V10 medal

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by BeanSidhe, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. BeanSidhe

    I see medals for kills with other weapons, but not for the V10. Am I missing something? Will they be available later? Lately I've been using it more and loving it. Kills are worth more than medals of course, but it would be nice to get some extra certs or whatever comes with higher level medals.
  2. ST4LK3R

    I think it's a bug because I can see mine and kill count to next medal/award. Go Profile>Stats>Weapon tab>Rifles. it's not there? Probably you didn't notice the first 2 medals and you are already on your way to the 3rd one. 1k kill is not that fast to get.
  3. Helwyr

    It's under "Orbit" for the V10
  4. BeanSidhe

    Thanks. I see it now.