak hours. It'll just shift around from empire to empire nightly without any real meaning.

    But that last time it had meaning, the TR owned it. And it was good.