VS Warp Gate Greifing

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ThaPhreak, Feb 28, 2013.

  1. ThaPhreak

    can we PLEASE get some SERIOUS actions made in the warpgate, i for one am sick of these immature douchers flipping and striking aerospace EQ as you leave to warp gate. they just laugh at you "go ahead report me" cause they know SOE won't do anything! I know I've reported a few and they are still there days later wrecking peoples aerospace! it's to the point where you can't even spawn anything besides a sythe and even then they try to wreck you or pin you to the ground. It's bad enough the NC are OP across the board and can warp gate vs and tr at the same time with less numbers, now the few resources we DO get these ***hats ruin cause we can't even SPAWN!!!!! SOE DO SOMETHING!!
  2. Hael

    What faction/server are you, out of curiosity. As a Mattherson NC I have yet to be warpgate griefed outside of the (roughly) weekly attempt to block the exits with turrets
  3. Solo Phoenix

    On Woodman the NC griefers aren't even that organised. They just block the front entrance, forgetting the side doors. Sadly, the Woodman NC don't seem to realise the side doors exist either...
  4. ImInvisible

    i am playing NC and can say that NC is the first time of ps2 not op.
    Its the first time that NC has power like it should be.
    You got now a equal enemy.
    All days you could hear words like "poor NC" or something like "you want XP fight the NC haha".
    thats over
  5. Agent 47

    They don't do insta-ban, they need to confirm if the report is not false. But sometimes i get you, somethings are obvious but they still need to see it in action i guess. I have several reports on the same exploiters and these people are still doing it, not sure if any warning is issued. A video proof would help speed things i guess?
  6. ThaPhreak

    VS on
    thanks for showing us you favored faction... and yes they are OP but of course you don't think so cause you are enjoying the buff. but when i pump 2 lock on's into a reaver and 3 clips over 50% hit and it just starts smoking and i get hit by 1 lock on and like 10 rounds of that rotary i blow up... that's OP. forget about the faction buff that;s just OP. I can understand 2 lock ons and a whole clip plus a little of another cause of faction buff but 1 and 1... or just 2 clips of rotary(guessing its a clip size cause they stop long enough to reload). same goes with lib's i can forget about killing a lib with a sythe, but a reaver can mow down a lib in no time flat. I'm no ace pilot but i know the damage delt is vastly different, just from first hand experience.

    back to the real subject.... VS on SolTech must get flipped twice a day atleast when i have other places to spawn, more if i'm stuck spawning @ warp gate, when we regroup or taking 5 from the action i can count atleast 2-3 people crashing lib's and galaxy's and yea they love to try and block the door, i laugh when people complain... i'm like... side door? the stairs? jump over it? lol

    what do they expect us to do stand in spawn all day recording video with the half functioning record option? i don't pay to play admin.
    maybe they should get in the game and watch for themselves... ?
  7. DankFist

    Drugs are bad mm'kay.
    • Up x 1
  8. Solo Phoenix

    As far as I am aware, everyone's A2A missiles are functionally identical. The TR and NC actually get the same weapon, whereas the VS get a more plasma-y version. It takes all 35 rounds of a standard Vortek Rotary magazine to kill an ESF, and in my experience as a Reaver pilot, it takes 3 A2A missiles to down an ESF.

    I would happily swap out my Vortek Rotary for the standard Scythe Saron. I love that thing.
  9. ImInvisible

    only energizer and chips, O(P)key :)

    ehhhhhh what?
    do you know what i am playing with VS and TR? mostly AA!
    i know exactly whats about AA and the reaver.
    Reaver that you cant kill are mostly certed up.
    Next time when you cant kill a reaver use the chat and ask them about the reaver, NC guys are fine :)

    trolling awayyyyyy.....
  10. Sinoby

    You should not have added the part about NC being OP. No the thread will be completely sidetracked. (Just to clarify - pretty much all ESF weapons are equal, stop making up stories. No ESF will survive 2 a2am and 3 clips from rotary with 50% hit. There is no way cert up ESF in such way either.)
    To the point - I would suggest recording a video and create a ticket on those guys.
  11. ThaPhreak

    again this is about the griefing in the warpgate, not how the nc wants to keep op.
  12. ThaPhreak

    yea i see that lol

    oh and if a reaver can't take 2 a2a and a full clip of the turbo with all hit (guessing 3 clips with misses = 1 clip) grab a sythe and go out there and see for yourself. hell i'll give you mine
  13. ThaPhreak

    really? i thought it to be lacking, and was told to get the turbo... i'll have to give it another shot
  14. ThaPhreak

    4 words... turbo laser is crap lol
  15. Solo Phoenix

    The time to kill against other air isn't as quick as the Hailstorm or Vortek, assuming all the shots hit for both, but that full auto accuracy is just wonderful when you compare it to anything available for the Reaver. I'd swap for your Photon Pods too...hell, just give me the whole Scythe, it looks cooler anyway :p

    I have a Vanu alt that exists almost purely to fly Scythes :p
  16. ThaPhreak

    TRAITOR! ....help..ful...traitor >.> lol
  17. ThaPhreak

    the rotary still needs nerf'd. i can still get killed with 1 extended clip. :p
  18. Morpholine

    And then there are the doors on the roof.
  19. ThaPhreak

    yea i just seen a side door at the top level also, and btw they still flipping lib's and gal's non stop in warpgate, seems SoE don't care
  20. ThaPhreak

    The newest tactic of griefers is to collide with your aircraft when you land on the refill pads in warp gate and get out to repair. destroying your aircraft in the process. I see SoE is more concerned about making money, and spamming messages about how they are looking for hackers not about handling griefers who also ruin the experience for it's PAID members. record a video of it you say? can't record a video of these infantile morons, why? because the games recording feature! bugged of course! (use 3rd party software you say? can't! the game's not optimized enough to allow anything to run in the background unless you own a BRAND NEW computer) I would complain directly to sony but after contacting customer support on a completely different matter i discover they just use scripted responses and usually don't even read the message in it's entirety. [ halfway through a sentence - "oh he/she is having this problem or that problem" - (opens word doc, highlight scripted general response, copy, paste) ignores the rest of the message - clicks reply ] took several reply's like this to find out if you don't buy a SPECIFIC card from gamestop (which is not available at all game stop locations) you do NOT get a ns11 and you do NOT get your monthly SC, but if you buy a sc card from wal-mart (which i spent an hour looking at every card rack and did not find) you can get your monthly sc with a station cash card. if it wasn't for the fact i have invested time and money into this game i would just leave, seems to me they get you by the wallet then laugh at you!