[VIDEO] If you're not aiming for the head, you're doing it wrong.

Discussion in 'Heavy Assault' started by Visigodo, Nov 29, 2013.

  1. Jogido

    aim for the crotch and let it ride up to the face!
  2. TheTreeness

    **** and I thought I had a high HSK, how come your KPM/K/D doesn't match your skill?
    Screwing around? K/D is suffering because of your positioning skills?
  3. Visigodo

    First battlefield-esque game. My main is the character I learned the game on. Came from years of Quake and died thousands of times to vehicles etc. Also low kpm from going AFK for hours often in the warpgate for alert xp.

    My infantry only k/d on stats.dasanfall.com is 4.27844 and rising. Most of the time in game these days I'm between 5-7 k/d. I prefer smaller fights where I can take advantage of 120fps on my 120hz monitor, since I'm used to locked 125fps from Quake.

    For something more statistically representative, my Waterson alt is where you want to look.
  4. PastalavistaBB

    It makes you feel bad when you hear that there are people in this game who actually can play it on 120 fps while the majority is happy when it doesn't drop below 20 fps. Off course it's not just the fps that makes him play like this, but I'm sure his gameplay would be worsen much with an average of 20-25 fps.
  5. TheTreeness

    120HZ worth it? Using 60hz at the moment.
  6. umbrellapower

    SAW is a piece of crap while moving, but I guarantee that OP could do just as well with the Anchor. OK, possibly not the same due to how amazing the Orion is, but extremely close. :D

    And with the coming changes to NW, the Anchor will be a very juicy choice for players like him who do go for headshots.
  7. TheKhopesh

    Oh, I've gone +120 to 11 as a medic against several squads with my friend Spyre0 (Playing engie) as my only backup.

    There's simply no accounting for bad/new players.

    That said, when going up against someone who is on par with your skills, the NC will lose 9 times out of 10.

    The NC are very nearly balanced, but we have that tiiiiny margin at which we fall short.
    In a game where you can flat-out kill someone in 0.1 to 0.2 seconds (Depending on the weapon) start to finish, that little margin is more than enough to consistently lose.
  8. Badname0192

    They had a MAX and a few Engineers at the end, seems you did a nice job of stirring up the baddies.
  9. KnightCole

    Ugh, MAX are so damn annoying.....the sign of true desperation is a MAX pull.....

    I pull the MAX on my TR, but mostly when its a sizeable fight. And as a last ditch defense effort...or when I just wanna troll.

    I feel like a total dickless cheese of a noob doing so, but the dakka is fun....

    So yeah, I am guilty of desperation....last minute troll max pull...
  10. Badname0192

    You watch waaay too many movies.
  11. SinerAthin

    Be a teamplayer! Throw away your ego!

    Got the resources? Pull a MAX and wreak havoc!

    This is a combined arms game and not a duel sim, after all :p
  12. Alopix

    Damn, that's amazing. For someone who isn't a long-time hardcore vet of some other game, looking to develop some skill, this is really encouraging to see what's possible. I just finally realized how ****** my "GAMING LASER!!!1" mouse was, and switched to a much lower DPI optical, so I've got that going for me now. I feel like headshots are possible to aim for instead of just random now that I have something closer to pixel hardware accuracy. Now to grind out the mistakes and muscle memory.
  13. Visigodo

    I just switched from a laser mouse back to optical and the difference is huge. Laser mice, depending on sensor, have either horrendous input lag, built in acceleration or poor tracking.
  14. KnightCole

    Laser mouse? As in wireless? I know I had a wireless, hated the thing with a passion.
  15. MrEclectic

    No, he is referring to sensor.
  16. hawken is better

    Great vid, it has inspired me (seriously).

    I've got a question for you: are there any weapons from the opposing factions that you fear/respect? Weapons that make you think twice when going up against a player that's using them?
  17. oherror

    pretty much...course is use the MCG so i tend to center fire on it. Or i use an auto shot gun that aiming isn't as necessary at zero distance.
  18. Eyeklops

    Yes. If you have the hardware to push greater than 75fps you will notice it.
  19. Eyeklops

    MX518 4life.
    • Up x 1
  20. Eyeklops

    Nice vid Visi.