Ultimate Empire Fail

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by iLogan, Jan 25, 2013.

  1. MiZrY

    uummm you might want to re-read what he said.....because it obviously flew over your head.... twice
  2. Gavyne

    He mentioned it at the end of the 2nd round, but I don't know details about it, just that he mentioned it during the live stream.
  3. Zeron

    Now they are sending everybody at Bastion? Server crash incoming or 1m view distance?
  4. Gavyne

    Stream's up again by the way, and so far video isn't lagging.
  5. Zeron

    I was wrong, its an interview about how PS2 will be eSports how i have no idea...
  6. Phyr

    I don't know how you'd make this particular game into an esport, logistics aside, the game currently doesn't support something like that.
  7. Gavyne

    Yup they just mentioned "global winner", with a look on all servers.
  8. Momo93

    Who won.
  9. Gavyne

    It's still going, but they flashed the score card of which faction won on all the servers for challenge #1. Challenge #2 right now is "none shall pass", which is to hold the Bastion.

  10. Phyr

    I fought on Soltech during the battle, was fun. Originally was going to fight on Genudine, but it was 73% NC 20 minutes before the event started, so **** that.
  11. Momo93

    Someone said in another thread that the host is a **** star. Is that true? Can someone link evidence :D?
  12. Gavyne

    VS won both first and second challenges.
  13. Momo93

    I am not even surprised.
  14. Gavyne

    Challenge #3: take most control on Amerish.
  15. Momo93

    Thanks for the updates btw, I am too lazy to watch.
  16. Gavyne

    lol I have the stream up on a 2nd monitor while playing the game on the other. But TB just talked some major smack lol, it's quite hilarious.

    Across all servers, VS won both rounds. Will see how it goes for the 3rd.
  17. Koadster

    Just heard on the stream a guy saying "complaining about OP weapons.. please"

    Fagg0t seen the stats?
  18. Momo93

    Wow, you must have a very good connection then, I am from a laptop with crappy connection, I would not be able to do both in once plus I am from EU, I would have terrible ping anyway, and not so many people are on the EU servers at this time because of the different time zone xD.
  19. Phyr

    The burn would have been so much better if they were actually doing any good.
  20. Gavyne

    TR going strong in 3rd round though, but still lots of time to go.