Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dafoose, Nov 23, 2012.

  1. Fugly

    no no, i'm right and you're wrong
  2. Mericulux

  3. Sobieski14

    Dude don't worry, its just a VS troll.
    * The fact that even engineers can engage snipers with carbines is just too funny to pass up.
  4. Blackbird

    I played Infiltrator thru beta and HA after release . Infiltrator totaly sucked I wont even get in to that . As a HA I have emptied clips into NC backs only to have them turn and kill me in 3 shoots . It takes TWO head shoots to kill a NC ( thats a fact as I have shot them while at vehicle spawn terms ) . I have had Van kill me while sprinting across their line of sight in 3 or 4 shots ( must not have any weapon rise must be nice ) . The grounder total sucks you are lucky if you hit 3 out of 10 times ( no flares so dont go there ) . I beleive there is at least 50% difference in damage between Nc and TR which with bullet rise realy ***** the TR .
    I for one will play the TR a small amount of time more ( not long ) hopeing for some changes . If no changes I will go to another of thoose NC or Van heavy servers .
  5. Blackbird

    You are playing a VS ... The whole point is TR weapons are very underpowered .
  6. Blackbird

    I created a NC a couple days ago and YES major OP !!!!!!! Proably end up as NC .
  7. Corruptlol

    You must be dunk
  8. Vetala

    Tried all factions and in my opinion VS are by far the easiest to play no thought required with aiming,then TR and NC are by far the hardest to play,the weapons hit hard but hitting especially from range can be a real pain. I don't like easy mode so decided to go NC
  9. Dafoose

    Yes TR wepons are great if your NC or VS they dont do mutch dmg.
  10. Laoril

    lol he was such in rage he wrote the title in caps and partially :)
    Man you're totally wrong and if you drop cash to win instantly we can guess what type of people you are