[TR-VS-NC] Esamir Operation - Friday, May 31, 7pm-9pm PST

Discussion in 'Connery (US West)' started by SgtCharlesZim, May 27, 2013.

  1. desdicardo

    We doing whale wars at the end again or changing it up?
  2. NietCheese

    For people in Australia that is: Saturday, 1 June 2013 at 12:00:00 Noon AEST
    I'll be on my TR for this one!!
  3. NC_Edacyn

    SKIN will be there.. we have a general members meeting right before so we may be a bit late, but count us in. I will lead our guys there after the meeting.
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  4. Deringer

    I will be on FNO tonight so I will spread the word about this there with a plug at the end.

    I will also talk to LadyShade in 666th to make sure they know about it too.

    I say general dogfight. Trust me dude. Dogfights past a certain amount of people are awesome.
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  6. KrakenDomes

    Enron no longer tentative!!!

    We will be joining up with COLG for the event ^.^
  7. kaptinkrunch88

    How about a MAX dance off? We've been working on our line dancing routine. Oh snap!

    ...I do have a Sound Effects Department :

  9. AuntLou42

    The Forty Deuce will be there.
  10. Blarg20011

    Oh, Zim, it appears you forgot to post this on our website.
  11. Deringer

    I just bumped it on FNO, hopefully we get a good turnout!
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  12. monkeyfetus

    Congrats to VS. That was damned close.
  13. desdicardo

    Thanks to everyone who came out for the op tonight! Really good turnout, especially from the NC. I'm not sure who won, but whoever did, won it with seconds to spare.
  14. SgtCharlesZim

    Big thanks to everyone. As much as it hurts me to say, VS managed to win this by literally seconds. The Traverse bridge cap point was capped by the TR, but not in time to win the op.

    Credit where credit is due: Congratulations VS!

    Regardless of the score, much bigger turn out this time. It was great to see almost even numbers from everyone, even though the server began to lag. I'm not sure about the VS and NC, but TR actually lost over a platoon of people temporarily when a server crashed. It looked like NC had the same problem.

    Next week's op will be up soon! If anyone has an idea they'd like to try, send me a conversation on here or on EXEOutfit.com and I'll see what we can do. Hope to see the same level of turn out again!
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  15. kaptinkrunch88

    TUBB had a great time. I was a little disappointed to see a full platoon of TR holding Sero Listening Post at the start of the op. That's two weeks in a row now that I've seen TR camping the victory point areas before the op. Do we need to get out people up and going 30 minutes before the OP?
  16. SgtCharlesZim

    I'm not sure that was related to the op as that was the front-line of the continent at the time, but I'm fairly certain it was not EXE. Unfortunately, I cannot control what other outfits are doing.

  18. HingleMcCringleberry

    Shout out to the organizer of this event!

    I'm still pretty new to the game, but last night was the most fun I've had on Connery

    Looking forward to the next OP
  19. AuntLou42

    [T42] had a great time! Pretty awesome Gal rush at the end by the NC, some of my guys were in awe.
  20. Deringer

    And what about the HUGE Armor push at Apex Genetics. I've never seen so many Vanguards in one place before! Granted, they got blown up pretty quickly but it was great to see such huge numbers.

    I'll keep mentioning the events on ReachCast to keep the interest high. Kudos to SgtCharlesZim and the rest of EXE for keeping these alive.