Upcoming Tank and Liberator Changes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kevmo, Jun 6, 2014.

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  1. Flag

    Time for a true ELI5 post:

    Imagine if you had 5 balls.
    There are 15 holes, each able to hold one ball. Placing a ball in a hole enables that "kit", but only as long as the ball remains there.
    Pick 5 out of 15 things.

    Then you can switch between those 5 "at will", but the other 10 are unavailable short of a re-spec.

    *Not an exact representation of PS1 character choices.
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  2. PKfire

    And the re-spec was relatively slow. Like one point at a time.

    Actual specialization was pretty cool.
  3. LT_Latency

    So then you are stuck as certain things. And will never have access to other things. Unless you spend money/certs(respec)

    I still like being able to be anything I want. Forcing you to only be a subset limits the diversity of play styles available to you.

    The other guy is just doesn't make any sense when he talks
  4. Ranik

    Haha, thanks for posting this. That's a simple way of putting it. Want to guess he basically just says something like "But I don't want to be restricted from choosing what I can play at any given time!"

    Restriction creates roles. Without restriction PS2 instantly became impossible to actually balance. Every single PS1 vet called the devs out on this during beta.

    More like once cert group at a time. IE: a flash would be 2 certs back out of 20 something. Or an MBT would be 5-6 certs back etc etc.
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  5. Ranik

    Called it. :rolleyes:
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  6. LT_Latency

    Why limit me?? How does that make the game better??

    I switch constantly based on what I think my team needs and what I want to do. Playing only one things is foolishness.
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  7. PKfire

    It wasn't just one thing, but several.
  8. Ranik

    Even casual games like TF2 and League of Legends understand that too much of one thing or being able to instantly and unrestrictedly change to X to counter Y cheapens gameplay.

    You want to be catered to. And by having PS2 cater to people like you? They have made the game worse. And you lack the capacity to understand that. Funny that. But I'm done derailing this thread by feeding your inability to understand :D
  9. LT_Latency

    Well i switch between alot.

    I play every single infantry class (with many different weapon setups for each class), MBT, Hassaer(before the nerf), sundy, and mossie(I suck bad at fly but still like to try for fun) and MAX.
  10. PKfire

    To be fair, this thread lost its meaning when all the player feedback got brushed aside.
  11. Ranik

    Ah good point actually :)
  12. LT_Latency

    I don't agree. There is nothing wrong with the current game. Just because like only being on thing doesn't make it good for everyone else.

    LoL you can switch to anything you want. You just can't have a hero double on your team.

    You don't have to have restriction on class in TF2 either.
  13. Ranik

    Wrong and wrong.

    You cannot switch which champ you are mid game in LoL.

    And in TF2 many servers use a plugin so you can only have so many of one class to prevent stuff like Medic/Heavy spam.

    Time for me to call it a night it's been a laugh.
  14. PKfire

    In TF2 There are limits on how many of any one class there can be on a team, which ensures diversity. In PS2 (without any kind of restrictions or limiters) if several enemy tanks rolls up, literally ever player has the ability to swap to a AV heavy thus diversity and specialization are negated entirely.
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  15. Flag

    ... So what if you're restricted in that play session? You can always change over time.
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  16. LT_Latency

    You still need to explain why it's better that I can't use any of my load outs when I want to. I don't care about defined roles so if that is your only point I don't agree.

    All other FPS games let you switch when you want as well.

    You can still switch after every single match.

    Yeah, you have to mod the game
  17. LT_Latency

    If you couldn't switch, Everyone would be a HA all the time.

    This is just about....Wahaha the infantry blow up my tank isn't it??
  18. PKfire

    Im not a tanker, so no. :(
  19. LT_Latency

    Well like I said. I play a ton of stuff with many different load outs. If you force me to only pick a few.

    You better believe HA is going to be one of them and it will be for almost all players
  20. Brahma2

    How am I a Lib Gunner? I have 3.5k kills with a tank and 12k with a Harasser... don't call out people when you don't know ****.

    I had no issues ******* up any other tank, running behind enemy lines with a Skyguard. The Skyguard gets a lot of opportunities to shoot at aircraft where normally there would be no threat, and the MBT has cover from its only enemy. They protect each other.

    If you could get your head out of your own *** maybe you would be able to not be so closed minded about things... But I should know to have lower expectations from your sort.

    So nevermind; be a helpless zergling who never makes a real difference in fights, and doesn't know what can, or cannot, be accomplished.
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