Vehicle Weapon Stat Challenge Tracking?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ashlander, Feb 18, 2013.

  1. Ashlander

    Hey guys,
    recently been playing a bunch in the Liberator, and to get the feel for it over the mossie ive been flying it alot on amerish and esamir and just blowing up turrets at enemy bases that are empty for practice. I noticed that I am getting medals for kills with the Tank Buster and Dalton on my Lib, I can see them pop up from time to time when im killing these empty turrets. I have even seen the bonus certs awarded for a few of them.

    Long story short, I cant find where to track the specific weapons kill amounts (and accuracy etc) under the stats page of the character window. I can find my kills for the liberator overall (which only tracks player kills fyi) but i cant find anything for the specific weapons themselves, even though I know that they have related challenges and cert rewards.