TR = Hardmode

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by OriginalPodster, Sep 23, 2013.

  1. Czuuk

    My play style is that my aim sucks and the feedback in my nervous system sometimes causes my whole body to jerk when I just want to depress my mouse button finger. ;)
  2. EnviousCipher

    All the LMG's.
    CME, H-V45, Corvus
    Solstice, Serpent

    GD-7F, GD-23
    EM6, GD-22
    Carnage BR, GR-22

    Coming from playing TR as my main, VS weapons are piss easy to control. NC has a few, but for the most part COF bloom hits those harder than VS weapons. The only weapon on NC that i find significanlty "easy" is the Carnage BR.
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  3. Liewec123


    being the faction with the "spray enough bullets and things will probably die" theme makes them the easiest to play,
    add to that the fact that they have alot of easy to use, high reward weapons like Vulcan, Marauder, Fractures, Striker and Anchor+AP/HE and that makes them quite hateable indeed.

    and due to being the easy faction they were already overpopulated on most servers, now with SoE rewarding zergs and punishing underpopped factions more and more people are switching to the easy + rewarding faction, making them even more hateable!

    on ceres tonight they were even trash talking during their tank zerg, it's no wonder Everybody Hates TR.
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  4. Bvenged

    Stole your template.

    What do VS have?

    No bullet drop
    Negligible recoil

    What do NC have?

    OP tank shield
    Scat/hacksaw (useless beyond 10m/30ft)
    Worst DPS thanks to punishing Recoil and slow Rate of Fire
    Steeper learning curve
    Unforgiving gunplay
    No infantry farming guns for Harasser unlike other two factions
    Worst Empire specific Rocket Launcher (slow, cumbersome rocket that's easy to see, shoot down, dodge or simply kill the owner of)
  5. Cougarbrit



    This post is just flippin ridiculous.
  6. Farlion

    I don't get what people find desireable about playing TR.

    The Prowler is alright, but will get destroyed by any Vanguard with shield.
    Our carbines are a complete disaster, as are most of our LMGs compared to the NC/VS counterparts.
    Fractures are good, but so is ZOE and Scatmax.

    Our weapons in general are below par compared to the easymode of VS and the ridiculous damage of the NC.
    But oh well, inb4YOUHAZ40BULLETS
  7. MykeMichail

    1. Weakest in terms of pure armor. It has other strengths.
    2. Extra damage degradation on VS weapons was removed several patches ago. Their's is now equal to TR's across pretty much all weaponry. NC is the only faction which gets its minimum damage range slightly increased - an extra 10 m over TR and VS.
    3. Hip cone of fire bloom for most VS weapons is equal to TR cone of fire bloom. Their ADS cone of fire bloom is also equal to TR's. 2 and 3 combined pretty much means that VS weapons are equivalent to TR weapons in most regards. The biggest difference is that TR weapons generally have a slightly higher rate of fire whilst VS weapons have much quicker reloads and a lower vertical and horizontal recoil in exchange for slightly higher first shot multiplier. First shot multipliers are pretty much insignificant unless you're using a semi-auto or burst fire weapon.
    4. Vortex can engage and kill targets at ranges where even Fractures are difficult to land, especially on moving targets. Whats hilarious about them?
    5. Beamer is pretty much a magshot with a slightly lower damage (167 instead of 200) and faster rate of fire. They're practically identical in terms of TTK. I don't know how this is 'crappy'.
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  8. Zazen

    After maxing out my BR100 NC cert wise I've spent the past month playing VS & TR non-stop. Simply put, TR guns are stupidly easy to use, especially compared to NC. VS guns are easy as well but not to the extent TR ones are.

    One thing that's extremely powerful and often overlooked is that TR get a free extended magazine that stacks with the attachment, which is an ENORMOUS advantage in ALL situations. Compare that with Vanu's no bullet drop which is very situational (rare fights @ 100m+).

    Then there's the TR weapons that all have incredibly low recoil and bloom, especially considering their ubiquitous high fire rate. By comparison, almost every single NC gun kicks like a mule, shoots slow and only a few have a minor damage benefit to partially offset their horrible controllability over their VS or TR counterparts.

