We need to have a Talk about infantry AV ranges.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, Jul 27, 2014.

  1. WTSherman

    Actually, G2G lock-ons were nerfed a long time ago to have exactly 300m of lock range.

    They still have slightly longer range than the Phoenix because the Phoenix usually conks out around 295m, plus it also loses distance from turning so if you actually want to use cover its range is closer to 250-ish.

    One problem though is that in a lot of situations, getting under 300m is really too close for comfort. It's not that hard for a vehicle with a decent level of zoom to lob a kill shot at that distance, and we can't make it hard because vehicles need to be able to fight base defenses and each other without exposing themselves to C4 fairies (plus our tanks already feel like they're armed with catapults).

    An ideal solution of course would be to have a longer render distance, then give tanks optics and decent velocities that can return fire at those longer ranges after they manage to locate them. The time spent searching (scoping out a distant spot with high magnification takes longer than spotting a bright blue/red guy 200m-300m away) is the infantry's opportunity to take cover. Unfortunately our engine seems to have problems with long render distances.
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  2. Fenrisk

    If you don't have any forces or infantry within 300m of your target what business do you have taking that position or arguing that tanks are under-powered?


    Phoenix rockets are the biggest issue for ground armour approaching a position. VS and TR are forced to send a lot of infantry in when facing NC as are armours stuck hiding behind complete cover due to the Phoenix spam.
  3. Flashtirade

    For ground vehicles, I think the lock-on ranges are okay. It's the AV turrets and occasional Lancers that really grind my gears.
  4. Scr1nRusher

    what....what logic is your argumentative point?

    1) I never said tanks are under powered.

    2) Also Phoenix rockets only have a max range of 300 meters :) If you didn't Know.

    3) This relates to battles in general

    Infantry AV range is abusable because of how the game engine works.

    If infantry AV range was 300 meters(the infantry render distance in the game engine) things would be balanced.

    Both sides can see where eachother are.
  5. Scr1nRusher

    The Lancer(and vortex) have a effective range of 600m

    thats double the infantry render distance in the game.

    Engineer AV turrets have 450 meters of range..... thats 150 meters over infantry render distance
  6. Inex

  7. Scr1nRusher

  8. Fenrisk

    Your complaining about not being able to target infantry in your tank when approaching a enemy position. The Phoenix prevents you targeting NC heavys as they are hitting you from complete cover.

    No things would not be balanced at 300m because NC have the Phoenix. You would need to delete that a long with the render distance change.
  9. Inex

    The last reply on that one was Thursday. Really, I'm more surprised you didn't.
  10. UberBonisseur

    inb4 Eliteeskimo making a post about how tanks suck
  11. Captain Kid

    even while they can't SEE the infantry they can still shell the crap out of them and much further range then infantry can damage them.

    Lets do a trade. AV weapons do not go further then 300 meters BUT vehicle weapons don't go further then 300 meters as well against infantry.
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  12. Alarox

    No, they either outright kill you or lock down most of the battle and force you to sit behind a rock.
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  13. Crayv

    Lets also increases the velocity of dumbfires so they have an effective range of 300 meters.
  14. Alarox

    If you literally do not know what you are talking about, then just don't talk.

    Sorry, but this is blatant misinformation.

    You can not hit what doesn't render. Infantry render up to a maximum of 300m, vehicles render up to a maximum of ~1000m. Infantry AV is 300m for lock-ons and the Phoenix, I believe 400 for the Ravens, 450 for the AV turret, and beyond that for everything else.
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  15. Fenrisk

    Sounds like NC and VS every time we face Phoenix spamming NC. Other then the fact you force us behind a rock within 300m / render distance.
  16. Scr1nRusher

    Alarox knows what he is talking about.

    Hes is one of the best tankers in the game.
  17. Fenrisk

    The turret renders and can be blown up killing the infantry behind it.
  18. Scr1nRusher

    The turret has a render distance of 300 meters.

    Because even thought the person inside it makes the turret count as a vehicle.... its still a infantry in the games render engine.

    And will you please stop trying to derail this thread with your Phoenix QQ?
  19. Hatesphere

    well it kinda already works that way for tanks in the game, if infantry is past 300m you can not damage them even if you hit their exact location, since they do not render they can not be damaged.

    in reality this is only an issue with AV mana turrets and things like lancers. dumb fires are pretty much a joke at 300m, and if you can make that shot on a moving target then I think its fair.
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  20. Alarox

    I'd rather be threatened by infantry at 300m rather than shut down at 400+.
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