[Suggestion] Vanu 'No Bullet Drop' should apply to all weapons, including sniper rifles

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Myka, Apr 12, 2013.

  1. moriarrr-ceres

  2. moriarrr-ceres

    We all imagine what happen when we give no bullet drop on VS slugs
    "Hell this guy use a shotgun with slug!!!!!ZOMG!!!! All go whining on the forum and they will nerf their bullet speed to compensate!!....Oh wait....
  3. Mxiter

    I'll lauth when
    parallax MV will be at 350m/sec but will have no drop.
    Magrider main gun at 100-150m/sec but will have no drop.

    VS would finally have them such desired traits at the cost of velocity.
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  4. Lemposs

    Sure... Can we also get an auto run in a circle button, so that I can actually rest my fingers if I need to linger for 1 second.

    I mean, it would likely mean the VS would be completely useless since all the cool kids would want that sweet low risk sniping, but this is just silly and quite frankly completely devoid of the slightest balancing.
  5. Booface

    If you want a bolt-action bullet drop sniper rifle with no drop, use the PhaseShift. It's appropriately awful to compensate for the fact that aiming with it is point-n-click. In the meantime, anybody who cares about using a decent weapon will continue compensating for drop.

    Maybe when they add faction specific shotguns, something similarly terrible will be introduced for Vanus who don't like aiming.
  6. Arsonix

    Btw just pointing out that VS BA snipers in general just get treated like they're rubbish anyways.

    The VS animation takes up the entire center of the screen so it blocks whatever you were aiming at from you view. When the TR had the same problem with their bolt action animation they complained about it and got the NC animation put on their guns. Now they have nothing to complain about.

    So TR gets to laugh about never having to see this again.

    While VS are still suck with this fat load.
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  7. The_Blazing

    It's sad that people can't think past the COD/BF4 logic of "Bolt action = high drop otherwise unbalanced" that modern military shooters have flooded the industry with.

    Who the hell cares about balancing through bullet drop?? Balance it in another way. Do you want PS2 to be a unique game or "BF4 but bigger"?

    The same goes for all other VS weapons that have bullet drop "because balance". Balance them in another way.
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  8. Hatesphere

    since when has cod had bullet drop....
  9. AlterEgo

    Admit it, the old TR BA sniper reload animation was the best in the game. Just the way the animation looked... it was flawless and beautiful:p
  10. Peebuddy

    Look, Vanu HAD a no drop sniper rifle. It was called the pump action shotgun with slugs.

    It was so abused it only took two weeks before Sony nerfed it. TWO WEEKS!! From someone who took 6 months to nerf ZoEs and 1 month for original valcons.

    That's saying something
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  11. VikingKong

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  12. Matt879

    As a VS player I have to disagree. The magrider has situations where it's better, the prowler and vanguard have those too. You seem to exaggerate the bad things about VS while ignoring the good things, while also ignoring some of the negative traits the TR and NC have. Yes, our faction specific trait is absolute garbage and might make a difference once every thousand kills, and yes the NC and TR have a more noticable faction trait that does offer advantages. But I'd say that in general the factions are fairly balanced atm, I wouldn't say that anything really sticks out to me currently as being noticeably OP, nor does one stick out to me as being terrible compared to the others in general.
    Of course then there's the people that cry to remove the no-bullet drop trait from all VS guns because they think it's OP in its current state, now those people I'd like to throw into the auger hole.
  13. Ballto21

    the **** are you smoking the phaseshift is awesome

    but yeah i agree, bulletdrop plays such a small roll in sniping as is since we only need to compensate one mildot with the top tier BASR
  14. WTSherman


    Someone went all the way back to 2013 to necro this thread. :p
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  15. battlegoose

    Actually it took like a year and a half before they decided to throw the nerf bat by adding bullet drop. I believe it was last December when they put drop on it.

    BASR's are one of the FEW guns where you DON'T want faction flavors added. You want EVERYONE to have the EXACT same thing because anything less is completely imbalanced.
  16. Meeka

    As someone who plays Vanu as well, ABSOLUTELY NOT.

    Are you trying to ruin this game, or what?
  17. AlterEgo

    Then what magical trait should we receive? If SOE decides to release all VS weapons with their own traits (pros and cons), then I'd be happy. Sadly, we are stuck with frozen fish models that seem to sipher TR traits, without being unique themselves, unlike the Lasher, which is the only real alien weapon we have.
  18. Meeka

    Just because a faction has a 'trait' doesn't mean all of its weapons should have that trait.
    Traits are not shared across every weapon; just the majority of them.

    In fact, the VS bullet drop and recharge mechanics make the the ONLY faction that does really have its own unique trait for a large number of weapons. It's the TR and NC that are missing a very faction specific trait.
  19. AlterEgo

    A trait is something unique that other factions do not have. Example:
    NC having more high-damage tier weapons.
    TR having, on average, higher rate of fire weapons.
    VS having... well, better recoil? I'll admit, we have that. But consider this:
    Better recoil? Because last time I checked, NC has the least horizontal recoil of any faction, which is the hard recoil to master. The VS and the TR have the same amount of horizontal recoil, only the VS has a few weapons that win the controllability competition. Well, that's it. I'll admit, my last post was overwhelmingly biased, and so is this one (apologies:oops:). Point is, I would love to see more rail guns, I would love to see more dakka, and if the VS trait was just receiving very unconventional weapons that were experimental in nature, I would be one happy little son of an accursed alien.
  20. Booface

    Did something change about the PhaseShift? I remember it having terrible velocity (like ~500 in semi-auto and even less in bolt-action mode), only OHKs on headshouts out to about 200m, a charge time that while admittedly quick is still a detriment, and a fire rate that is effectively a fraction of the other bolt actions.

    If you can make that work for you then that's amazing, but I think you'd be better off sniping with a crossbow or maybe harsh language.