    As TR you can drill a guy in the face @ 30m+ without having to burst fire with almost any TR weapon without having to compensate for anything. That alone is just crazy, how the devs can fire an NC gun then fire a TR one and not realize they screwed up balance is beyond comprehension.

    So, in a nutshell, TR are enjoying all of the OP toys, while suffering no appreciable negative consequences for their enhanced traits. That is exactly why they are over-popped right now, Fractures, Strikers, Marauders, Vulcan (on harasser) + the free extended magazine, all are game breakingly broken OP right now. It's just human nature to seek the path of least resistance, so TR is bloated with high pop, not surprising at all.
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  9. gregfox89

    I have to say, the magazine size on the TR guns is pretty awesome. I'm really liking the Trac-5. I also really like the iron sights on it for some reason, even though I hate the VS iron sights. The guns don't feel any harder to use. I only notice bullet drop using my mosquito's rotary at long range, and it's pretty easy to compensate for. I really dislike the Prowler compared to the Magrider but I'm not a tank guy. (but omg, the Vulcan is awesome)
  10. Lamat

    A zoe max can run you down as infantry. I think you have VS blinders on. All MAXs kill you before you can react if you run into them around a corner.
  11. CrashB111

    People call VS easy mode because of the lack of recoil on most of your guns, extremely fast reload speeds, high accuracy, and comparable fire rates to TR weapons.
  12. Lancener

    The only people really qualified to even discuss this are people that have spent a good amount of time playing all 3 factions, So far I've seen about 1 of them in this discussion. From my experience as long as someone has more skill than you it feels like they have overpowered guns, if you can't actually go and dominate with the weapons you're complaining about, don't complain about it.
  13. Bankrotas

    Easy. I suck at them too. 30 shots per battery for low aim players is harder to deal with, since most of VS weapons have high enough rpm to waste shots.
  14. ZanIRA

    Its all very simple TR has the most op weapons but they are not unbeatable but the population makes them unbeatable every weapon of the TR is forgiving meaning if you miss 1 shot of the prowler you can shoot the other and get your target as for the VS all the weapons of them dont have any recoil or very limited the scythe is a very good ESF the magrider is a tank that flies and can go everywhere and as for the NC you really need to know aiming because if you spam the magamize of a EM6 for example you will miss the 80% of your bullets (the recoil of the nc weapons is the biggest in the game of all other weapons) the NC max is the best max for ccc but the low range counters that because we simply can get close enough to kill anything.
  15. Verisimilituder

    Someone can also be good at analyzing something without being good at performing the thing being analyzed.
  16. Xasapis

    The easiest factions to play will always be the ones with the most population, that's a given at any moment in time (or in PS2 history in this case). Most people by default gravitate towards easy mode.

    If a faction of clowns existed that were manning armored pandas and flying unicorns, but their weapons were doing double damage, we'd be swarmed in clowns.

    Guess which faction has been the least populated in the history of PS2. The one most posters call easy mode. Hilarious isn't it?
  17. HerpTheDerp







    F, see me after class
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  18. Being@RT

    CoF bloom is standardized based on rate of fire regardless of faction

    For carbines, LMGs, ARs and SMGs:
    500 ROF = 0.07 CoF bloom per shot
    526-600 = 0.06 CoF bloom per shot
    625+ = 0.05 CoF bloom per shot

    with two exceptions: The GD-7F and AF-4 Cyclone, both of which have 20% more CoF bloom per shot than other weapons with their rate of fire.


    Starting CoF values see the NC have better standing still CoF and worse moving CoF, with VS being the opposite and TR somewhere in the middle, but these are just general trends and do not apply to every weapon or weapon class.

    Fun fact: The NC6 Gauss SAW has worse moving standing ADS CoF than the T7 Mini-Chaingun (although the chaingun blooms faster (because it has so much more fire rate, not per bullet)).
  19. CptFirelord

    Let me find that damn download again.. can never find it when I want to get on.
  20. Aegie

    laughs how everyone throws around anecdotes while there is plenty of data available to rank the factions