[TR] TRG - Highly Organized, Established Outfit

Discussion in 'Connery (US West)' started by Sardus, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. Sardus

  2. TRGobliviion

    ^^ This. Be there! ^^
  3. Sardus

    RAID TONIGHT get yer butts on :)
  4. BigDeezMac

    pretty good - but when things need to get done they call OP4
    • Up x 1
  5. Kioth

    Well when OP4 needs help they call TRG and the enemy seems to disappear.
  6. Sardus

    Check us out on this week's friday night ops!

  7. Sardus

  8. Sardus


    I'll be there :)
  10. Sardus

  11. Sardus

    Raid nights are every monday, wednesday and friday @ 6pm pacific. Tune in at www.twitch.tv/trg_gaming and watch some awesome action unfold
  12. Sardus

  13. kaptinkrunch88

    Epic fight last night at Kawhatee Amp station. Getting Sardus on my kill board is a rare treat. Salute/
  14. Sardus

    Hell yes ^___^
  15. Sardus

  16. Sardus

    Great night tonight and good stream :) www.twitch.tv/trg_gaming

    We are still active and recruiting! We have nearly a full platoon on each night.
  17. Sayl914

    TRG is the place to go if you want to play planetside 2 the way it should be played. Good tactics, excellent support players, skilled in vehicles,air and infantry; Sardus's leadership IS the front of the TR when TRG is on in force. The tenacity of TRG is refreshing when increasingly the game is populated by stat protectors never wanting to take the tough fight and shying away when an enemy attack threatens to hurt their precious TDM gameplay.

    TRG has since the inception of Connery been a force for the TR, join them or watch your base fall to me and mine.

    Platoon Leader/Councillor of Recursion
  18. Sardus

    Thank you for the post Say :D
  19. umbrellapower

    Going to echo Sayl's sentiments: I have only the utmost respect for TRG. While many outfits on Connery look to find the best farm, TRG looks for the toughest fights while having a good time. Highly recommended for any TR looking to join an outfit.

    With that said, I'll see ya guys on the battlefield! :D
  20. taylorac2

    You guys have many players in the Central U.S. time zone? I'm completely new, and thinking about joining you guys.